What went wrong?

What went wrong?


Kagetsu Tohya was their best game.

FSN was too successful for its own good. It became more profitable to make snip-offs and AU versions than to produce actual original content.

Genuinely agree

They were never good.

They're profitting off of people's fanfiction.

not videogames

They focused on Fate instead of Tsukihime.
Akiha objectively best girl.

nasu doesn't care about writing anymore. FSN brand makes him enough money to be lazy.


Fate spinoffs.

you gave Nasu too much money and enabled him to stop trying.

No French Bread Carnival Phantasm fighting game.

no steam release of Fate/Stay Night or any of the series
Tsukihime remake if it even happens likely won't be on steam either
so enjoy import costs
of course, that's only going wrong for their potential profits but y'know

Nasu doesn't have much to do with it like a lot of people in this thread assume, what happened is that Sony bought TM and Sony fucking loves money. TM is basically a puppet working for Sony and Sony know Fate sells so they don't give a fuck if rehashing content ad-nauseum isn't being well recieved by the old fans of the franchise because it's literally free money.

Thank the jews.

stopped being a porn game company while making even sexier girls


I want to marry this suka

Nothing went wrong. They were always shit.

The mere fact that King Arthur is an underdeveloped 15 year old blonde girl in the setting should've told you that right from the get-go.

>publishes a series about battle royales
>no multiplayer battle royale game

They missed the MOBA craze and now they're going to miss the battle royale craze that PUBG started.

>Implies Fate is their only series

for something to go wrong, there would have had to be something right to begin with.

Closest thing will be the arcade game which will be a Gundam VS/Dissidia type 3v3 game

I will never stop being mad that the Tsukihime remake is vaporware, yet they keep pushing out piles and piles of Fate garbage.

TM is Nasu. Nasu said he would stop writing fate after CCC. Then he came back for FGO because jewbucks. Then he sold the license to anyone willing write for it.

Everything after tsukihime is shit

Could s series witch such a humble origin even hope to have gained a bigger popularity.

They let best girl's voice die.

One of the worst fanbases on earth

Now it is.

I liked their other stuff too, but let's not kid ourselves. We will never get another chapter of Mahoyo, Tsuki remake will come out in 2025 at the earliest and flop, just like Mahoyo did. And any other little side thing that might be interesting (Like DDD) will never get dealt with ever again unless it's for card fodder for Fate GO.

TM became shit way before FGO

Sounds interesting, but I doubt we'll ever see it in the West.

This. Waifufags, powerlevelfags and /tg/ dorks mixed in one unholy matrimony

Just watched the PV. I guess they're finally putting that whale money to good use instead of just lining Nasu's pockets.

I've enjoyed almost everything they put out except Apocrypha so nothing

Retards paying up the ass for mobashit.

I'm one of them please fucking kill me, I regret every damn penny.

they had a good relationship if Miyu, they took her on when she was still a no name actor, unless you were lucky enough to voice Saber though the gesture was never going to get her any more famous to rise above B grade popularity.

I want to marry Saber!


And yet they could not save her ;_;

>Tsukihime remake never
>Tsukihime 2 never
>Kagetsu Tohya sequel never
>new VN in general never

Seriously. I had so much fun with KT. Also Ren footjob is the only nasu h-scene that is fappable.

I'm convinced that Fate GO's fan base is one of the most pathetic and sad ones I've ever seen. They made sure that this series became a generic waifu bait slot machine.

>"B-but I have to get my new Saber face girl...!"
Fuck off. Otaku like this are the worst.

Mobile games are an all-consuming cancer. No IP is safe.

I want to impregnate Hotaru

This is the correct answer.

You're cute user.


>F/SN is about battle royales

ok secondary


>F/SN is the only work in the series

>battle royales

very true

Characters in Fate have stats and cool weapons and abilities but no combat system is present in the game.

Who exactly is the titty monster Artoria? What game is she even from?

She's the antagonist artoria from FGO

Alternate Universe Artoria who didn't pull Excalibur and thus didn't have her ageing halted, and instead continued to wield Rhongobongo

Nothing. It's one of the most popular franchises today and FGO is just making it even more popular.