Bethesda hate thread

Bethesda hate thread

Reminder this series was considered a paragon of RPG mechanics and storytelling before Bethesda bought it

Reminder that the devs of Bethesda boast about political views on Twitter and how they ruined Fallout.

@dezinuh - Writer
@DCDeacon - VP
@radhamster - Bethesda dev and SJW
@IridiumGameDev - dev

I don't think Bethesda is ever going to make a good game again. Best to just forget about them like we did with Bioware.

The Institute didn't kill people. Kellogg killed people because he was fucking crazy, but that wasn't on the Institute's orders

Your not the inteded audience for these games anymore.
Bethesda knows exactly how little they have to do in order to make millions and nothing will change that.

even normies hated Fallout 4

Bethesda are literally the most evil, vile, shitty company in the industry. They've ruined lives with how much they've shit on this franchise. They've spat on fans and insulted their experiences.
3 and 4 are literally the most unplayabley bad games of the modern generation. The fact that people would defend such cunts on this board is only further proof of the dumbing down of Sup Forums. We used to have daily new vegas threads where we bro'd it up, now unironic marketers have come to try and be positive about Bethcuck and their shitty ""games"". I refuse to believe they are actual people and not marketing shills.

>muh romans

I just wish Skyrim had better combat and perks. It has issues but those are easily holding it back the most.

No point is beating this dead horse, everyone knows Bethesda cuts corners, puts out buggy products with a full development cycle, and ruin IPs.

They hated it to the tune of a billion plus.

Just mod the game.

telling people obsidian is smarter than modern bethesda is just preaching to the choir. you know the only people who argue it are contrarians or have atrociously bad taste.

i'm almost... burnt out, honestly. no matter how bad fallout 4 was, and no matter how often you spell out how abysmally bad it was to others, they just refuse to abandon bethesda.

>they made skyrim XDXDXD how could they be bad?! can't wait to play it on the go and in vr with no visual improvements or patches that made the game popular in the first place, and for full price!!

i just don't want to shout over these morons anymore who still suck bethenimax dick.

That is because you are a moron.
Since you fall into the moron demographic may I suggest you switch to the RPG Codex.
You will fit right in.

>Please ignore the roboassassins that are killing and replacing high ranking officials there is nothing shady going on here at all

I hate bethesda for being so lazy, they have the funding to make a truly great game but they simply won't. They know they'll make enough money but they just want to do the bare minimum.

If any company that had any passion or drive at all left in their hearts decided to make a game in that exact genre they'd fucking trash bethesda and their games would forever be seen as trash in comparison.

I hope Blizzard or anyone else would try their hands at it.

He's a bit hyperbolic but I think bethesda is one of the worst game companies out there compared to how much regard they get.

There in house development studio is utter shit. But I feel like they do good with the publishing side of things if I'm going to be perfectly honest.

>passion or drive

>I hate bethesda for being so lazy, they have the funding to make a truly great game but they simply won't. They know they'll make enough money but they just want to do the bare minimum.
>I hope Blizzard or anyone else would try their hands at it.

This is some pretty good bait, user. Whose your supplier?


>le NV is good meme


>Institute wants to run experiments on seeds
>Instead of having a synth start a farm to test the seeds, they have a guy murdered and replaced.
>Didn't kill people.




Go back to GAF.

This will never not make me mad.


You don't have to lie to shitpost gaffers, user.


The synth was a better man than the one it replaced

This is inexcusably fucking lazy.


>Obsidian cock sucking circlejerk thread


are there any decent RPGs as open as bethesda's that aren't made by bethesda
I'm having an urge to play skyrim
please help me

Honestly since Bethesda gives zero fucks, get Id to make a Pre-war Fallout game. Might as well get something fun out of the shit.

>4 variations of saying yes
>won't change anything about the outcome

What's the fucking point?

>dialouge choices from a mod
Nice try but you won't ever be able to actually criticise this masterpiece ;)


>You may have to force people to comply with gay stuff like laws, and rules...
>And besides, where will it end?
Shit, you're right. Gonna go kill myself.
t. bureaucrat.

