Is PC gaming dead?

The 1996-2007 golden age of PC is long gone and it seems devs have switched to a more console approach. The relevant games that are exclusively released on PC almost always make their way to consoles like Minecraft, Undertale and PUBG. The graphic quality gap between PC and console has become barely existent besides higher resolution and FPS. The price of hardware has been increasing greatly because they are no longer used to play games, but to mine virtual money
Multiplats almost always sell better on consoles and have a bigger community overall.
The GOTYs and "games of the generation" are almost always console games. When was the last time you saw a PC exclusive being a GOTY?
And to top it all off PC ports have become a rarity, with devs avoiding the subject or outright denying them to us, the consumer
I'm sitting here with $1500 PC and feel like I made a bad choice considering all I do is emulate games and watch Youtube let's plays of games I want to play like Yakuza 0 and Gravity Rush

>The graphic quality gap between PC and console has become barely existent besides higher resolution and FPS
that... what?

if they released it on PC it would be 200GB and 10 layers of DRM on it

yeah it's dead!!!!!!

pc gaming has always been dead
stick to consoles

PC gaming fell years ago. Putting all your eggs in one basket Steam essentially made it a hostile market for publishers/developers that allowed elitism to boil over with the fanbase.

You wallow in your own filth now.

Not dead, but I'm considering getting a switch instead of upgrading the pc.

>PC gaming is dead because it's now as shit as console gaming
The true redpill is that all gaming is dead.

PC is better for people who like older games better than newer ones
Emulation and backwards compatibility is a big plus
Also anyone who likes FPS games because controllers lol
I can't really think of any good newer PC exclusives but I'm still happy with having it instead of a ps4, just suits me better. I like the freedom, being able to modify and fuck around with shit. and the keyboard, and the old games, and the indie games. it might not be what's "cool" and new but i like it

>le 2007 is when everything went to shit may may
Lmao pc was an absolute joke from 2000 and onwards

I mean consoles combined have maybe 10 worth while exclusives this gen, so I'd say PC is your best bet if you actually want to play new video games. And if you want to play old ones then obviously consoles are not the way to go.

So you can play one game that you could just emulate on pc?

Bloodborne is really the only exclusive that I feel like I'm missing out on by only being a mustard. I haven't cared about Mario or Zelda since I was like 8 years old and XBox has fallen off so hard that Sunset Overdrive is literally the only exclusive available.

With that said, you fucked up if you bought a PC for big exclusives. PC is for performance, long term inexpensiveness, customization, and playing FPS/RTS/CRPG since those genres are 100000000x better on PC than on consoles.

Though I do agree with you that the golden age of PC is definitely over. That doesn't equal "PC is dead" though.

PC games aren't 'GOTY' because people who own computers don't spend their free time playing games. Your install base of consoles are larger because parents don't mind spending 400 on a toy that keeps their spergs occupied.

It may be a meme, but it's the truth.

Crysis and STALKER both came out in 2007, which were basically the last great classic PC exclusive FPS.

I'm amazed people still make threads like this unironically. PC gaming should be a fucking fossil by this point if it were.

take two is full of kikes, what a surprise.
See the money shit they told rockstar to put in GTA online?

Get ready for Red Dead Loot boxes, preorder micro DLC fidget spinners,etc

i feel sorry for you guys, i really do. they were plenty of great games that came out post 2007 but your nostalgia prevents you from seeing that.

Buy pc for pc games.
Console for console games.
Pick one, always wanting "da best" experience is what autisman want. It just fucking games.

The only difference between now and back then is PC has all the weeb games now.

Is this worth the extra $400-$500?

Not him but yes, and that's a cherrypicked picture.

$400-$500 as an adult is pocket change, so instead of being a NEET or an uneducated faggot that flips burgers at McDonalds, put in effort to find an actual job.

Not shown:
Uncapped fps

What kind of an idiot got it on PC?

