Starting new campaign

Starting new campaign.
Get in here.

How is this? See this game get a lot of shit. How long does it take to get into?

Not that long at all, honestly. Maybe an hour, tops, before you figure everything out. The in-game tutorials aren't that bad.

I don't see how the game gets nearly as much flack for being confusing as it does, I learned everything I needed to know before I finished the tutorial level, it's pretty obvious.

Why the fuck didn't Streum go back and make a more polished E.Y.E 2 instead of working on that shitty Warhammer 40k dungeon crawler, despite being hot garbage, EYE is something genius and could've been something so much more if Streum just had more faith in it.

A 40k game was a dream project for them, and a sequel to E.Y.E would be hard to pull off given how the entire game is just a dream.

Should we all roll new characters?

maybe some dlc all these years later
new guns
new maps
new multiplayer pve gameplay
new magic

It doesn't have to be a sequel sequel.

The events of Divine Cybermancy are a dream, but the actual world, (arguably) the characters and the lore are real

I get what you mean though, the game was more of an experience than it was an actual game in many ways, now that we've played through the story and experienced the weird as fuck storytelling it'd be difficult to recreate that same floaty feeling of confusion and curiosity

Still, a lot of people haven't played E.Y.E yet, if the game had solid mechanics and the devs promised to make it more polished, I'd reckon the second game would get a lot of first timers.


Ok, I have an absolute ass laptop that runs low-req games at alright performance. Heat is only a light issue since I have a cooling pad. My laptop is an Asus k53e.

Can toasters run this alright at decent settings?

It's a Source game. It ran on toasters a decade ago.

It's source engine, you can probably run it

The game has a demon on Steam my friend


Well shit, I completely forgot some games have demos. Didn't even think to check. Also, wasn't aware it was a Source game. Tyvm anons, downloading it right now.

This statement is accurate.

Have fun user, the game is a shit encrusted diamond and I love it. Make sure you stick with it to the end, it sometimes takes a few hours before you can start to appreciate the game.

I love the spawn area music in this game

*weird droning noise*
*sinister choir sound*

really spooked me as I was pondering my character's stats.

I wish hacking was less tedious in this game, I've been wanting to do a pure hacker play through for quite a while now but it really puts me to sleep

maybe hacker-stealth would be a lot more viable

E.Y.E 2 would never work, people would expect the game to have the same kind of illogical magic that the first one has, but most of what makes E.Y.E a fun game is that it's a flawed mess that somehow functions. You can't recreate shit like the charm of it's weird translation if you try to do it deliberately.

If they released a 'polished' E.Y.E, Sup Forums wouldn't like it anywhere near as much as they like what they have now.

I completely buy this. Even knowing everything there is to know now, the game is still this odd experience worth dicking around with.

Yeah, the unofficial fan translation gets shit on for removing the mysticism and insane bullshit the game relies on.
>knowing everything there is to know
prove it

Yep, it's one of those weird things that loses its charm if you try to do it on purpose. It's like how the guy who made The Room wants to make another, not realizing that you can't intentionally do the things people "liked" about the original.

And that's not to say Streum doesn't have another good game in them, I think they're pretty cool guys.

But it seems to me they need to invest in something that they come up with from scratch. Their next game needs that 'homebrew' element that E.Y.E has.

Who knows. They did their 40k thing, maybe they learned some shit.

Try out the 2012 Syndicate vidya

there are ways to be mystical and confusing without bad translations, take Dark Souls for example

when I say polished, I mean balanced combat, more customization, less tedious (but more difficult?) hacking and more role playing options. The game doesn't need to be like a triple A title, but I feel as if it could still benefit from being refined, I feel as if Dark Souls (or even Demon's Soul) is an example of a mysterious bullshit game that has been refined to point where it's charm outweighs its initial barrier and that's why I love EYE, it has that same feel to it.