There will be Lyn SFM porn in your life time

>There will be Lyn SFM porn in your life time
So is this game saved or what?

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Of course not

can they even port switch models to SFM? haven't seen any yet

>Not liking spats

Aren't there some BoTW porn animations?

Well if they can do hyrule warriors they can do this

they can

I have only seen 2

Yeah there will be like one animation that's behind someone Patreon and it probably won't be well animated either. Fuck that.

Spats are fine but not Lyn since it looks ugly. nopan or black pantsu would be better.

Wii U version

those are from the wii u though

Eh, more stuff like this instead please.

I guess, but I thought Switch hacking was making progress a while ago. No skin off my back either way.

Did SFM overtake MMD?

She looks like garbage, holy shit.
Dropped like a hot plate.

Archanea reveal when, I need Camus and Jeorge and maybe Merric

They can port Switch models

In the west for certain, too many Japs treating MMD as a secret club to get good models unless you happen to be Japanese yourself.

We may have this soon in sfm.

Nope, sorry. You're getting Caeda, Tiki and Navarre as an NPC and that's it.

>wanting nigger loving Amercucks making your porn

No thank you.

why didn't they just give her a fucking loincloth instead of fucking pants

SFM porn is so terrible though. I checked it out when Overwatch porn was peaking enough to make news headlines, and I don't understand what people get out of it. It's like watching someone push two dolls against each other awkwardly.

>Caeda, Tiki and Navarre
>A leak only has two of them
The box art isn't showing all of the playable characters in game. Navarre is proof of that, right>

Switch will be hacked in 2 years maxed you won't have to wait that long

Daily reminder that Lyn is useless and irrelevant in her own game and only FE7babbies wanted her in FEW

Someone finally made a mod of fates that lets you fuck yourself?

It'll be shit if she's not I her outfit, though. That's 90% of her appeal because you see few video game characters wear that type of outfit.

No she isn't. If you're playing HHM with zero growths then yeah but in a regular playthrough she's fine.
She has a entire mode dedicated to her and is the tritagonist.
Nice meme kiddo


>entire mode
The tutorial that takes up 1/3rd of the game is the only time she's relevant - she stops mattering to the plot after it

>Daily reminder that Lyn is useless and irrelevant in her own game
Stop this meme, she's just fine as a unit, not God tier or anything but perfectly usable.
>has an exclusive high-crit base 25 crit weapon off the bat
>great speed and skill
>okay enough strength
>promotion is solid

but that model looks like some amateur shit

>Go on about how you're focusing on 3 games
>talk about how important the weapon triangle is, how excluding 75% of the series lets you do that
>destroy any faith fans have in your game
>go back on your PR and reveal another sword user outside of the 3 games
>reception's fantastic
So why the fuck didn't they just make a gathering of protagonists? Would anyone be sad that they booted Lissa and Frederick's worthless asses for Hector or even Zigludo? Lords + Popularity Chart Toppers would've made for a much better roster holy shit.

He might be a NPC you recruit with Sheeda (like in SD) that gets turned to playable in a future update.

Whats the over/under of the Switch being fully hacked?

I refuse to buy one until I dont have to buy its games.

Expect she appears in almost every cutscene after her appearance in Eliwood and Hector's mode, remains active, and if she dies it's game over
>(about why Freddy uses an axe) And since we also have the non-mounted and armored Knight that will use a spear, Great Knights shall end up appearing with an axe
>non-mounted lance user
>armored lance user
Who will they be, Sup Forums?

I'll be honest. While I enjoy SFM porn and FEW will offer up plenty of new girls to get fucked because god knows I'm sick of Overwatch, SFM porn is getting lazier and lazier. You used to be able to get away with very little cause it was new and fresh, but a lot of these creators are very unimaginative. Just shoving dicks into vaginas isn't cutting it anymore. Especially when SFM porn dicks and vaginas look like shit and aren't modeled properly.

She literally does nothing though. She's just tagging along.


They *never* said they were only having characters from the three games.

FE Warriors models look horrible. Need to be touched up.

Is this the SFM porn thread? What are some good Zelda /ss/ SFMs?

She supports Eliwood throughout the entire game. Hector doesn't do much either bit that doesn't mean he's irrelevant.

Probably Azura, since the other royals are all in, is one of the more popular characters, and no dance is in the game yet

who else

>armored lance user

Generals in FE4 had access to swords, spears, axes, and bows. But I guess you wouldn't know that if were not Arden master race.




His base class is "Sword Armor". They're not going to give him a lance.

Moreover, he's not even a popular character. He's just another meme, much like Dorcas.