>he's fine with playing W3


PS4 at it's peak was 500$
A 500$ computer is roughly the same power, add in 100$ and you get a computer that far surpasses the PS4

It's not just the graphics senpai. It's the...

>Choice of peripheral
>couch or desk, up to you. Both if you dare you madman
>Free online
>Higher resolutions, higher frame rates.

There's a good number of perks to playing most multi-plats on PC over console.

It'll come out on PC a year later with RDR2 Online, with focus on monetizing the online portion.

>>Free online
genuine question, what does this have to do with W3? I have it on PC

Note the line
>most multi-plats
Witcher is not the only game that is better experienced on PC, the topic of this thread is about PC gaming, not the witcher in specific.

and even then, more than double the performance.

MY BAD user

Almost any multiplat is best played on PC. The only notable exception I can think of recently is that shitty Arkham Knight game, and maybe Dishonored 2 ( which I think was since fixed )

PC gaming isn't dead just because you get good games 5 years late. It just means it's second-tier.

Get this console peasant propaganda out of my face


>PC gaming is dead

Meanwhile a fucking indie early access game reached 1 million consecutive players. The most popular multiplayer in game in years, destroying shit like Overwatch.

Whatever, it's their loss. It's more like "AAA" gaming is dead.

>I'm sitting here with $1500 PC and feel like I made a bad choice considering all I do is emulate games and watch Youtube let's plays of games I want to play like Yakuza 0 and Gravity Rush

Sounds like a you problem and not the system.
Also having one does not mean you can't have the other, consoles are cheap so why are you writing a blog?

>The most popular multiplayer in game in years
It's the most popular game in history.

>Is pc gaming dead?
Well, if it is, then console gaming has been dead for years. But you're holding it to a much lower standard.

Yeah it's dead just like Nintendo and WoW.

>At it's peak was $500
No it wasn't. You're thinking of the Xbox One, the PS4 launched for $400.

>Paid $550 for a PC in 2013
>Paid $350 for a PS4 the same year
>My PC is already obsolete but my PS4 is still going strong
You get what you pay for but I honestly can't convince myself that paying twice or thrice the price for double the FPS is worth it these days.

>going strong

How is it not?

It barely runs games at 30fps even when they drop the resolution to 900p.
>$550 PC
Sucks that you are this poor though. My more expensive PC from 2012 still outpaces the PS4.

It's already outdated. PS4 pro and the new xbox surpass it. Not to mention a rx470 eclipses PS4 and it's cheap.

>Meanwhile a fucking indie early access game reached 1 million consecutive players
Poor pc players.

>have PC that's a bit better than a 7th gen console
>have no reason to upgrade because FPS is a dead genre and all the best games would run on literal toasters

>poor people having truckloads of fun while I have nothing to play

>all this graphicsfag shitposting

Okay, hear me out.

Honestly, fuck graphics.

Any game's graphics are just going to be considered shitty-looking only a few years after it comes out. Once a game is no longer new, literally every aspect of the game matter more than graphics technology. Games with a better art style will still age better than those with a horrible art style, but art style isn't the same as graphics technology. A high-end PC has greater graphics capability than a console and only the most desperate shills deny it... but it doesn't actually matter, and I'm saying that as a PC-only gamer.

The reasons I use PC instead of a console have nothing to do with graphics. I don't want to pay to play online. I don't want to play shooters with a gamepad. I don't want one-size-fits-all hardware. I don't want to be locked out of entire genres because they require a keyboard and mouse. Even if I couldn't afford a good PC to play games on better-than-console graphics settings, I'd still play on PC for all the other reasons. The graphics are nice when I happen to buy a game that's actually new enough to look good, but I'm not buying new games very often with the fuckhuge backlog of highly acclaimed PC games I haven't had a chance to play, so it doesn't really matter.

If you care so much about graphics that it decides which games you play, then you're probably a normie, and you've probably played less than 30 video games in your life.

>telling people on a website for NEETs only to go find a job
I bet you think that was a terribly clever post, don't you? Lurk moar newfag.

