Game forces you to binary choice in question that would require a deeper philosophical discussion for proper solution

>game forces you to binary choice in question that would require a deeper philosophical discussion for proper solution
Fucking post 9/11 world, I swear...

Other urls found in this thread:

1. [GENIUS] *Applauds Larian's excellent writing, for it is simply divine*

You can have a deep discussion as to why you are or you are not, but there are no shades to not being religious.
Either you are not, or you are to various extents.

>are you a boy or a girl

What are the options after this? I think asking that question with just a binary choice is fine, but I would like to see what happens after to decide if its lazy design or not

You either gain or lose a tiny bit of attitude depending on what you say then the subject changes.


this shit is worse than reddit and morty

Does literally everything in this game have a ** response?