I am sick and tired of females always being the STR fag alternative in nu-FE

Now's are always made playable later. It's the koei way

Low test as fuck

by that logic, lissa and sakura should strictly use staffs as a weapon instead of weapons associated with their promoted classes like they do in the game. arden literally confirmed!
i'm just fucking around if you didn't notice. IS always shafts the jugdral saga and even if this game focused on the ENTIRE series, they would have fucked over the jugdral games some how. jugdral and SS.

Nobody cares what you think~

Rather have lyn sfm cuddling to be honest

Well, yeah. Nobody actually wants Arden.

I'd say any of the characters who have an SR in Cipher (with the exceptions of the TMS and Hasha no Tsurugi characters) have at least some shot at making it into Heroes. Pic related.

Only low test fags prefer "Strong" women

>making it into Heroes

what an original comeback, the same thing the guy you replied to used
definitely low test

I LOVE GENNY!!!!!!!!!!

you are lower test

It's the opposite. Modern men no longer desire thick, strong, or big breasted women. Remove yourself low test beta

>joins Eliwood mid-battle to help out and join his quest
>willing to go back to castle Ostia to raise the money Fargus was asking for, actually willing to help Eliwood get to the Dread Isle
>gets the party an audience with Uther, gets a lead to go to Nabata desert from that and find Athos
>commands castle Ostia when morphs attack while Uther is away (fucking dead)
>goes through his own trial to get Armads, doesn't give a fuck about the curse
>pulls out 30,000G or such from the castle's coffers to help prepare for the final battle

>gets thrown out of her own fucking castle somehow, needs help from the bros to take it back
>tags along for the rest of the story, just bickers with Hector and bitches about the pirates willing to sail them to Dread Isle
>only contribution is tracking down the Black Fang base, thanks for shitty snow map bitch
>gets thrown a shitty weapon for the last fight
Nah, it's a story about two bros and some random nopan whore following them around trying to get some dick.

I doubt people want Mist, Gray or Lilina.

>Modern men no longer desire
end yourself

sfm porn looks disgusting. how can anyone get off to that garbage?

Congrats Lynfags

but I'll buy purchasing the game for Cordelia thank you very much

Men have never desired strong women because they have never existed until recently in media.

Characters who get SRs tend to be popular.

Except for with this newest batch. Who the fuck even is Misha?

If that's true, how come Lyn is the most popular female Fire Emblem character?

How does it feel like to have a waifu that will cheat on you?

So she's relevant?

I said remove yourself


Misha is the guy Dorias wanted to kill.
Not the Pegaslut on the screen though, that is Karin.

>you can't look up Lyn's dress
>she doesn't have spats
>you can't look up Lyn's dress
>she doesn't have spats
>you can look up Lyn's dress
>she has spats
I don't understand the controversy here

1: The CYL poll is meaningless for gauging popularity - in the last popularity poll, Lucina was the most popular female
2: Her popularity stems from being a sword lady and having her game released first in the west

>hah lol we don't want too many sword users but here's Lyn over Hector!!!! plz buy our game oldfags you guys like Celica right???

so lyn's popularity comes from burgers?

get out ESL shitter

Because Lyn is popular for looks rather than character.
Because she is female.
All of the characters above Lyn in the first Japanese poll have interesting stories that happen in the game.
Lyn;'s story is pretty shit and then she ends up giving up her kingdom anyway for a life of shitting on grass and no bathing.

What a coincidence about her name.

A good portion of it. That's not to say she's unpopular in Japan, but definitely not the most popular. Hell, in FE7 alone, Nino is significantly more popular. See

There's no reason for the spats when Team Ninja is working on the game and Camilla has her pantsu open for everyone to see.

She still very popular in Japan.

She's still pretty fucking popular with the Nips.

>Raven #4
I'll take it

Never said she wasn't.

There wasn't much decent SFM porn of Hyrule Warriors (a little but not much really, less than overwatch got by a mile), are SFM porn makers even really trying these days?

>Being part of the fucking problem.

You waifu fags are delusional.

yeah and do you know how much people bitch about camilla showing so much skin already? do you really want that on Lyn as well?

There was a huge surge with Overwatch, but it feels like most creators lost their drive afterwards.

Her being on popular only based on looks is wrong though. A character rarely ever reaches popularity based on looks alone unless its a self-insert like Kamui or Robin.

Camilla's ass is hidden behind an undead Wyvern most of the time.

Then put forward some nice things to say about Lady Lyndis then.

Probably because Blizzard went after them legally, as I recall. Would love to know what bitch-babies reported them to Big Daddy Blizzard to fuck into oblivion.

And they hardly do anything FUN with those MMD files anymore.

No, but I do kinda have hopes for some SFM at least. Not that there are many worthwhile females to have it who are in the game anyway.

And many people bitch about and/or hate Camilla because of it. Do you want that for Lyn?

It's Kellam, who will show up with absolutely no fanfare