>american street level
>nigger rap starts playing
American street level
Other urls found in this thread:
>American level
>get shot
>england level
>bad teeth music starts playing
Wow. Congrats. You can say n****r. I'll bet you $1000 on Paypal right now that you never have and never will have the courage to say that in front of a real black person, you fucking coward.
>getting triggered by spooky words
That weird squirrel thing from gbf can go heck itself :P
I'm not racist but black people are always yelling and causing trouble.
One time these 2 tough looking black guys came up to me, i thought they were robbing me so I gave them my wallet. They gave it back to me and laughed for about a minute,then one of them said "Nah, man, we don't want your shit, we want to know which way to the subway"
I gave them directions, as they walked away they kept looking back at me and laughing.
stupid nigger. go back to cuckit
>american level
>get fat
please don't use racial slurs on this board.