A game nobody asked for

I'll start

Knack 2

Do we have to start Pokken threads like this?

I would've liked a Pokken tournament with an actual SP content.

Yes. The way they announced this garbage. This how it should start

>I would've like a fighting game with more singleplayer because I'm too much of a wimp to fight big bad scary humans

Eat shit, i wanted a pokemon fighting game since i was 10, this is the game of dreans next to a pokemon pet sim.

It's not good tho

No, you're just shit at the game

Nope. There's a reason why it's a dead game

I'm upset they purposely killed pokken wiiu. They just HAD to keep updating the shitty ARCADE version. Then they want you to buy a new system and game to keep playing

Nobody, literally nobody.


>20k pot tournament for the Wii U version last month
>dead game

really calibrates the cashews

LA Noire on switch and PS4

>outsold sfv
>still get matches in seconds
>tourney scene is only growing

The game isn't dead and you deliberately ignore posts from people who still play it.

You've yet to explain why you think the game is bad.

The game won't flop considering it sold over a million on a console people are now willing to call a scam.

Don't (You) me unless you have something interesting to say.

I did
I asked for Mario Kart 8 on Switch too
I want Smash 4 for the Switch with all DLC too
And I want Hyrule Warriors with all the content from the Wii U and 3DS versions including DLC
I also want Xenoblade HD on Switch
And no I'm not baiting, I really do genuinely want these
The less reasons to have a Wii U the better

I wish they updated the wii u version with the new characters. I am not paying another $60 for just 5 extra characters. At least with Mario Kart 8 they added enough new content and left enough of a gap between version releases that it was at least somewhat justified. Pokken Deluxe just feels like a fuck you to everyone who actually bought a wii u.


Because it's on a dead console?

Alright fags who are you going to main?



Look at that roster screen, there's no more room for new characters.

scizor/ sceptile. maybe second decidueye if i like him enough

adding on to it, assist set of choice: dragonite & victini

> A game nobody asked for

Scizor and Blaziken.

Let pokken dx die too. So we get better pokemon spin off games

ITT: games I didn't ask for

This. Fuck Nintendo. We deserve a new fucking Smash game. Not this garbage no one plays. It's not even at EVO anymore.

Not the same user but to be honest I would expect Pokemon games to have at least some meaningful SP content. I bought it day 1 on Wii U and it was one of my very few buyer's regret. Local MP was shit and online MP got boring really quick.

Cause popularity determines how good a game is.


> A game nobody asked for

>I would expect Pokemon games to have at least some meaningful SP content

In the end, it's more of a fighting game than a pokemon game. Definitely could use some minigames or something though.

If a game with the pokemon ip is dead it's not because of marketing or ip brand. It's because game sucks

>Bayo 2
>Dong Freeze
>Nah, instead let's port Flopken, a Pokémon flavoured discount Tekken for babbies

Nutendo keeps shooting their own feet, lately. When will they blow their own head instead?

Why do you think development of one spinoff affects the development of the others? Did Conquest, Go, and Super Mystery Dungeon hold back potentially better spinoffs too?

Yeah, that's what I thought. I remember having a lot more fun with the Stadium games. I got bored of Pokken in five hours or so, felt like I had seen everything in both MP and SP.

The games you listed flop too

The dumb uncharted game that just came out.


Might be coming along.

I kind of asked for it. I asked for the arcade DLC to come to console.
It just didn't come to the console I wanted, and they instead expect me to buy the game a second time to get it.



I'm not sure Nintendo had much if anything to do with this. This seems more like Namco Bandai and The Pokémon Company's kind of thing.

>be starved for games
>Play literal shit to justify shit console

Why is it shit?

And yet all three are vastly better and bursting with contents, unlike Pookken, which only the most zealous Pokefags ever bought. In fact, the aforementioned three games are ones of the only few worthwhile titles on WiiU.

This is where the Pokken thread's at.

Shit bait title, glad to see pokkenbros know how to make a thread theirs.

To be fair, people were pretty excited for an FE x SMT crossover. It's not their fault they got babby's first Persona game with FE-themed skins.

Metal Gear Survive

/vp/ dont give a shit about this game and I don't think Pokemon fans bought a dead system like Wii u in the last year to play this shit game

The games you mentioned because no one cares about it

>It's not their fault they got babby's first Persona game with FE-themed skins.

aka not a SMT x FE crossover

Give us Smash Switch or else.

This game got so fucking boring so quickly. Every mode is just fight, fight, fight with the same 16 characters. It got really repetitive, especially when the cpu is so bad. The online wasn't much better since in the end it's just a subpar fighting game. I would have loved some kind of mode with weird rules, or a mode similar to crazy orders from sm4sh. More unlockables besides cosmetics and titles would have been nice too.

What makes the online not "much better"? I have hundreds of hours exclusively playing online.