I just got done having fun, actually. New hitman almost made me cry.

Poor pc players.

>FPS is a dead genre
>3 of the best FPS of the decade came out in the last couple years (nuDOOM, nuWolfenstein, nuPrey)

The only Hitman game not available on PC is a phone game.

>It barely runs games at 30FPS 900p
But it runs them with good visuals, it just has inferior performance to a system that costs triple the price (who would have thought it!)
>haha you're poor
I only just graduated from University so yeah I didn't have much money spare.

>It's visually outdated
Barely, the Pro only offers a middling upgrade (from 1080p to 2K or from 40FPS to 60FPS). I suppose you're right that a $350 machine from 2013 is inferior to hardware from 2017 though

>mfw enjoying modded RTS games that consoles will never get.
I love playing niche settings.

but wolfenstein is the only good one out of those 3, you have just revealed your shitty, casual, newfag tastes and that you have never played any of the original doom games or system shock 1+2

>sell the game to most people for $60
>wait a couple years and sell to cheap PCfags or trick people into rebuying it for "4k graphics" and mods

>3 consolized remakes of old games
yeah sounds dead to me

Both are fixed as of now

>FPS us ded
>Several of the most played games globally are FPS
Wew lad. Those dank memes fresh out the oven?

Is console gaming dead? Seems like shit is becoming less and less relevant with the rise of streaming. Consoles are struggling to adapt by adding incredibly shoddy streaming options built into them, but nobody wants to play console versions of games anymore except if it's niggers and Madden or a dudebro game like Destiny.

>I'm sitting here with $1500 PC and feel like I made a bad choice considering all I do is emulate games and watch Youtube let's plays of games I want to play like Yakuza 0 and Gravity Rush

>this whole post
what a load of nothing

holee fuark he even gets taller on the pc version

You're one to talk seeing that you just play FIFA, COD, MLB, and Battlefield all day.

>But it runs them with good visuals,
Keep telling yourself that.

>reboots with no mods, either shit or no multiplayer and either decent or mediocre movement

>tfw I play vita ports on PC and have tons of fun
1080 Ti SLI bro checking in. Graphics are nice so long as they didn't come at the cost of more important aspects of the game.

>all I do is emulate games
What's wrong with that?

>most played = quality
Overwatch and PUBG don't deserve to be considered FPS games, they're even worse for the genre than Halo and CoD were

Your problem is that you have abysmal taste. Stick to MOBAs with the rest of the tools.

Yet it's fucking indie early access game that's being played by pc players, not the return of our Lord and Savior, Hitman (2016). Bet it didn't even reach even a quarter of the players of pubg.

Things like that make me hit my desk!
Bakas like you make me hit my desk at double the speed.

>1080 Ti SLI
literally why

i bet you're one of those faggots that only plays Minecraft of LOL or some shit u fuknugger


What's your prestige bro XD XD stupid pc assholes


>Multiplats almost always sell better on consoles and have a bigger community overall.
Smaller library = bigger percentage of sales for certain games. A lot of PC games are complete shit (think ASSFAGGOTS and early access shit) but you can't deny the library is endless and dwarfs everything else.
>The GOTYs and "games of the generation" are almost always console games. When was the last time you saw a PC exclusive being a GOTY?
This is true but mostly meaningless because it is a completely subjective award given by every type of """journalist""" and publication known to man. Even dozens of individual games themselves release GOTY editions.
>And to top it all off PC ports have become a rarity, with devs avoiding the subject or outright denying them to us, the consumer
Blame blind fanboys who dangle exclusives over others' heads like children's toys and devs too lazy to make PC ports because they require a bit more effort.

a-are you really a cute anime girl?

Name 10

>"Not enough cartoon girls and button mashing!!!"

>have gtx 1080/5820k
>going to buy a ps4 pro sometime next month for console exclusives
i'll enjoy both platforms thoroughly.
i'm surprised ps4 pros still sell for so much though, a ton of ebay listings were bought anywhere from $310-400, the latter being the price for most of the sales. i figured they'd be in the high 200s.

