What is the most disappointing platform you've ever owned?

What is the most disappointing platform you've ever owned?

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Neo Geo Pocket. But you're too young to remember that.

Virtual Boy.

You must have hated fighting games.

>Twitter post because op is an underage faggot
You fucking losers would hang yourselves without social media to validate your worthless opinions

It's a close call between my wii u and xbone.

Wii u got like a month of use before getting unplugged and ignored, xbone totally dropped the ball on the halo collection and then had no exclusives.

Literally who

Also, probably the Vita. It had insane potential.

>literal who says something shitting on Nintendo
>one thread dedicated to this every other day on Sup Forums

Stop posting this literal who's Twitter all day every fucking day.

I tried to like it because it was the only game anything that I got outside of birthdays and Christmas.
Felt like shit and tried to make it up to my mom for a while because I didn't appreciate it

It's pretty said the lengths people will go to derail threads they don't like, instead of ignoring them.

Vita or my PS3, maybe my Saturn.

Tied between the Dreamcast and Vita. I loved both but they were just doomed to fail.

>he stopped doing idolm@ster doujins

Who the fuck keeps posting his stupid tweets. His channel stopped being remotely interesting when he spent 2 years making animal crossing new leaf videos. His opinion is so worthless

It's because your thread is shit and you don't deserve to have it

who is he?

who is liking this retards tweets? is it pity or blind fanboys?

Not my thread by the way. Then again I'm just here to watch people get angry for seemingly no reason.

The WIi. S&P2 was a huge disappointment compared to the first one, the only good shmups were just ports of dreamcast games, and even the 'underrated gems' like Pandora's Tower were safe and disappointing.

NGPC is an amazing system though. The library is full of great games, even if you don't like fightan. Although if you had the B&W system, I can understand your pain.

This 100x. had like 6 games and they were all shit besides the boxing. I played the shit out of that boxing game. I would fuck someone up if they dressed like a robot and tried to jab me

PC has been consistently bumming me out but thats because western games are just total shit right now.

>people saying vita
I'll never understand how much you have to hate video games to not like the vita

I'd have to say I was disappointed at my Wii. Xbox 360 had some games I liked, PS2 I got a literal decade out of, nearly two (HARD MODE: PLAY RATCHET AND CLANK WITH NO DPAD, NO L1 OR L2, AND A FUCKED RIGHT THUMBSTICK)

I play the Wii U from time to time, but mostly because it has Sm4sh on it, and because BotW.

When I had a Wii, the only games I had were shitty "sports" games that played like fucking aids and "party games" that I never had anyone to play with because, big shocker, I was a giant fucking loner. WHO'D A THUNK IT NINTENDONT

Why do people like you love e-celebs, gossip, social media and other faggot shit, that is specifically targeted to and consists of women, kids and teens?
Did your father never teach you how to be a man?
Don't you have your own fucking voice and stop of just repeating someone's words?

It's just a bunch of weebshit.
It's fine if you like VNs or read Jap but otherwise it's pretty shit.

I like the vita, but the preparatory memory cards and fuck-all support from Sony sour it.

Wii U, maybe 360.

Wii, no doubt
It hardly had any good games and it dug Nintendo deep into a hole they're just now climbing out of
He literally just did one for C92 you fucking mong

Vita. Still worth it though.

All the wortwhile games on it are either available on other, better platforms, in chink or VNs.


If you don't know Japanese or have a really REALLY strong interest in weebshit, it's pretty bad

It crushed the shit out of the gbc and like first year and a half of the GBA easy in terms of quality games, except for pokemon.

I love my neo geo pocket color.

It's library is 95% multiplats and shovelware, that's probably why.

I spend more time on Adrenaline than on Vita games.

Actually, I play pretty much nothing but action games on the thing.

I will admit that most of the games I like for it are Japanese though, like webm related.

If it's remotely tied to vidya, let it live instead of bitching endlessly. I don't like Josh, or Oney, or even Jim, but I believe they should exist in some capacity, unlike those who want to delet them because they have the wrong opinions.

Like I said before, if you don't like it you can leave at anytime. No one forcing you to stay in a thread you hate. And again, I'm just here to watch Sup Forums get ass hurt for no reason.

It's pretty much an extension of what the psp library was, but with overall higher quality shit a lot of the time.

It's got a pretty great library for a handheld.


How was the Wii disappointing? I got one recently and it's got plenty of games. Damn decent ones too. Tons of third parties as well.

Oy, typo. One letter fucks everything up

Pretty sure this guy is just butthurt that Nintendo rejected him from their YouTube ambassador program.

>Tons of third parties as well.
I don't have a reaction image for this.

Not him, but what was hoped for at launch never really came through. Motion controls turned out to be an overall poor gimmick that hurt a lot of games, third party support was mostly dogshit except for a handful of good titles, and a good bit of the nintendo stuff on it was kind of a step down from earlier entries.

Oh come on user, that's not fair. When they come out on vita first and get ported to other systems two years later, does that really count as multiplat?

It's also really frustrating that pretty much all of its PC ports are entirely the fault of western publishers.


We can't ignore it if you post it multiple times a day you faggot.

