*blocks your path*
*blocks your path*
thought it was garbage m8
Just started Dead Money recently. Doesn't seem so bad. Enemies are interesting but not overpowered like OWB, NPCs are memorable (Dean is a fucking dick and I can't wait to kill him), weapons seem good. A lot better than Honest Hearts so far.
Ah yes, back when DLC was a nice novelty that only a handful of games put out and it was usually done with effort and inclusive of many features that were not on the disc.
I got stuck in thw clock tower with a 44 and 3 bullets I died about 20 times before raging and coming back the next day and spending 20 more deaths trying to run past took me 4 hours total fuck this dlc
best DLC tho
>great DLC
>could be way more but is limited by the engine / game limitations
The absolute state of Sup Forums.
oh wow!
>Saws your path
desu, i died lots of times there too
not as bad as this user, but remember that i had to reload at least 5-6 times at that spot
my character being built in the absolute worst way for that DLC didnt help either
amazing story but i hate playing it.
really not a fan of the beep beep instant death. i like taking my time.
>what is an expansion
Jesus christ millennials are going to ruin the gaming industry
Would Elijah be able to defeat both the NCR and the Legion, if he survived Dead Money? Army of invulnerable holograms sounds pretty spoopy
Unarmed build?
>takes your inventory
I just run, the ghost are slow as shit, never died once in the entire dlc.
no, unarmed wouldve been quite useful i think, considering all the bear trap fists and spears
iirc, i had shitloads of points mainly charisma/luck/int and barter/speech/etc.basically my combay was terrible aside for some laser weapons and iirc i almost never had enough bullets for the holorifle
did you know you're also a milennial?
I forgot about the bear trap fist.
That build is good for saving that is,
not having to kill the others.
But not yourself
By millenials he means whiny basic bitches.
I simply ignore this DLC if I'm going through a guns or explosives run, there's no point on wasting your time more than once for the story, which i find quite good, but overall it doesn't give you too much in return.
>Want to play a game where I get the best possible ending for everyone
>Pass one of those Dean Domino skill checks
>He hates me forever
>Have to restart DLC if I want to get his good end
Fuck that guy
>Wanting his good end
He was a total piece of shit as a human and he was even worse as a monster
yep, i think i had the best possible ending, saving everyone(even Dean, but i guess i just got lucky, blindly clicking on the correct speech chekcs, since apparently he can get butthurt and attack you even if you pass some of the checks) but probably had to reload 50+ times during the whole playthrough.
Once i got the shotgun in the casion it was a cake tho
Dean's a Fucking faggot, I only spared him once.
No, fuck you leatherman.
Yes, probably. The holograms are just plain broken. A single one of them could wipe out Caesar's camp or any NCR base without repercussions.
What exactly was his problem with Sinclair again?
Dead was alpha
Sinclair was the epitome of a cuck
He was in love with Vera and thought Sinclair was a pompous undeserving douche.
Sinclair was swinging his dick at dean's face, so he swing his dick in sinclair's waifu.
Prove me wrong faggots, I dare you.
Protip: You can't
Yeah every time thereafter I've been rude as hell to him and shot him with extreme pleasure
I guess I never will
I think I passed the explosives check, I don't remember it being very rude but I guess he didn't like it
are the people that hate dead money the same faggots trying this new vegas sucks meme? its by far the best fallout expansion
HH is good for the setting and exploration once, but it has shit replay value and worst plot
Fuck me so close for quints
Just played through this today. I liked it but Honest Hearts is probably my favourite so far. Old World Blues was just ok I suppose. Doing Lonesome road now and its alright but plenty left to do so we'll see.
Anyone else feel really bad for the actress Dean was blackmailing? When I got to the part with the hologram playing her final moments on repeat I got sucker punched in the feels. Its just got worse when I found out she wasn't even abusing chems for fun. Fuck Dean I wish there was a more sadistic way to kill him.
Maybe you shouldn't have been such a fucking Jew to him
I'll never get why people have so much trouble with this DLC. I'm not even a hardcore gamer, but I've played this with both a guns focused Courier as well as one with a focus on melee and unarmed and finished it with no problems.
I'd rather play through Dead Money a dozen times than do OWB even one more time
Sinclair was rich, he wasn't. However Sinclair was also an autist with women, this weakness Dean used with Sinclair's waifu Vera, but Sinclair may be an autist he wasn't stupid and thus from the start he had the Sierra Madre be a tomb for both of them.
owb had shitty, gray setting, annoying characters and cringy plot
too bad that it has the best loot so everyone just end up playing it again anyway
My character is level 50, there's nobody alive that gets to tell me what to do. I will say whatever I want and murder anyone who disagrees with nuclear missiles.
