Why can't other Youtubers be this firm-but-fair when it comes to Nintendo?

Why can't other Youtubers be this firm-but-fair when it comes to Nintendo?

Arlo is a fucking casual who only appeals to emotion.

Also, the Youtuber you're looking for is Chi Guy.

How does he get away with being Grover without a nose?

Grover's arms are controller by rods whereas Arlo's are actually gloves that the puppeteer has to place his hands in.

>Even when doing a negative review he'll always say "This is just MY opinion, if you like the game good for you"
>Despite his most popular videos being centered around negativity, he wants to do more positive videos in the future

>firm-but-fair with Nintendo


>Despite his most popular videos being centered around negativity
I guess Nintendo fans just NEED an outlet where they can voice their negativity. Arlo's eloquent enough to do it professionally and yet the puppet gimmick still makes him charming enough to be likable.

It's one of the things that makes him so much better than that other Nintendo Youtuber we've been seeing threads for over the past few days.

>fat fuck cuck who came on his own face for memes
Yeah nah.

>He's critical but not to the point of exaggeration or immaturity
>He's positive but not to the point of bootlicking, shilling, or aggression to others

Impossible nothing about Sterling is firm at all.

why the fuck do you guys like this idiot? He's the poster boy for bad journalism. He complains about the most minuscule shit, cries about difficulty, and whines when games don't cater specifically to his taste

literally Sup Forums

Sterling's too cocky and condescending as a personality. Even at his angriest, Noseless Grover has never acted as petty as Jim has in the past.


>why the fuck do you guys like this idiot?
>He complains about the most minuscule shit, cries about difficulty, and whines when games don't cater specifically to his taste


didn't he make both a video about how he thought piracy was stealing and a video about how it's ethical to pirate Nintendo games because reasons?

Why are Nintendoddlers so obsessed with e-celeb shit? Oh yeah, because they're all 12. NOT VIDEO GAMES.

>every single board relating to a specific topic has no problem properly discussing journalists and reviewers
>Sup Forums always spazes out


Is he really? I've only seen him chimping out at the Metroid Prime reveal and praising fucking Mario + Rabbids.

No. He thinks Sonic Mania was too hard.


he panned Star Fox Zero and is vocal about how he doesn't like the direction of the Paper Mario series lately

He was ruthless on StarFox Zero, their E3 2015 press conference, and the reveals of Color Splash and Hey! Pikmin.

The fact that his Twitter is private shows just how much of a pussy he is to voice his opinions

>he hates things everyone hates
Wow so insightful

He's pretty lousy. He's another one of those YouTubers who talk about how a game "feels" and praises the games he grew up with as a kid.

Better than being a bootlicker

>threw a shitfit over a Pikmin spin-off
>went full damage control and deleted the video
>only "criticizes" games that were already received negatively
>immediately follows up anything negative about other games with "b-but that's just my opinion"

Link to the video where he complains about your penis?

>Color Splash and Hey! Pikmin.

Literally backtracked as hard as possible when they came out.

Completely pussy unable to express a negative opinion that is any way controversial.

To be fair, Hey! Pikmin came out during a difficult time for Nintendo. It was during that weird period where we were getting a bunch of bizarre and unwanted spinoffs like Federation Force and Amiibo Festival instead of proper new installments for those series. Hey! Pikmin seemed to be pretty in line with that.

Of course, as the days went on, it just turned out to be a harmless mediocre spinoff and Miyamoto confirmed we're getting a real Pikmin game later.

Is that a dragon dildo?

>Oh my GOSH this game is BAD!
this guy is a faggot

>unwanted spinoffs

Fuck off.

Joseph Anderson is right though new Zelda sucks

All I wanted was to hear him react to Mario's fucking nipples.
But no, he had to be a faggot and not watch the Oddesy trailer.

>Arlo's face when a Kirby game is on the screen

Literal cringe.

Yeah that was pretty disappointing to me. He didn't even notice Dr. Mario or the gliding lizard.

He is a fucking bootlicker. Watch some of his videos.

Were you really wanting a jew fueled Animal Crossing board game or an ugly handheld chibi squad shooter game from a series known for being about isolation?

Yeah Chibi-Robo Zip Lash and Federation Force were all games we wanted.