Alright so Bulborb. You know? Bulborb. Its just Bulborb

Alright so Bulborb. You know? Bulborb. Its just Bulborb.

Is this correct?

Other urls found in this thread:

Bulborb thread? Whats your favorite Bulborb?


Man I really wish we had some kind of Mario Maker equivalent for Pikmin, I'd love to see the thousands of one room dungeons with 50 man at legs

Bulbmin. It's a shame you can't take them outside the dungeons that you find them in.

Weren't bulbmin mind controlled by some invasive parasite that wasn't Pikmin related?

Nah they were pikmin, just a special parasitic type that could potentially infect anything

Ay hol up

Oh dear god

Why are there two?

>Bulbear's chinese cowboy expression



Anons... where was it?

Where was Pikmin 4? It was supposed to be in the direct... it was supposed to be out day...

Holy shit where can I find this idea

I never knew how much I fucking needed this

>entire dungeon floor that's just a large, square room
>the room contains no obstacles except for a maze
>the entirety of the maze's walls are made out of gatling groinks that are "dead" and currently reviving
Tick-tock, motherfucker.

Sounds alright to me.

What's going on in here?
Has everyone seen bikmin? At first I thought it was just a meme reskin pack like games repainted, but if you go to 6:50 you can see he changed all the enemies in hole of beasts.
They took the download links down, cause apparently they're working on improving it and making "bikmin 2:2"

>Pikmin Maker
>nintendo switch game with two graphical styles: Gamecube era and WiiU era.

Make overworlds, with caves built into them, sort of like making regular levels, eith sublevels for added length in Mario Maker

Fucking yes lmao.
Gets me every time.

>I walked into the final dungeon with 100 men in tow.
>Only 7 of us made it out.

I don't expect them to reveal it outside of E3.

>wanting GameCube era

It's supposed to be photorealistic

But- but user that would mean a whole 'nother year

I finally got around to Pikmin 3 and enjoyed it but felt it was a bit easy (although trying to get Platinum on these challenge levels is fairly difficult). Am I just better at video games than I was when I played the first two as a kid? What's the general consensus on the game?

>tfw recently got a baby golden retriever

>I named him bulborb

I mean yeah it's certainly much easier now that you're older and have a better grasp on the games. You're already familiar with many of the enemies and understand the best way to approach.

But at the same time, 3 doesn't pull some of the suckerpunches that 2 and 1 does.
>Man at legs
>Water wraith
>Pileated snagret
>Smoky Progg

Look, a Borb

>not having nostalgia for Pikmin 1 & 2
Shame on you user. Plus, you could always just not use the gamecube era style.

I expect it in the january direct/Switch presentation. Januarys have always been nintendo's E3: Winter Edition.

What a dumb borb.


Is Sup Forums good enough to beat this rom hack?

that rock remix of ai no uta is insane


>Man at legs
>Water wraith
>Pileated snagret
>Smoky Progg
All those men. Just gone. The losses were unimaginable, and I made them push on to their deaths. And for what? A few pokos? A 5 man sleeping bag? Their deaths still haunt me. At night, I can still hear their screams and see their ghosts.

Downloading this right now
I just hope I can launch it correctly

Do I look like a fucking casual?