What the fuck was Bethesda thinking? Should have just gone with a classic paradox, if they were so incompetent.


Just play Dragon's Dogma, or Arx Fatalis.

>but they aren't exactly the same!

Then play Skyrim.

how do you think they replaced people with synths?

>fallout 4 was shit
maybe (yes)
no (yes)
sarcasm (yes)

That doesn't excuse murder.

Also, If I remember correctly they plan to kill the family afterwards, though I might actually be wrong on that.

>ruined lives by making a game
How the fuck was any life ruined by them making fallout 3? Holy shit NV fans are fucking retarded.

The mod puts every single word the voiced protagonist says into an actual fallout diologue box instead of vague mass effect wheel bullshit. Nice try Todd :^)

Let's not.

Or Arkane.

Can't you talk down that one legion general by just saying something like "you're spreading your troops too thin" and he's like "holy shit, thank you, we will change our ways now!"

wow what a prick

Oh hun nice meme excuse. But we both know thats not true

Doesn't matter, the hype for "skyrim 2" will keep them as the greatest company ever in nornie eyes

Why would they do that when Fallout 4 sold more than Doom 4 and Dishonored 2 combined?

It requires 100 speech to do, requires a specific dialogue tree to go down on that logically flows from the previous and isn't "changing their ways" it's backing down for now before they can work out a better plan.

Yes if you have high barter you remind Lanius that killing everyone in your occupied land will lead to no trade, no production and no movement of food and water and thus your forces will die. He mentions the hardships of the exact same thing when conquering Dogtown and how many Legionaries died due to no supply lines from the locales.

Because imagine seeing the normies freak out over a Fallout game with actual shooting mechanics.

Couldn't you argue that the second guy is simply hiding his actions from his father cause he knows not how he'll react?

Wasn't it explained though you retard?

Even though it's a retarded reasoning, it was explained nontheless. It basically went down like this.

>Humanity is greedy and bloodthirsty.
>I see so many Bandits and murderhobos running around.
>Humanity can't change, so we need to do it ourselves.
>Murder people one by one, first with the leaders and ensuring everyone that everything is okay.
>Then we examine people and make them EXACTLY as they are but as robutts!
>The only way to jolt humanity back to it's original state and gloriousness before the Fallout is to not make humanity??? but to make robots that acts like humanity..??

I'll admit though, Bethesda are fucking shit writers.

I like both Skyrim and Fallout 4. I also like New Vegas. But i have fun playing video games.

Reminder that these people have infinitesimally more influence on the industry than anyone on an infamousy racist weaboo forum ever will.

But the gun does ballistic damage too dumb ass

Fallout 3 has better world design than New Vegas. Nothing in New Vegas compares to the Capital wasteland in terms of level design.

Obsidian drones are the most pathetic brainlets I agree.

You don't fucking understand.
It outsold games that had "actual shooting mechanics".
What would be the fucking point? Do you not understand how capitalism works?

And yet it's just as unrealistic and stupid. Bravo Obsidian

It sold on brand name. Now, imagine said brand name with Id mechanics. The reason D44M didn't sell as well was because of how long it was since the last Doom game and Doom being just regarded as a milestone of gaming.

Nigger have you even PLAYED Overwatch?

stop posting these, nobody cares about your autistic script

>haven't played FO4 since release
>think to myself maybe mods have improved things to a better, agreeable state than vanilla
>all the top mods are superficial gameplay enhancements (LOOK, MORE REALISTIC STORMS! HOT SEXY WOMEN!) or self insert overpowered weapons or fuck tons of low quality content to bloat your game
>read a few threads between then and now culminating with this one
>remember how fucking awful the game is

>I know more about how the market works than the professionals who work at the company that made the highest selling RPG of all time

Ok ignoring that it was more the fact that I wanted something at least cool out of Fallout if the main series is fucked.

