You....I've seen you

You....I've seen you.
Let me see your face.

Other urls found in this thread:

Hey Patrick! Why you got a nigger redguard escorting you? HES A NIGGER!





>"let's blow a decent fraction of our budget on celebrity VAs who will have at most 15 lines of dialogue!"
>I don't know Todd, that sounds like a big misappropriation of funds
>"Shut up dream boy"


>tfw you'll never see an Oblivion film starring Robert Z'dar

It hurts, Sup Forums


I didn't know Pewdiepie posted here

Can't help but feel bad for him. He truly lost the genetic lottery, and there's jack shit he can do about it.


Oh... oh my god


Didn't see you get on.

he can grow a beard and hair to hide most of those.


>meanwhile, inside this guy's jaw



too much dialogue








could you repeat that in english?



what went right, honestly?

Fun faction quests

>Storm a pirate boat for the dark Brotherhood

>Infiltrate an evil mercenary company for the fighters guild

>Steal a fucking elder scroll for the thieves guild

Super comfy music

Good side-quests, good music, and the Shivering Isles.


I just remember a lot of random quests fondly.

>Sleep on an inn boat, and wake up in the middle of the ocean.
>Try to find a missing artist, and end up falling into his painting.
>Buy a new house, turns out that it's haunted.

There were only a handful in Skyrim that I still really remember clearly.

The shivering isles

If you insist...

>going bald
>"dude just grow your hair"
It's too late for him.

>by the nine!

The guild quests minus the Mages Guild Intro quests take forever and Mannimarco is really underwhelming.

music is great

Shivering Isles is one of the best expansions ever made. Knights is also pretty good. The other DLCs are alright. I really enjoyed Mehrune's Razor.

Side quests are fun and memorable.

blue eyes though

near the city of chorrol



Have you heard of the High Elves?

The painting one and the dream dimension ones were the best.


Good music and The Shivering Isles is top notch

the scenery. It might be generic but even now the trees, the grass, the flowers they all look real nice and just triggers a mellow in me

Oblivion and Morrowind just accepted having a finite amount of content and focused on making those quests memorable and interesting, with a good balance of dungeon-crawling and just exploring cities and towns talking to people and information-gathering. Like 80% of Skyrim's quests are just "go clear and loot the dungeon" and they insist on godfuckawful radiant quests for every faction

I've been meaning to play either arena or daggerfall this weekend how long are they?

are they fun games that stood the test of time

The good parts are really good, the bad parts are really bad. Gameplay-wise Daggerfall's still more a first-person roguelike wirh a main quest and some extras thrown in. Also glitchy as hell. Still, if you have some time to kill I'd say go for it and give it a try

Oh, sorry. Length-wise they can be pretty long. Main quest of Daggerfall alone is like 30 or 40 hours. Just watch out for the time limits on quests


That's kind of the winning formula for Bethesda right now profits-wise.

Why is Sup Forums so painfully obvious and cringy any time they post outside of Sup Forums? Why do they refuse to integrate with a board's culture when they leave their containment zone?

>And it keeps working because people keep buying Skyrim again every time it's released on toasters or whatever
>The only TES game the average person is aware of is Skyrim
>"When is Skyrim 2 coming out?"
TES 6 isn't looking great

i want to fuck that cat

Kill yourself, corporate tool.

already pre-ordered my Switch copy desu
thank you based Todd

>Anyone saying nigger is Sup Forums
Hello new friend

>inb4 the switch version let's you play LAN with another player's character

>thread about video games on video games board
>"haha nigger xDDD"
>"fuck off, Sup Forums"
>"haha not everyon who says nigger is Sup Forums xDDD"

The chosen one's a nigger

Look he's a nigger

>newfagging this hard

the third world was a mistake that we should have purged in hellfire a century ago

>"everyone i dont like is a newfag xDDD"

fun everything, literally everything.


the shivering isles

everything else that comes to mind is a dumpster fire.

Not even that gyy, nigger and fag were common words outside of Sup Forums years ago. I find it hard to believe people think it's Sup Forums unless they're new or they're baiting. I took the bait, here's your (You)


>t. gets called a newfag so often that he has to make these passive aggressive posts

>projecting this hard

>using words he doesn't know the meaning of in order to fit in
>being this much of a newfag

>if i keep saying newfag he might go away
t. newfag