So I'm finally going to get a ps4 for Bloodborne and Nioh, question is should I get a Pro or a regular...

So I'm finally going to get a ps4 for Bloodborne and Nioh, question is should I get a Pro or a regular? How much does the Pro actually affect Bloodborne? Any ideas on where to find one cheap? Cmon sony shills I know you're out there

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Bump, if you have the money Pro, if you don't, slim; it isn't that much of a great thing since almost no games have support. Should I buy a N3DS or a N3DS XL for 200$?

inb4 NeoFAG, but they've assembled a pretty in-depth list about the Pro and how much it does.

It's up to you, but if money's not tight, an extra $100 it's probably worth it for this, plus the futureproofing aspect.

Pro if you have big ass tv and doesn't mind extra $100, slim if you play in comfy bedroom style.

I don't know how BB is on regular hardware but I got no framedrops except for when I walked between areas.
Nioh is 60fps 720p on regular and 1080p on Pro iirc.

Go with your guts, boy.

More like an extra 200$, you can get a used ps4 for 200, pro still costs 400.

Bloodborne has pacing issues and no stronger hardware is going to fix that. Nioh is just fine on either letting you choose if you prefer resolution or fps.

Nioh sucks.

Any other nonmovie games coming to this thing? I'm definitely buying it for Bloodborne, just wanna know if there's more to look forward to

New 2DS XL is the definitive edition of all 3DS family

Pro does not affect Bloodborne at all, but it will affect Nioh (will render in 1080/60 instead of 720/60). If you can afford the Pro/find a good deal on one, there's no sense in not getting one.

I strongly advise against playing Nioh after any of the soulsbourne games, it is complete trash by comparison.
Decent combat but everything else that makes those games memorable in lost in favor of bland environments and low enemy variety outside of bosses, most of which are far too similar.

neptunia 4 goddesses online

Depends; do you like Japanese games?

I don't know anything about the ps4 and have never owned one but I'd probably go for the latest model just for the off chance that new games come out that you're also interested in.

Plus it's eventually gonna get hacked and there's a good chance you'll be able to apply the better specs to earlier games a la the PSP.

depends on the game, if it's a shit grindan jrpg people only buy for "le cute girls XD" then no thanks

Fuck off.

Nioh is kind of like BB, but also very different and has made the most effort of any dev to add to From's formula. I think it paid off and it stands on its own merits.

Do you wanna take it places? If so, N3ds regular.
XL is too bulky to do anything with unless you have a bag or autistic cargo shorts.

You don't know how shitty 240p is until you experience it on the XL. It's absolute garbage and for that reason alone you should get the standard model.

Nah, while it does have an awful lot of games by shit studios like Gust and Compile Heart, there's still quite a few good JRPGs there. Plus stuff like Yakuza, Nioh, Vanillaware games and so on.

The PS4 is strange. It's either for the most Western cutscene movie games or the weebest shittiest floating number bullshit Chinese cartoon games. I can't imagine liking both at the same time.

It has almost no effect on Bloodborne because it doesn't fix the broken frame pacing and the game was never patched to support it. Nioh will see resolution improvements. Action mode will use a varying resolution from 720-1080p while a base PS4 is 720p locked. No idea about movie mode I never bothered with it because of the 30FPS cap.

Stop recommending shit games user

I dont see the problem of 240p on XL screens and I have a PS4 Pro and a 4K TV, faggot

t. soulsbabby

just because you cant enjoy a combat-centric game doesnt mean its not good. a single weapon class has more depth than every weapon in bloodborne combined.

the biggest flaw with the game is that they nerfed the shit out of it after people like you whinged in the alpha.

its not perfect by any means, i still think demons souls, dark souls 1 and bloodborne are overall better games, but its far from trash. its infinitely better than dark souls 2 and 3, and better than any other action game in the last few years (with the possible exception of w101 but i didnt fall for the wiiu meme)

Now take that TV and pretend it only has 240 vertical lines. It's like looking at a mosaic.

I've been playing Nioh in action mode this whole time and if it's dipping down to 720p then I can't tell when it's happening.

The load times between Nioh and BB are night and day, too. When you die in Nioh, there's literally no loading involved. But, with Bloodborne, it takes like half a minute before you're allowed to try again. From better get their shit together for Phantom Wail or whatever the fuck they're actually working on.

nioh, bb and persona are all normie-tier games.

Ok. What's a secret club game, then, you little hardcore gamer?

>and if it's dipping down to 720p then I can't tell when it's happening
Yeah it CAN drop but it doesn't happen very often.

>tfw I play both

bloodborne isnt segmented into levels so that comparison isnt fair.

bloodborne load times are still unacceptable, but so are most console games. the reality is that their disk read speeds are pure trash, and because theres an internal bottleneck upgrading to an ssd barely helps.

the fact that bloodborne is designed in such a way as to maximize load screens really gets the noggin joggin though. why cant i sit at a lamp to reset enemies?

the respawn load times are also stupid. it seems like they load everything in from scratch even if its loading the same area you just died in.

Get a slim, it's the most quiet.

Welcome to the best gaming platform this generation user! I would suggest getting a slim over a fat/pro. The pro does have minor performance enhancements, but they don't mean much. 4k capable is cool, if you have a t.v./monitor for it, but without a 4k bluray player who the fuck cares. It is also louder than the slim.

When I played through bloodborne there were some minor dips in frames here and there, but nothing major. I assume they are not present with the pro. Nioh you can just play in 60fps mode and be fine, the graphics still look great.

You can find a slim 500gb for less than $300 on amazon/ebay. You could additionaly wait for black Friday/cyber Monday and try to snag it there.

Did you play my game, user?

Ys literally just came out and is fantastic. Yakuza games are a must. God Wars Future Past is the best SRPG on the platform. Gravity Rush is great fun, I prefer the second to the first though.

I literally just bought a Slim with 2 controllers and 4 games, including Persona 5, for $300. You can get some nice stuff on ebay.

If it wasn't for Breath of the Wild, this would be my Game of the Past Three Years.

Yeah and then I played Gravity Rush