Tfw the Uncharted franchise is dead

>tfw the Uncharted franchise is dead
>tfw Naughty Dog is dead
>tfw no more Elena

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Shit, you reminded me how much 4 didn't deliver in terms of story.

Rafe was a great villain desu, but Sam was a boring, dry character, Nadine was so poorly handled and the game left an empty feeling without the supernatural element.

Rafe was the only good thing about the game, I agree.

the UC franchise was never that great anyway.
decent, sure, but I can't see how people are sad.

No big loss

Rafe literally did nothing wrong to anyone.

Uncharted 4 delivered nothing

>loved uncharted 1,2,3 and the vita one
>hate 4

wtf what went wrong with 4? i don't know but doesn't feel the same as the other games

I've played through all 4 Uncharted games just so I can say with authority that they're trash

It delivered great graphics and the best girl ever

>great graphics
>gets btfo by Ubitrashs biggest open world game


>no tits
>man face
>big shoulders
>no hips anymore
>no ass anymore
>she now dress like a man
they ruined her

thisare you guys even trying anymore

Shut up uncharted nigger uncharted killed naughty dog, fuck this shitty series

I don't feel sorry. The NaughtyDog that made Crash Bandicoot is the real NaughtyDog, and that disbanded in 2004/2005.

Nu-NaughtyDog is another SJW infested team.

she also have a moustache now lol

Yeah, he was my favorite new character. They made a great job showing that under his calm demeanor was someone not to be messed with. His "final fight"-look was cool too.

>uncharted franchise is dead
Who the fuck cares? We will never get another good J&D and this trash will always be the series send off.

His quips in the final fight were bretty good. I liked the simple stuff like when Nate tries to be a smart ass at the start and he just cuts him off with "NATE! JUST SHUT UP".

A console doesn't have great LOD. Shocker. The game is still beautiful though.

So you think Uncharted looks better here?

More chloe though

>people nostalgic over uncharted

um, gross

Where do you guys think ND will go next? They've done straight-up silly cartoony games, somewhat serious cartoony games., realistic games with supernatural events, realistic games without supernatural events, super-cereal games with zombies... So what's next for them (besides LOU2)?

Even in normal shots Wildlands looks way better.

>tfw uncharted is dead
Fucking good, Naughty Dog has been clinging onto this shitty movie series for too long.

Yeah, the chemistry between them were great.

Looks like a mexican/gypsie guy with dyed blonde hair.


I won't support that shit when muh diversity is on NaughtyDog's agenda.

Oblivion, hopefully

A husk of their former selves making soulless corpse games. See Bioware for reference.

she's pretty generic. should've made her black.

If this game wasn't SJW infested garbage, Rafe would have fucked Elena

Todd would be furious.

But all joking aside, I kinda see what you mean. They're pretty much a shadow of their former selves and I think that's why people are leaving. Drunkmann is probably going to run ND into the dirty. Unless people keep buying movie game after movie game just cos it's ND.


Wouldn't he be gay then?

>Rafe literally did nothing

Face it, Sup Forums, if one director could come along and destroy Naughty Dog, it wasn't a good company to begin with. Enjoy being DREIDELED.

Good, somebody tell Yoshida and those other fucks to get their asses to work on Ape Escape 4 already.

There would've at least been a kidnapping involved. I can kinda see it.

Rafe kidnaps Elena and takes her on plane into the jungle. He thinks she knows about something that might help him but she doesn't but bullshits. While Rafe gets mad at his subordinates there is a gameplay section where you try to get escape using different distractions. Right as you escape Rafe finds out and chases after you and you have a chase scene where you can't use your hands as they're tied behind your back.

You arrive at a waterfall and jump down it. The fall knocks you out and when you wake up, Rafe's guys are everywhere so you need to find stone or a knife to cut the ropes. You do and fight/sneak your way through. You run into the jungle where you happen to meet with Chloe. She then leads you to Drake after some more fighting.

Who cares Western realistic movie games are shit.

It's kinda sad for someone who grew up with ND. Hopefully they turn things around. Kinda doubt it though.

>write one of gaming histories only works with no narrative dissonance, a completely unique subject matter, executed perfectly
>"filthy jew!"

Oh Sup Forums
you keep disappointing me

Did anyone rip her goddamn model yet so SelfDrilling Screw can do what needs to be done.

Easily the most overrated game series of the last decade. Hand-holding gameplay, corny feel-good protagonists, boring weapons, zero choices. I can't comprehend why anyone enjoys these games.

Sexiest woman in the series and we only get to control her for like 5 minutes...what a shame, her mommy and daddy weren't even home.

why does she keep making that face?

Becuse she is smug

Fucking chill out
nobodies infesting anything

Rafe is the best Uncharted villain..remember Uncharted 3 they made a big deal out of that blonde bitch and you dont even get to kill her yourself...fucking pointless

How is it even possible for someone to be so devilishly sexy?

>>tfw the Uncharted franchise is dead

he's got a great ass

WTF happened to Elena? Everyone looks the same throughout the series except for her in Uncharted 4.

>Uncharted 4 delivered nothing

>Tfw they just finished an extremely well received franchise.
>tfw naughty dog are cooking up a sequel to one Of The most critically appraised games ever.
>Tfw they released a successful crash 1/3 remake.
Desu, they're probably one Of The most successful developers right now.

this is all just dressing
i thought it was gonna be about attention to plot or character...

they had nothing to do with the crash remake

other than the fact they're name is plastered all over the original ?

the original is not the remake

>Tfw they released a successful crash 1/3 remake
activison released the game, vicarious visions made the remake. naughty dog haven't touched anything crash related in 18 years

We were talking about visuals not story now. Why are you so butthurt?