>cringy plot
>plot is about deranged scientists being so dangerous the "antagonist" coligue had to trap them into a recursion loop because he saw what scientific horrors they can create without any repercussions and was so disgusted by what he did he had to erase his own memory.
But hey, I'm not a retarded faggot that goes into an autistic fit after reading "penis tipped feet" joke.
There's nothing more satisfying than beating the shit out of a ghost with their own shitty spears.
i agree with him, romance in games never works, and i say that as someone that somewhat enjoys visual novels
the bioware model where its just shower with compliments/gifts until you can do a fadeout/awkward 'tasteful' animation and then they turn into a zombie with no more shit to say is just godawful
>n-no don't you see
>OWB is actually good because it's d-dark
>you j-j-j-just didn't get it
New Vegas > F3
F3 DLC > New Vegas DLC
didnt even read
>gook cartoon reaction poster
Ahh, I replied to a retard. Take this (you) and fuck off to the 10+ duplicate weeb game threads.
>F3 DLC > New Vegas DLC
Nah, New Vegas DLC were all boring and ugly shit and also irrelevant to main game.
Mainly that Sinclair, despite being a rich capitalist, was a good person, while Dean wasn't.
Sinclair also had this optimism that led him to try anything he wanted, and if he failed he'd take it as either an an experience or as a challenge to try again. He never relented and always saw the bright side of everything.
>end of the world?
>well, I'd better make a nuclear vault in the shape of a casino that puts anything in Vegas to shame and host all my friends and my lover there
Hell, the fact that Sinclair never saw Dean as a rival probably pissed him off even more; after all Dean was invited to the opening of the Sierra Madre.
The key to Dean is never doing or saying ANYTHING that he could take as you thinking you're better than him.
Passing the explosives check makes him think you're not taking him seriously or trying to make him look dumb. Yes, he's that fragile.
Seeing her skeleton up in her room always feels like a kick in my heart's dick. I find it's very easy to empathize with everyone in the story.
Hell, only after many playthroughs did I stumble across Sinclair's skeleton and that just made me feel worse.
nah, its a bait
I HATE Dead Money!
Loved Old World Blues, though.
None of the F3 DLC's were good
Point lookout is overrated
Actually, I think that he turned the vault into a trap after he found out. Vera confessed before he let her know that he was aware of their plan, and that served to forgive them and rush to the vault to deactivate the trap.
He didn't make it.
Actually, the explosives check is a safe one. The one you should look out for is the Barter one.
everything in DM was cool, but that "cloud" concept was retarded
Cloud + ghosts that only stay dead if you dismember them + radios makes it such a fucking slog to play through.
Am i supposed to do honest hearts at low level? I did it with a shit ton of high level gear and the caravan got 1 shot almost instantly and had no chance of surviving with the enemys high level guns. I then killed the tribals and had no one to talk to so I just follow the marker to the guy hanging with the tribals and killed him. Got really confused what I did wrong
Yeah, you should do HH at an earlier level. If you wait too long the tribals will have ridiculously powerful weapons.
Dead money seemed like a good idea with poor execution to me.
"First we're going to have the player be KIDNAPPED by Elijah so they'll start out without all their gear! Then they'll have to navigate through an ABANDONED CITY filled with TOXIC CLOUDS and GHOST PEOPLE that you have to DISMEMBER TO KILL! (totally not ripping off dead space or anything here) They then have to find 3 INTERESTING COMPANIONS to carry out a HEIST OF THE CENTURIES! And at the end they can either DIE or only take some of the GOLD BARS!"
But they forgot to actually make it fun to play so starting out with no gear just means doing low damage until you find the automatic rifle then you can murder everything. The toxic clouds are just damage you're forced to take until you get dean domino and then they're just an annoyance. The ghost people are damage sponges that are easily defeated with ranged weaponry considering they can't sprint and only do melee attacks. I'll admit the companions are at least interesting but dean is an irredeemable asshole (you literally always have to agree with him or he turns on you at the end) and dog/god turns into a suicidal maniac at the end leaving christine as the only companion that doesn't go full retard. Nothing you ever do really makes it feel like you're carrying out a heist because there's never any tension. The choice at the end of the game is neat but there's so many ways to get all the gold without even cheating it's not even funny. 5/10 they tried
nah, i mean plotwise, i didnt mind it as a gameplay mechanic
>dude, the whole world is radiated, lets just invent a toxic cloud on top of that lmao
Your caravan dying is inevitable. You also fucked up because immediately after Follows Chalk appears and he's NOT a hostile tribal but it sounds like you killed him. Common mistake.
