>party member can be revived if died but if you die it's game over
>party member can be revived if died but if you die it's game over
>party members can't die
>they could effectively save Peach themselves
>if you die its game over
Persona fucking 3 and SMT fucking 4, I'm looking at you.
You're wrong. In smt4 you can still revive mc, you must be thinking about any other smt.
Instead of dying your partners become unable to move. Without you to tank hits for them they would be incapable of moving and wouldn't achieve anything
>party members that faint are tied up and captured.
Dragon Age: Origins did this pretty well.
If you die, you swap control to another party member until the end of the fight, where you get back up with a debuff. The debuffs stack, and the same thing happens to your party members when they go down.
>there are people who still defend FF13's battle system
In SMT you can usually think of it as your demons seeing you go down and deciding to fuck off and leave you to it.
In Persona 3 it MIGHT be justified as Nyx being released if you die at any point
In 4 and 5 it's stupid though.
>Saga Frontier has hp and lp
>when you take a hit with no hp it removes 1lp
>getting to 0 lp on your main character is game over
>every spell/ability has some cool side effect
>but every enemy is immune to every effect unless you auto attack them 10 times (including your mages)
More like it's not as bad as faggots make it out to be. The real problem with ff13 was the shit story and unwillingness to hide the linear maps like they tried with ff10
>Role Playing Game
>You died
Because your role ended bud.
Baldur's Gate at least justified it with the fact that since you're Bhaalspawn, your essence is pretty much transferred to be used to revive Bhaal later, meaning you can't be revived. Even Sarevok had to borrow a piece of a Bhaalspawn's soul to be revived.
Baldur's Gate at least had lore reasons for it.
fucker, you beat me to it
good taste though
Well if you die you can't play video games so...
only smt does this.
>Many playable characters
>Only 4 to a party
>The MC can't be removed
If you meant to say can't use any abilities at all I would have said that you just described Final Fantasy Tactics A2, but what does that bullshit there?
>party member can die in game and be revived
>if party member dies in cutscene they stay dead
Because your party members don't care enough to save you