The Vita is just a big amalgam of things already released and about 10 titles specifically released for it. I like it for what it is but I got it in a deal and overall it got fucked by memory card overpricing. Sony are retarded in the mobile sector.


I don't want them deleted because of their opinions, they should be deleted because e-celeb bullshit is cancer for underage faggots.

My point is that you are fagging up the board with kids shit and don't even have the decency to make your own point but instead using some whoever to shitpost cancer.

It did though. Lots of third party support on the Wii. Maybe not good but tons.

I can see that though. I got it after the fact. The Wii has shitloads of games.

The N64 is pretty shit, but when it was Sin & Punishment, it's hard to discredit the entire thing.

I hate the N64, but I can't call it a disappointment.

What lengths?

PS4 or Saturn

It isn't even my thread.

I am the biggest nintendo fag but goddamn was the Wii U regrettable, bought it on release.

Saving graces where Smash 4 and Bayo 2

Sup Forums wasnt lying when they said it was a bloodborne machine

>plenty of games != good games
I can remember Bing Bing Wahoo in Space and Metroid Prime 3 for good games
That's it

It has maybe two games worth playing that aren't the worst version of a PS4/PC multiplat.

Everytime I think of idolmaster I think of how much I want to murder Miki, what a fucking terrible character

I haven't had one that disappointed me yet but i'm careful about what i buy.

EDF is top tier user, good job

3ds probably. I still use it but the ds was significantly better.

I pretty much feel the same way. The library has a pretty great variety of stuff for a handheld.

This month is also pretty nuts for releases. I have a game coming literally every week.

Source? In love with this pic.

Now you're just being contrarian and not actually citing things aside from your meme talk.

these posts prove that Sup Forums is full of casuals
just because a platform is doomed to fail doesnt mean it was bad or disappointing. look at the saturn and wii u. also vita wasnt doomed, sony just fucked it up

>The Wii has shitloads of games.
I disagree. I had one from the start and I found the library staggeringly underwhelming, and feel that a lot of the games people point at for the system are of a quality that they wouldn't have been noticed on a system with an actual quality library.

i'm probably going to buy a switch solely for animal crossing tbqhwyf

The GameCube probably. There's only a handful of games I remember fondly and a pile of shitty games I wish could forget.

Don't only play mainstream 1st party shit Nintendo drone
The Wii has a PS2 tier library. So many fantastic games that are better than so much shit on other consoles.

> Sonybros have unironically rallied around this man

>Don't only play mainstream 1st party shit Nintendo drone
I didn't. I actually don't really like most nintendo 1st party shit.

>The Wii has a PS2 tier library
Oh, nevermind, you don't have any clue what you are talking about.

One picture of anime titties is fucking nothing compared to what people who really get triggered by threads they dont' like, man.

Literally who are these nobodies on an anonymous image board

>I disagree that the Wii had a good library
>was underwhelming
>wouldn't have been notice on a sysmte with an actual quality library

You mean the 360 that had Gears and Halo and that's it? You mean PS3 that during all it's years had it's entirely of good releases at the end and then re released constantly on PS4 in HD versions? I guess Playstation wins here but still. You don't have much of a point.

then why are you whiteknighting the fuck out of it
don't like the porn? leave


This fucker right here.

>You can only compare the wii library to libraries of systems of my choice!

Which is funny, because by the end of both their life cycles ps3 still had a better library.

Are you fucking kidding me? The PSP had 2(TWO) GTA games released for it.

The Vita has never once come close to that level of quality in it's 3rd party support. And Sony gave up on first party almost immediately.

None of the consoles I've bought really disappointed me. I only buy one if I think I'll be satisfied based on what's already out.

It's just the principal of >Stop posting this literal who's Twitter all day every fucking day.

It's so juvenile, and his response of course is anime. People should just ignore threads they don't like instead of bumping them and creating longevity.

It didn't have gta, it just had almost entirely the same sort of shit the psp had outside of that.

PSP was like 95% rpgs, rhythm games, arcade stuff, and japanese shit.

Virtual boy/Ps4

There are two fucking threads up with this faggot in the OP right now who is this waste of space and why does anyone give a flying fuck about what he thinks

The Wii, hands down. If I had purchased a console after that I'm sure they would all give it a run for its money. The Switch looks like utter garbage - all of my friends who bought one played Zelda and never touched it again.

I literally fucking compared all three consoles competing at the time you moron.

>getting impatient with a system that has only been out for 6 months
These entitled young'uns would have never survived back in the day. People want everything to be consistently amazing, constantly and immediately nowadays.

>Blacked shit
>Calling others juvenile and complaining about anime

>It's impossible to compare system libraries across generations!

have fun being casual. im not gonna list out a bunch of wii games but i guarantee you that if you actually look into the library you will find tons and tons of gold.

The Wii's first-party lineup alone destroys the PS3's entire library.

Nobody gives a flying fuck what you think.

Don't even dare put Corpse Party blood drive up there. You want to talk disappointing games, THAT is a main candidate.

>It's impossible to stay focused on the argument!

Go home, you're drunk anonchan.

>Josh still hasn't accepted my Twitter request


It's clearly just a picture of his vita shelf. Did you want him to take games down for the picture?