Sinclair was too good for his own good. His purity and autistic obsession for his crush Vera and his optimistic view of such a shitty and inhospitable world lead to him suffocating in the cloud underneath his never to be seen again legacy.
Why? The cloud was another innovative idea from Black Isle Studio/Obsidian that breathed in New life for the sci-fi genre along with killer holograms and ghost people, How was it bad?
Not sure if bait, but just in case you really are confused let me explain.
The caravan's death is scripted; there's nothing you can do to save them.
You're supposed to kill the white legs attacking you. Then you go to the bridge where a couple more will be waiting. Now listen; another tribal, the one you killed, is an ally. He will take care of the tribals on his side of the bridge and then interact with you. After that you may proceed with the main quest.
That is, unless you want to get out of the DLC quickly; then you should just kill him.
>i didnt mind it as a gameplay mechanic
Man you've got a lot more patience than me. Then again I played DM in a really bad mood.
>(totally not ripping off dead space or anything here)
Just because an idea has been done before doesn't mean that it's plagiarism, user. The Ghosts are completely different from the necromorphs.
The Ghosts being workers trapped inside their suits was pretty neat
Then OWB does the exact same thing again
Man, I felt so fucking bad for Sinclair. When Dean first told me why he had done everything, I wanted to murder him right there and then. Except I was roleplaying as a bit of a moralfag and it made more sense character wise to let him live.
The caravan people are supposed to die.
You should follow the guy hanging with the tribals, he is friendly.
if anything, Dead Money is mostly inspired by BIoshock
It's still a different kind of body trapped in a suit. Also, ghost are really common; the walking suits are relatively rare. Bedsides, I like the fact that both horrors, so similar in their base, come from the same place.
It's good until the very end
Best DLC there was.
>some players actually liked being cucked by the BoS introduction enough that they actually PAID REAL LIFE MONEY to get a dick-locked DLC
Why would you let the piece of shit live who resumes his life back to New Vegas after waiting 200 years to break into the Sierra Madre to be a dick to the man he fucked with whose been dead 200 years ago. Dean's a fucking cunt and way overdue an ads beating with a beartrap fist.
I wouldn't have said they were ripping dead space off if they just gave a reason as to why they have to dismembered beyond the cloud "changing them". It seems to me like they just wanted the ghost people to be a tad more difficult so they just copied a mechanic from dead space.
To be fair, my character at that point was so beaten down by everything that had transpired for in the DLC as well as in the main game by that point that he just couldn't bring himself to attack someone who was actively trying to kill him and who seemed to hold him in a positive regard.
Actually can anyone clear up why the title card says Dead Money 2 when as far as I can google there wasn't a first dead money dlc? Is this an implication or something, I don't get how it affects the story
I think the Cloud being able to do shit like that makes it even more ominous. I mean, rads can heal ghouls. It's not such a stretch that the Cloud can regenerate even to a greater extent its users.
Beat this DLC last night, I love it.
>Most characters think I care about what's in the Madre, as if it's just a given
>"It's about letting go..."
>trying to tempt me with gold bars when I already piss caps
I just wanted to get the fuck out of there. Letting go was the EASY part.
Sinclair was optimistic.
Seriously. Dean was a complete asshole that couldn't stand to see someone else be happy if he wasn't happy.
The ghost people mutated with their body being one whole organ. Also pockets of the cloud gas are in their body which revive them, you need to dismember them to release this gas and stop them from getting back up because no cloud is able to stay in their body with an opening like a dismembered limb.
It's a skeleton kneeling in prayer, my dude
kek, this
tho, this was the DLC that ive spend the most time exploring, searching for hidden loot and dying, so the ending kinda worked for me and was bit melancholic
>Dead Money 2
>made it out with 7 bars my first time through
>replayed it and made it out with all of them using the dead Elijah trick
Letting go is for fucking cucks. I just spent the whole DLC using some pissant energy weapon that can't fucking kill shit and NOT exploring because the whole DLC is designed to fuck you if you wander around, just give me my fucking caps.
Yeah I found that today on my first go through. Poor Sinclair. From what I gleaned from the game he seemed like a pretty alright guy. Tell me though, how did the Sinclair Vera story compare to the Survivalists story in HH in terms of feels impact for you?
>tfw no new obsidian fallout ever
>tfw the "good" new vegas mods aside from bug fixes are all autistic nonsense that break the game
>it's "retard thinks you can never copy ideas from another work of fiction" episode