Report twitter screencap threads

report twitter screencap threads

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stop forcing this meme, it'll never catch on

At LEAST screencap his newer tweets so we can see them.

Remember to report and ignore this faggot's threads.

Starting threads with a Twitter screenshot should be an auto-ban.

Kids gaming system. What did he mean by this?

Stop shilling your faggy channel Josh.

Go away Josh

mods please rangeban this fag forever thanks

>Sup Forumsirgin autists are now spamming a literal diaper fag because fuck nintendo
I thought this board couldn't get any worse. Sup Forums constantly proves me wrong.

Who in the fuck is this person you faggots keep posting and why is his opinion valid enough to stalk his twitter

josh is seriously still butthurt nintendo dropped him lmao

go play with your diapers


It's one dude.

What happened?

How do you guys not know by now?

He was the longest running Nintendo Youtuber until Nintendo blacklisted him for giving their other Youtube allies so much shit out of his jealousy.

Now as his channel dies, all he does is shitpost on Twitter about Nintendo and those other Youtubers. Also there's pictures of him dressed in a diaper and he did masturbation porn.

>they already confirmed that everyone in the group can play off of one copy of the game
What's the problem? If you're the type of person who's interested in mario party, you probably already have a 3ds to begin with.

Stop shilling this fuck on here

This literal who isn't common knowledge

Today, I will remind them!

>What's the problem?
The previous 3DS Mario Party games that had download play ran like absolute shit even if you were practically slapping your systems together

>If you're the type of person who's interested in mario party, you probably already have a 3ds to begin with.
Not true. Mario Party, just like Mario Kart, acted as a great "Let's all come to my place and kill a few hours," game. It's not just the same experience looking at individual handheld screens. Besides, even if all 4 people had 3DSes, it'd also be hard to have spectators (ie, other people at a party, for instance).

He deleted that tweet, didn't he?

literally who
kill yourselves

>9:11 AM - 11 Sep

I think this is fake guys

Remember that non-vidya threads like this get deleted if enough people report. Do your duty.

I wonder what's this man's endgame.
>Changing name to channel to do the things he wishes Nintendo to do
>complain all day on twitter
>shill with threads on Sup Forums and have the Sup Forumsirgins play along
>complain some more on twitter.

I'm just about to unsub from his channel, I legit like the LPs, but god damn. There's a difference between being critical and being just.... unpleasant.

Someone post porn so that the mods can delete these threads pls.

but this is about Nintendo

Jesus Christ how is this man so hateable

Because he mirrors Sup Forums to its natural conclusion.

wtf man
kek its almost like he thinks nintendo gives a damn about his opinion, how deranged can people be.

Just imagine one of these fine older japanese businessmen listening to this shizo saying fuck alot

this is what the internet does to people, i'm going back to Sup Forums now

and now he's not even doing Discussions

I've never seen a channel have THIS much of an identity crisis.

>what's the problem
You need everyone to own a 3DS. My friends love mario party and we often play 1 or 2 off the virtual console when they visit, but they don't own any handhelds.

>if you want to play a game, you need to have the system
No shit?

If it were on a console, all four people could play while only ONE person has the system.

How are you not getting his point on why MP on handhelds/3DS is a worse idea than on a home console?

Rogersbase is too kind to Josh. I thought they had broken up already.

Ditto. I'd love to play it with my family, but only I have a 3ds. I dunno if I want to play it alone.

No, I got that. But it's just that if you want to play a handheld Mario Party, of course you're going to need everyone to have the system in the first place.

Besides, isn't this release just a compilation of minigames? Just playing 1 and 2 again is way better.

Rogerbase is such a kind soul.

>Just playing 1 and 2 again is way better.
Sure would be nice if those (and 3) were available on Virtual Console.

Fuck, 3 has NEVER been on Virtual Console.

I refuse to believe there is a single adult man this distraught by a new mario party game

I'm just disappointed because this is a game I really wanted to play with people.

But gee whiz willikers, it's just a game in the end.

Its almost like he doesn't see Nintendo as some company that makes independent decision, but rather a sort of teacher / school director that gives him more hours in certain courses he doesn't like.

he should seek help

I don't know what his deal is but he seems like a real nutjob that should take up woodworking or something

>hide twitter screencap threads
>ignore twitter screencap posts
>don't reply to twitter screencap posters

>>ignore twitter screencap posts
>>don't reply to twitter screencap posters
You're defying both of those.

We got less chances to get a Wario game Thanks to this

is it you? "Josh Thomas"? please put the knive back and go to your nearest hospital

Josh and gamexplain broke up

Josh and Rogers base are still cool with each other but as Roger said, Josh himself doesn't want a discussion

I can't understand how Roger, with a One Piece-centered channel, gets to go to Nintendo events and be sent cool swag.
Josh must be rolling in his grave for that.

Living in LA and rubbing elbows with those higher ups has a huge influence

Roger's channel is basically 50% One Piece and 50% Nintendo.

I refuse to buy a Mario Party game until the add online no matter what system it is on.