But surely teyd still get some sweet dollar, considering it's their original property right ?

no, activision owns the rights to crash

I didn't get that was what he meant by 'delivered nothing'

hobo ant man


I love this kind of shit but it all falls flat when the gameplay is mediocre. they should have just spent more time refining other parts of the game.


>the gameplay is mediocre.

Really? The gunfight and combat variety was one of the best in third person action shooters. I liked how enemies constantly flank you especially above normal so you are forced to be dynamic and change position unlike in Tomb Raider where it was constant repeat of shoot, cover to heal, shoot, cover to heal, shoot.

Uncharted 4 was good, felt the most like an Indiana Jones films of the series, I liked how the plot was an extended hunt for pirate treasure

Nigga Play TLL
Gunplay is fucking great, It's fast and brutal. Just needs a bit more of it imo

4 was the only good one and Lost Legacy was a step back. Glad to see it go.

Lost Legacy was 4 but good

it really is though. I like how they tried to encourage mobility, but it just clashed too much with the core game design.
>constant repeat of shoot, cover to heal, shoot, cover to heal, shoot.
a lot of fights on the hardest difficulty force you to do this though, because if you try to run at anyone you get gunned down immediately. even when you use the rope to get around.
maybe if it goes on a large sale, I'll give it a try. from what I've seen though I don't see much of difference, albeit I have seen a whole lot. just a small bit of gameplay and trailers.

The story yet again devolved into smart asses wanting to get rich, Sam was demoted to comedy relief and they repeated the train sequence from 2 (and re-used the car chase for the fourth time).

>>tfw no more Elena

>4 was the only good
I thought 4 was the second worst in the series. haven't played lost legacy though.

>Plans to buy the artifact legally
>Drake brothers steal it
>Purchases land to search for treasure legally
>Drake brothers trespass and steal shit from under him
>Hires pmcs to help him find the treasure and protect him
>Drake brothers kill them
>Gets Sam out of prison to help him find the treasure
>Sam backstabs him and tries to get the treasure for himself
>Offers to spare the Drakes brother lives and even give them a share of the treasure

Outside of killing that warden, which didn't make sense (why would you kill the one guy who knows your not actually a prisoner and is your only way out of said prison). Rafe was perfectly reasonable, Sam is the real villain of the game.

That jew cuckmann will now run unchecked

>>tfw the Uncharted franchise is dead
>>tfw Naughty Dog is dead
>>tfw no more Elena

the game was only half as long and 4 and you didn't play as Nathan Drake
seems like a clear improvement to me

It's removing itself from existence

Nathan Drake wasn't just an asshole who wanted to become rich, he was doing it for his brother. Also the gunplay felt tighter (in my opinion), the grappling hook allowed for more mobility around the environments and added an extra layer to platforming and the stealth was actually viable.


>tfw the Uncharted franchise is dead
It should have died with 3.

If you are blind maybe. The jump from Uncharted 2 to Uncharted 3 turned the whole cast into asians. Uncharted 4 fixed everything that Uncharted 3 fucked up, including the character models.

>with 3

3 was shit, the franchise should had died with 2

I never said he was a greedy asshole.
I agree on the combat overall, but I never thought that Uncharted had that great of combat to begin with. I liked the sense of climbing, even though that too wasn't too great, and I liked the indiana jones type of style.
4 felt less like a lighthearted adventure and more of a soap opera drama.

I know you didn't, but he was. And Uncharted being a light hearted adventure is fine, but that's all it is. There's nothing wrong with having more stakes, and 4 still had the same humour.

3 wasnt as bad as 4

I thought the drama meshed badly with drakes personality. I had the same issue with 3, but 4 felt much worse.
you have what's supposed to be this touching scene/urgent development with his family and once it goes to the player he's making quips. it felt like two teams with two different visions of the character drake making the same game.
maybe it could have been written better, but I liked it more when it was just him in dangerous situations trying to solve a mystery. nothing more; nothing less.

Uncharted 3 was ok, but Uncharted 4 was hot garbage and I refuse to touch Lost Legacy because of Nadine. I dunno if Chloe was really ruined since opinions vary though, and that matters a lot more because Chloe > Elena.

what? Uncharted 3 is the worst one

Rafe is easily the best villain in the series. The lack of supernatural didn't bother me at all since it fit in with the tone of the rest of the game

Could you imagine how silly it would be if Nate ended up fighting undead pirates while having a midlife crisis with his wife?


'Drake's Deception' was literally broken on launch and took months to get fixed, It was so broken in fact that they had to have fans of the series come into their studio to help fix the problems. The story is FUCKED Hennig went full retard and made all the characters act completely out of character. 'A Thief's End' had a tough road ahead of it trying to fix every thing that Deception fucked up, and to their credit, they fixed it and then some. I loved the series, but three nearly made me quit buying Naughty Dog's games. Every character was assassinated in that game.

>The lack of supernatural didn't bother me at all since it fit in with the tone of the rest of the game
You have a point. We cant have fun interfere with the boring, bland tone of the game. This is a sophisticated mature game for intelligent gamers, we don't need those videogamey silly supernatural elements.

Now let's get back to using Nate's superhuman strength and endurance to make ridiculous leaps across thousands of legends and have him single handedly mow down millions of trained mercenaries.

This. 3 was awful and I will never understand why people still suck Hennig's dry crusty vagina when it ruined the story and characters.