What games were developed in Israel?

What games were developed in Israel?

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Have you ever met a kike that you didn't immediately hate? I'm Sup Forums as fuck, but even now and again I'll see a nigger or a spic who I like. But not with kikes. They're the most insufferable race by far.

but that was developed in Japan

>I'm Sup Forums as fuck
then stay there



t. Jew

you wish

I think this is actually the most retarded post I've ever seen. The lack of self awareness is on the highest level.

Racists = retards, science has proven it.


t. Jew

I'll take the worst Jew over the best Sup Forumstard

And now floods of poltards are gonna say these sources are "Jewish".


Or just point out that it's huffington post "journalism."

>first link is huffington post
>second link is under "millennial media"


t. Jews

>racist nazis flock in droves to a post of delicious brown jew gay porn

what did they mean by this?

You're right, I am one. What are you gonna do?

mommy, mommy!!!! i said the cool buzzword again!!!!!!

I've already stolen precious moments that you could have used to Jew someone, so I'll just post this smug frog and be on my way.

>Josef Mengele, I'm Adolf Hitler

>there are people who unironically save these images as pinnacles of their political beliefs and believe the opinions of other people who make and save images like this

the link in OP's pic is literal hardcore gay porn

You are the only one looking at the picture I believe, the rest of us read the post and immediately got triggered by the word israel

You're all a bunch of contentious faggots. Fuck you.

>Have you ever met a kike that you didn't immediately hate?
Actually while I hate the Jews and friends in big business, the ones I meet in real life are pretty cool and good-looking, especially the girls.

this game was made in israel

And what are you gonna do about it, Emmanuel?

why do jews from israel look so much different than the ones in america?
these dudes are closer to arabs than the american merchants.

I thought sirtech is American

laugh at you retards like I always have

because Khazar Jews aren't real Jews

they're the literal synagogue of Satan

Then yuk it up, Goldberg.

So you're saying Sup Forums is just anti-SJW's safespace from being triggered by a word? Meaning they are exactly the same as SJWs just screaming a different buzzword?

Really makes you think.

>Sup Forums as fuck
wew lad why so autistic and new