Marie on the Front Page!
DOA Bread
Think six is coming next year lads?
I really hope that's the news for TGS. The current pass only has costumes for August, October and December so it could be news about the development of 6. Or more than likely it will be just pachinko.
What could 6 possibly offer that 5LR doesn't?
I think the whole DOA franchise got pretty stagnant, they're milking the audience with lewd outfits, but another game? what's the point?
What is Marie's future in DOA6? After all things that happened, what do you think she will end up with?
Why is the storyline of Dead or Alive really boring? All that ninjas, cloning and relationship conflicts (Kasumi, Ayane and Hayate) and somehow the story is boring.
Every fighting game (Tekken, Soul Calibur, Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, Guilty Gear, Blazblue, King of Fighters,etc) has an interesting storyline and characterization than DoA. Only Virtua Fighter has an even more boring story.
Marie finds herself a Somalian love interest.
she is the new main girl and DOA6 will involve her in everyones story mode
>what do you think she will end up with?
That's not Hinoka.
>Possibly Raidou's bastard child like Ayane.
>Has Mysterous powers.
>Possibly a clone of Marie Rose created by Donovan.
Will she join the Mugen Tenshi Clan?
100% wont happen
You want to ruin her
What if they new DOA let's you create your own titty ninja? and then have a pervy date with them through VR
and then they become like a tamagotchi, demanding attention all the time, but the only way to calm them is with DOA credits, which are sold in packs for $9.99
I fap to Marie and I am not ashamed.
Maybe the fact that the game is built from the ps3 version? I just want photorealism honestly breh and m
Why couldn't we get mud wrestling like Rumble Roses had in DoA?
Mostly because I want to watch the other girls get fed up with Marie and Honkers and drag them out to the mud pool in skimpy bikinis and throw them both in, shoving them under and rubbing them around in it, pulling them up occasionally for breath so they can listen to them whine and beg for mercy and laugh at them before plunging them in again as they struggle, only finally releasing them when they've been properly slopped and utterly humiliated.
a-user? You okay there buddy?
Considering Marie and Honoka are the most popular DoA characters I imagine the cast will get swamped with retarded school girls and lolis