Silent Assassin.
Oh no... you found out... i have to kill you, baka user.

Are you fucking retarded or something?

I'd rather pour $1k into a multi-purpose machine that, if not now, will be able to play all that shit you're talking about in the future than pour $1k into three separate hunks of uncustomizable hardware to play all these fabulous exclusives you're talking about. While we're at it, why not a few monthly subscription fees for basic online services and zero backwards compatibility. Or better yet, repurchase the entire retro library with each new console.

Look, there's a place for consoles in video gaming as well as PCs. I feel like a fish even having to mention that. You've got buyer's regret, OP? Learn to be a better consumer. If you honestly believe all that master race bullshit, that's your problem. Don't go on Sup Forums and try to rally a bunch of flamers around a point even hardcore PC fans are already willing to admit. You don't get a PC for minor graphical improvements or company-bought exclusivity deals.

>The graphic quality gap between PC and console has become barely existent besides higher resolution and FPS.

Been playing a shit ton of DQ Heroes 2 this week and about to start divinity OS2. I don't play garbage tier games aimed at angsty teens, sorry user.

As for the why? My 3x Titan Black setup wasn't rendering h265 2160p 60fps with lossless audio streams fast enough. They were starting to slouch in my 3D renders. Rather than go for Titan XPs which would of had virtually no real world gains of the Ti, I bought three of those. Two for my main system, one for my living room PC that's hooked up to a 4k 65" tv.

Also, your jelly is showing.

Take Two arent putting Rockstar on PC because PC players are chincy with shit like Shark Cards.

They also are hard to please compared to console owners. Denuvo? Bad. No mods? Bad. Less than great graphics? Bad. Full price? Bad. Microtransactions? Bad.

The guy in your image was obviously having a midlife crisis. He was miserable BEFORE he bought the PC; he thought that indulging in something unnecessary and overpriced would make him happy. Of course he was wrong.

Calling it "PC gaming in a nutshell" is wrong for reasons that should be obvious even to you. A more accurate description would be "expensive PC fails to cure clinical depression" and that's not a surprise.

Wow, what a friendless old faggot that guy sounds like. If you're a worthless sack of shit with no taste or preferences in your soulless life it's not the computer's fault.

Aren't they the same fags that got btfo with the GTAV modding drama? They sure are having a hissy fit after that. Besides, who are they to say anything, they aren't even devs, how can they be that loud-mouthed saying things like they develop anything like Rockstar, you know, the developers of the game and creator of the title; how bad you have to fuck up to get your balls grabbed by a literallywho publisher.

>PC players won't bend over and take it up the ass as willingly
Hmm, who'd of thought? There are standards, it's time the industry started meeting them again but you little faggots with your parents money keep buying literal dog shit and thanking these companies for fucking you over.

And you wonder why PC users are salty about console kids fucking the industry over. You faggots are eating up paid mods from bethesda while the PC community is absolutely slamming them and all their review scores over it.

>acting smug while playing musou games
I enjoyed it too but come on.

Is it really fair to call it a musou? It's got sort of musou combat, I've put 200 hours into it now and can finally almost take out devastating dragon lord. Games hard as shit senpai.

>this projection

I wasn't disparaging PC you shit, I was saying that console owners were willing to spend more money on shitter products.

>1996-2007 golden age of pc
stopped reading right there

Gaming in general hasn't been good since 2002 at the latest.

>PC players are chincy with shit like Shark Cards
Doesn't GTAV sell like gangbusters on PC?
>most played games are blatantly exploitative microtransation laden garbage made by Koreans and Blizzard
good joke senpai

>Blame blind fanboys who dangle exclusives over others' heads like children's toys and devs too lazy to make PC ports because they require a bit more effort.
Devs make games on PCs. Can't get games to run on PCs. Are you telling me god doesn't exist?

>Can't get games to run on PCs.
Shitty devs can't, you're right.