No it wasn't known. A majority of people only know about Fallout because of Fallout 3 you utter retard. Step out the basement and you'll realize the internet hivemind you live in isn't the real world.

fallout 4 has sold over 20 million copies. new vegas sold half of that and obsidian got cucked hard by bethesda. stay mad obsidian cuck

>a desert and ruins doesn't compare to ruins and more ruins

The kid in the fridge quest is literally the worst quest in any game i've ever played. it's like it was written by a 12 year old.

Enclave here, why isn't your writing working?

>make a stupid poor quality gif
>try to make a thread to get keks and (You)s
>doesn't work
>no one cares
>try desperately to fit it into every fallout thread to get it to become a meme

This isn't a Neogaf thing. It's the consensus both by gamers...

This is all fair except for the designs, which I must point out, have very obviously been focus tested to the nth degree. There's nothing even remotely controversial or unique about a single character or outfit in Overwatch. They're just popular tropes mashed together, because the art team is clearly calling the shots on the game.

They add new taunts that are just memes or pop culture references and people go apeshit making compilation videos about it when they recognize the sources.

It's the definition of pandering and people eat it up. That's why so many fucking things are compared to Overwatch now-- it's SO broad and paints with tropes EVERYONE recognizes in the public domain. McCree is literally just "Cowboy: The Character", Widowmaker is literally just "Sniper: The Character", etc. So because of how broadly generic and easy to understand they are design-wise, people think of them constantly as a point of reference for similar designs.

Every time you see a cowboy in anything, a bajillion oh-so-clever chucklefucks bleet "IT'S HIGH NOON XDXDXD" and pat themselves on the back for having their finger on the pulse of pop culture.

It was little know but it was still known. Fallout 3 actually ended up making those games MORE obscure, as people now stop at 3 whereas before they would have been more likely to discover the first two games had they known about them.
Fallout 3 literally superseded the legacy of Fallout 1 and 2. It actually whitewashed their existence. People now forever associate Fo3 with the franchise itself. really really isn't.

>make a funny as fuck gif
>I save it along with many others
>you get irrationally angry that other people enjoy things

> Thank goodness for these professionals. Everyone knows that they get it right first time every time and anyone who shits on them obviously doesn't know what they're talking about.

I hope those niggers make TES6 with the whole fucking Nirn in it. We barely know what's with that eastern continent.

>Fallout NV is linear

Only if you follow the directions given and don't think about what you are doing, just like Fallout 1. Also the linearity dies off once you reach Vegas

I still wanted to see how would Black Isle do a CRPG in the year 2003. It would've been interesting.

Retarded greentexter can't even properly formulate a counter argument. Typical obsidian dicklet.

And professionals.

>Sup Forums represents the video game buying public
Next you're going to tell me that Japanese games outsell western ones.

>the linearity dies off once
So it is linear

It's all about marketing desu, everyone and their moms were promoting the shit out of Fallout 4. Of course New Vegas didn't get any attention, it's far more complex; the general public isn't into that and we know what demographic Bethesda aims for (see: Skirym TLoZ edition)

Bethesda doesn't make RPGs, they make exploration call of duties. RPG is just a tag that sells

The amusing thing is Bethesda spent more money advertising Fallout 4 than they did both to have NV developed and advertised.

Also I don't see Fallout New Vegas with a healthy 7/10 rating from users. That's FO4. Very amusing. Much cuck.

4 has retarded writing, but NV has retarded writing that thinks its smart

Another circlejerk hate thread beating a dead horse so hard it restarts its heart and kills it again a second later

This image always sets me off.



fuck i'm mad. video game writers are literally only writing for video games because they couldn't be an actual one.

Bethesda makes games for manchildren who mod their shitty sandbox into a better game and literal children.

Skyrem 2: HD Edition will have a main quest, a couple of guild quests and the rest will all be infinite on a loop.

Don't put words in my mouth faggot.

I should have specified if you did follow "the path" that it eventually goes away. It's like Fallout 1 once you find the water chip if you followed "the path". You CAN go straight to Necropolis and get it but a first time player will be more likely follow the path laid out for them. Just like getting to Vegas from Goodsprings.

The writing in New Vegas is overrated as fuck. Autistic Sup Forums tards are autistic.