Name a more iconic monster roster.. I'll wait.
PROTIP: You can't
Name a more iconic monster roster.. I'll wait.
PROTIP: You can't
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lmao fucking furfag
I hope you're trolling
Digimon are non-ironically better monsters than Pokemon. They have veins and scars and knives and shit.
Monster Girls aren't just the worst monsters, they're the worst girls.
>rip everything straight from LOTR
>rip everything else straight from mythology
>good monster design
monster is synonymous with creature, it doesnt necessarily have connotation of grotesque
Ni no Kuni.
What was that, sweetie? ;)
Gen 1 is a high quality roster with some odd/bad designs. I prefer the good of Gen 1 over many other generation's peaks but I think 3 tops it for me.
what game?
Dragon Quest.
>rip everything from LOTR despite the fact that the precursor to D&D came out before LOTR
obvious troll is obvious
The Lord of the Rings is an epic high fantasy novel written by English author and scholar J. R. R. Tolkien. The story began as a sequel to Tolkien's 1937 fantasy novel The Hobbit, but eventually developed into a much larger work. Written in stages between 1937 and 1949, The Lord of the Rings is one of the best-selling novels ever written, with over 150 million copies sold.
there you go
>draw a human
>call it a monster
I'll always hate this
are you literally retarded? there's literally nothing original about D&D creature design
>gets called out for being an obvious troll
>he's still trying
I'm sorry for your unmedicated autism.
Gen V mons > Gen I
>draw a monster
>call it a human
i hate this
Hey, they didn't animate that Goomba sprite, they just flipped it!
omg next youll tell us the clouds are just white bushes
Goombas, Koopas, and Piranha Plants will forever be more iconic than shit like Seadra and Magmar
Whatever you may be implying here, I don't like it. Not one bit. You better cool it, mister.
Let's be real and acknowledge that Pokemon is only so iconic because it got a HUGE push in marketing and promotions. The evolution factor helped people to remember more of them, too. If I say Dragonair, you all know who the other two evolutions of that are. Digimon I was never a fan of, only because there was too much bad with whatever good there was in the designs. The aesthetic was a bunch of shit smashed together.
I want to fuck magmar's head
>Venomoth changed places with butterfree
asking for a friend
uuh, the anime? duh
literally pokemon
What, are they sharing the same sprite?
you're right, that IS the most iconic monster roster by far. It's not even arguable.
However, "iconic" doesn't necessarily have to actually mean "best", which is where we can argue.
nah, just almost identical probably because they designed them to be an evolution line
same how venomoth and caterpie share an head crest and the same kind of eyes
This is one part of Pokemon I'd have zero issues with Gamefreak retconning. It'd soothe my autism.
>literally zero reference to any form of genwars
>newgenner frothing at the mouth anyway
how insecure do you have to be?
That was obvious bait and you fell for it.
What do I win?
>Pokémon Go passes $1.2 billion in revenue and 752 million downloads
These are the best designed pokemon
awful taste
>grass monkey
>retard seal
>edgy owl
truly disgusting
drink bleach
What a twist.
The digimons are cooler, pokemon don't have cool mechanical monsters, only digimon can fulfill that spot.
>A guy with a boomerang
Fuck off.
nice try but ive seen all the episodes
Don't bully people on the Internet
What are the best Sup Forumsermin designs?
And yet you missed the one where Misty stripped naked. I'm calling your sexuality into question.
he said he was gonna catch em all
My vermins of course.
Vermin designs > Pokemon designs.
ah well... seems i'll get no help from anyone here.
srsly though what is it about witholding imformation that turns people into cunts? is it a power trip?
Yes, a lot of people are lonely and use shit like that to prolong their social interactions.
when you can LITERALLY click an icon next to it and have multiple source finding tools literally seconds away? wew lad
We weren't molested as kids and now we're bitter about it.
Its a scene from nu-pokemon but the each frame of her bikini has been painted over with boobs and ass.
>blatant steel from doom
I miss the old artstyle
I unironically believe the Heartless in the original Kingdom Hearts to be one of the best implemented monster/enemy concepts I've ever seen in any video game I've played. For beings of PURE DAWKNESS, I always appreciated how silly and fun a lot of them were aesthetically. With only the really edgy designs being saved for the last world. They all came with subtle idle animations, and they way they carried themselves helped convey a lot of character for each individual, "species" I guess you can call it.