Fuck pokken

Why are people shitting on this game so hard? I know it's not a great game, but there's no reason to have such a hate boner for it.

>babby's first Persona game
Wasnt the Deep Strange guys in charge of balancing lunatic mode or something along those lines?

>since in the end it's just a subpar fighting game

Oooookay, what makes it subpar?

this. pokken is so fucking shit

>Man this fighting game sure does have a lot of fighting and also I don't like the fighting in it but I'm not dumb for buying this game I don't like no siree

I asked for this you fucknugget
but this is clearly a bait thread

Smash hate it because there porting this garbage instead of smash this year

Pokemon fans hate because it cucked them during the pokemon direct. They were expecting Pokemon stars or d/P remakes instead they talked about pokken dx for 6 out of 8 mins

They screwed the Wii u owners not during DLC

Switch owners feel cheated because it's full priced shitty port. Alot to hate about it

Pokken fans asked for it with the 100k they donated for EVO.

I just don't get pokken. It's too all-over-the-place. The constant switching between the free-running mode and normal fighting, calling assists, activating super modes, picking up powerups, there's too much going on at once. That coupled with the fact that its roster leaves a lot to be desired means I'm probably not gonna want this unless it drops fast and hard.

>Pokken fans
Those don't exist.

>starved for games
when will this meme die? splatoon 2, mk8d and fast rmx have kept me hooked on the system for over a month and it has a ton of great games coming on the horizon. quit pretending like this is the wii u where only nsmbu was the only thing on the console for the first two years, things have changed.

what makes scizor similar to hakumen? also are any rekka characters like kyo?

I've seen this thread posted a bunch, starting to think it's a mad roster fag that didn't get his hitmons. It's a good game, especially for it's first attempt.

you're talking to one, multiple actually

I mean, Tekken has had things like a beat em up mode before, Mortal Kombat games have had konquest mode and usually some kind of mini games, Soul Calibur has had substantial single player campaigns, but Pokkens only Single Player content is a story mode with very little story and very much fighting the same opponents over and over 100 times until you can fight Shadow Mewtwo. Then you are only left with a barebones multiplayer.


With swords you can get long range whiff punishes, lots of spacing and zoning with cool up-close mixups.

I downloaded the demo and played it a bit with some friends, user. The demo is free.

did your brain fry as a kid watching marvel vs capcom for the first time?

Oh I see you just don't want to play a fighting game. I get it now.

Melee is fun to watch if you don't understand. Nintendo literally would've better off with a new smash game. Give the fans what they want.

Why couldn't we get like a Mario Maker port or something instead. Or better yet, a new game.


No, because it's very straightforward? It doesn't constantly swap back and forth between two completely different modes of gameplay every few seconds? I felt like I was playing the fighting equivalent of Puyo Puyo Tetris' switch mode.

I honestly feel like the demo lost us a lot of sales and potential new players. People gonna mash and then say "hurr idk what im doing durr this game sux" and not buy it simply because they do not understand what's going on. We got a lot in the pipeline to help new players, the demo honestly fucked stuff up for us.

Melee is for autists.

Fuck I cant even remember the name of the gearbox one.

Do they even look at how the market for those games is before they make them. Nope lets just shit out another shooter, its not like the genre is over saturated.

can the poor game ever catch a break

The demo sold it for me. My biggest pet peeve with the Wii U version was local versus locked to 30fps when using the same Wii U. That isn't an issue with DX.

>"Dont by pokken. Game is shit"
>ask why
>still haven't gotten my (You)

Sincerely causes one to ponder...

Pokken dx and fire emblem warriors both look like it's gonna flop in japan

I just miss the days when developers would actually add content and variety instead of just making one mode and charging $60 for it.

>This game got so fucking boring so quickly. Every mode is just fight, fight, fight with the same 16 characters. It got really repetitive, especially when the cpu is so bad

Your mistake was thinking it was a Pokemon game before it was a fighting game.

Outside everything seems so mixed. Some say it's too simple, others too complex. Some don't like it out of roster size, others for roster selections.Some don't like the single player content, others don't like the online. Not to mention Wii U title + a pain to get set up for TOs. Not to mention The Pokemon Company's fuckups in running tournaments. The game is surrounded in confusion and missteps, it's a miracle that we're still thriving today.

>limited plays

Do people actually redownload that thing?

Pokken does have multiple modes though.

Braixen of course, she gives me an erection with how good she is

Is local on Switch confirmed to run above 30 fps, or is that just logical assumptions going on?

Empoleon fanatics did. They'd do anything for any time with their beloved pingu,

I'm of the mind that Pokken should not have been on the Wii U in the first place. The game suffered massive downgrades in the transition from arcade to Wii U, and the cumbersome LAN setup and the prejudice the fighting game community had against "kiddy games" worked against it at EVO 2016. The Switch version was the home port that should've been out there in the first place.


Nobody bought a Wii U