What are some good games to play when you're high as fuck?

What are some good games to play when you're high as fuck?

Walking simulators like Elder Scrolls.




Every game.

boring as fuck

OP go play lumines


dude weed lmao etc


You're worse than the blaze it fags.

Fuckin overwatch is so fun when high as shit


mad stoner detected


Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon

>yeah, he's mad because someone made fun of weed

Or I just think memespouting is worse?

Skyrim with the HUD off

bring back quentin

im gonna post it until you like it, faggot.

Skyrim VR

Whoa, like just chill man. Take another hit maaaan.

I mean I'm for the most part always high so it's the same games i'd play any other time. I don't know about you guys, but i'm not an autistic 15 year old who goes "oh man mommies not home better hide outside in the bush and smoke this dirt weed out of this pepsi can xDD im so high time to play some trippy games xD"

Probably not an RTS



vermintide 8^)

butt hash

>Any of these people

I'm glad Quentin is gone, but I wish people would stop posting his bullshit cartoons.

How do you XD in real life?

whatup Sup Forumsros videogames amirite?


quentin was just a falseflagging stoner, I miss how seriously everyone took him

Except DUDE MEME LAMO guys never start their shit you retarded shitstain.

Unlike Weed niggers who always need to tell people they smoke/vape, and start stoner faggotry discussions in vidya or threads.

>Yo bruhh...
>*rips his bong on mic making sure everyone hears that he's smoking pot*
>"Duddeee.. heeee. I'm so high right now.
>Another retard stoner hears the mating call and joins in the discussion about Afghan Kush and White Widow bruh, and floods the chat with their diarreha when people are playing the game/raiding.
>"Hey retards, shut the fuck up and concentrate on what you're doing and keep up with the team."
>"Dude, fuck off fagit."
>"Dude... stop hating, one love and sheitt.. we just need to come together."

like this


It's funny, because the absolute last thing that guy wanted to talk about was vidya.

I thought he was a greasy swede with a superiority complex?

>Complains about weed
>Goes off to get doped up on hoops instead


Okay what the fuck are hoops some guy offered it to my mate earlier

Grind games like mmos and arpgs. Makes them almost therapeutic and removes tons of initial fright of doing new content too. Less of let's look up how to do and more feeling things out.

All games. Any game. Weed doesn't affect your behavior enough to make video games a significantly different experience.

its slang for that JENK

>checks archive
>this guy has made a dozen mini-essay shitposts crying about people who smoke

Russian roulette with 6 bullets you waste of a human

Rate my setup

This never happens. Keep fabricating stories to 'prove' your bias so you can continue shitposting about something you don't like.

It's astonishing, the effort people exhaust to show others they don't like something..

If a game requires you to be high to enjoy it then it's not good