It was a fine mix of cartoony and sinister that I feel got lost in translation in later games, starting with KH2 specifically. With a lot of the new variants being introduced in that game feeling a little overly silly and goofy for me to take seriously. I get with the introduction of the nobodies, I can see how they'd want each type of enemy feeling distinct from he other. And while the Noboides have some pretty slick designs themselves, I never found them near as interesting as the Heartless. And I never liked how they got shafted more and more as more enemy types like the Dream Whatevers got introduced.
As far as being iconic, well, maybe not all of them are. But I think an argument could be made for the Shadow variants being fairly recognizable across the board.
I agree. It's a shame most games since use their own trashy versions (nobodies, dream eaters, unversed etc). The regular shadow looks great, and I'm a fan of the soldier shadow with the metal helm too. There's something about the unhinged twitching that I love (same reason sableye is my favourite pokemon).
Only thing that comes close
I'd have to go with the large Bodies as being my favorite Heartless design. Mainly because I felt them to be a good embodiment of the point I made previously. They way they waddled about and scratched at their head dim wittedly, almost made them appear to be simple minded giants. But then seeing them go berserk after loosing enough health, made it clear that their simplistic ways were not to be taken likely. And with hard hitting, wide ranged attacks like their stomp, they could be quite bothersome during the early portion of the game.
But it's not just design alone that can make something shine, a lot of it is in the execution. The Heartless are defined pretty vaguely in game. "Beings without Hearts," yeah..., I figured as much. But what little you know about them is second fiddle when faced against what you do actually learn of them from first hand encounters. The game does a great job showing what a threat the Heartless are, and it makes sure to do it early on.
>Having that main protagonists home world get swallowed up by them, showcasing their destructive capabilities, as well as alluding to what every lost world went through.
>Taking time aside to show a person actually become a Heartless, and see how they are formed first and foremost.
I can't emphasise enough how important direction like this is. Because, while I may be speaking for myself here. Having Yen Sid explain what a nobody was to you like he was reading an article from the Kingdom Hearts Wiki or some shit, is not how you engross your player base.
That looks fucking awesome
Monster catching game-wise can we all agree that this is the official monster design ranking?
Digimon > SMT = Dragon Quest > Monster Rancher > Pokemon = Yokai Watch
Swap Pokémon and monster rancher and I agree.
Genwunners get out.
Is this video a joke?
The Starman from Earthbound.
I'm not typically a fan of sleek, super clean designs for monsters but this one is just amazing. The stance and simple features of the logo and visor give is a imposing and otherworldly feeling.
Ironic or not, Digimon are nowhere near as iconic as Pokemon. They're built on their clarity and ease or recognition.
>b-b-but iconic!!
And thats why pokemon are bland turds. Lowest common denominator pandering.
Call me when Pokeyawn gets something half as cool as this motherfucker
Now that I think about it, they do sort of give me a "The Day the Earth Stood Still" kind of vibe. When considering how pop culture heavy Earthbound was, that very well may have been intentional. Either way, it does really help sell that alien look you mentioned.
"Japanese take on western culture" is objectively the best way to design a character. It always leads to the collest shit ever
>Bulleta, Morrigan and Lilith are all on there twice
For what purpose?
Gort was definitely the inspiration for the Starman, that and Bowie obviously.
Earthbound obviously has a lot of different kinds of monsters from cute to bizarre but the retro sci fi ones are my favorites. The mooks are also great, silly, fun designs. The Eye stalks and huge grin are just amusing.
>Implying slapping on as many missiles and claws and Gatling guns and shit to appeal to the violence craving kiddies isn't the lowest common denominator.
I don't even think Digimon designs are inherently bad. It's evident that both series have very different ways of going about their monster designs, and the only reason these two get lumped together is their "mon" relationship. Both series are pretty different both aesthetically and from a game design perspective. Trying to compare them is like apples and oranges.
>Nothin' personnel kid
>Cyborg Wolf Tiger
>lowest common denominator
SMT has always been pretty renowned for its designs, being both accurate to the source material while giving them a more modern feeling.
Beezelbub is absolutely phenomenal. The truy fly like features, the weird details like the tiger skin hood, and even some more silly things like the bone staff and skull and cross bones on his wings all are just great.
Digimon x SMT would be godlike. Can we all agree?
Why do people call digimon designs bad? This guy looks cool as fuck
They're way too different. Digimons things like wolf men in jeans would clash with SMT too much.
>A mish mesh of randomly put together elements for the sake of covering as much ground in terms of "ok what do kids like" as possible
>Not the same type of ideology that goes into appeasing the lowest common denominator