Fresh reminder

WRPG and JRPG only denote the region the game was made in

Being turn based doesn't make it a JRPG.

Having western influence doesn't make it a WRPG(like Dark Souls). JRPGs themselves originated from WRPGs(Wizardry/Ultima) so of course there will be some influence.

There are a plethora of JRPGs that have completely different playstyles and still fall under the Umbrella of JRPG(Final Fantasy/Tales of/Disgaea/Dark Souls/Valkyria Chronicles/Kingdom Hearts all play nothing like each other for example)

>B-But then the labels WRPG and JRPG tell you nothing about the game!
Exactly, so be specific when bring up a game's genre and use its sub-genres. Like Action WRPG or Strategy JRPG

Other urls found in this thread:


jrpgs are not rpgs

>most JRPGs take influence from Wizardry/Ultima, which were WRPGs
>most WRPGs take influence from Dragon Slayer and Hydlide, which were JRPGs

>Dragon Slayer and Hydlide
Never even heard of these

Why is Rinoa such a slut?

>Dragon Slayer
Damn this looks like hot ass

WRPG have a few games with decent writing or combat
JRPGs have nothing but spectacle

>JRPGs have nothing but spectacle
Spoken like someone who has never played a JRPG and saw some Kingdom Hearts once

You can't name any good turnbased JRPGs

Shin Megami Tensei

The Dragon Quest series
The Shin Megami Tensei series

Just because YOU don't like it doesn't mean they aren't good

Bravely Default


Etrian Odyssey

lol WRPG/JRPG denote style you fuggin moran

A western developer can make a "JRPG", same for a Jap that can make a "WRPG".

It's fucking stupid to call those shitty RPG maker "WRPGs" on Steam just because some weeb neckbear made it when they are clearly JRPGs

WRPG and JRPG most definitely denote a genre.

You're completely right, and it's completely nonsensical to have these constant wrpg vs jrpg arguments. But Sup Forums loves 'pretending' to be stupid. Don't bother trying to reason with people, people only come in these threads to act dumb.
Here's a random bait image, have fun.

>A western developer can make a "JRPG", same for a Jap that can make a "WRPG".
No you fucking piece of shit


They tell you absolutely nothing about the game

She saved her vagina for her true love (Squall), she only gave Seifer her anus and if her came inside she only allowed it during missionary so his cum wouldn't leak down to her vagina.

Zell was allowed to finger her and suck her nipples but she would never let him put his cock inside. She did give Zell a handjob prior to the Galbadia mission but he was cockblocked after that by Squall. Zell was a virgin at the time so he was happy enough squirting his load on Rinoa's face. She licked up some of it but didn't really like the taste.

I'd still rather play as the character on the right just because generic knight in armor is boring.

Also I love scythes

You're the fucking piece of shit you delusional turdlord

The fact that the majority of the original JRPGs were directly styled after WRPGs is enough to prove you wrong.

Its called JAPANESE RPG for a fucking reason

You don't know anything about moist vaginas.

>no skill gameplay
Go play Etrian Odyssey or Dark Souls and tell me how they take no skill

To the millenials and underaged people of Sup Forums RPGs began with Fallout 1 and Final Fantasy VII, nothing ever came before them that called themselves an RPG.

They weren't styled after "WRPGs", they were styled after "RPGs". That style distinction didn't come around until the Japs started using and and western RPGs stopped entirely and went a different direction

In order to not confuse the subgenres they were separated into styles by the popularity in their respective regions of origin

JRPGs are turnbased, character driven and linear, WRPGs are openended and choice driven

Yes the two can borrow aspects from the other, they're both fucking RPGs and also video games, but when one blatantly leans heavy enough to one side you call it by its fucking style

Just because Ken-Sama made Underage Panty Quest XIV: Moe Bitches Edition doesn't make it any less a fucking JRPG

>Etrian Odyssey
Random encounter, turn based trash. Just awful.
>Dark Souls
Possibly the only good RPG. Mostly because of how superficial its RPG elements are.

>JRPGs are turnbased, character driven and linear
You're an idiot for reasons I don't even need to explain because they where already said in the OP

I'll always feel that while "RPG" is mechanical genres (as opposed to something like "Noir" which is an aesthetic genre), "WRPG" and "JRPG" will always be something of a mix - based in mechanics and aesthetics, but informed by geography.

What is the use in calling a Souls game a "JRPG" if the only significant difference between it and Lords of the Fallen is that it was made in Japan. The only use in distinguishing between JRPG and WRPG in that situation is when talking about marketing.

Drown yourself in an ocean of semen

So you're just a shitposter

Got it

autism speaks

Don't reply to me.

not him but here's a (You) autismo

Betrayal at Krondor is my favorite JRPG.

Make me faglord

Souls games arent JRPGs in a style classification sense, they are dungeon crawler RPGs made in Japan

Tell me why the fuck would you want to point out a where a game is made? How does that better help you understand the fucking game? On one spectrum you're classifying a type of game based on an ENTIRE FUCKING HEMISPHERE and the other JUST in Japan. Why aren't we calling The Witcher a PRPG, why aren't we calling Elder Scrolls ARPGs

We point out that it's made in Japan because of the fucking style they are known for, but if it doesn't follow that style there's no god damn reason to call it by the style

>Random encounter, turn based trash.
Not a refutation of it taking any skill or not

>Tell me why the fuck would you want to point out a where a game is made? How does that better help you understand the fucking game?
Read the fucking OP

>We point out that it's made in Japan because of the fucking style they are known for
There is no one style for JRPG be it gameplay or aesthetics

Your OP is as full of shit as you are, no one is going to use "Strategy JRPG" when it isn't necessary to us so many fucking words

Just call it a goddamn JRPG if it plays like one. If it doesn't, call it something else

>dungeon crawler RPGs made in Japan
Megaten isn't a JRPG now?

Final Fantasy Tactics

>Just call it a goddamn JRPG if it plays like one.

>There are a plethora of JRPGs that have completely different playstyles and still fall under the Umbrella of JRPG(Final Fantasy/Tales of/Disgaea/Dark Souls/Valkyria Chronicles/Kingdom Hearts all play nothing like each other for example)
LITERALLY everything you've posted has already been refuted in the fucking OP

If WRPG and JRPG only denote where they were made, then they are LITERALLY pointless terms, and should not be used.

Riddle me this, retard-kun, why is this the only example across all of vidya with the W and J prefixes? Why are there no JFPSs or WRTSs? It's because the W and J denote different design philosophies for RPGs that are so distinct from the other people began categorizing them as such. A name that tells you nothing more than where it was made is worthless.

Doesn't changed that they are and always will be used. Which is why you try to mitigate some of the headache by using proper sub-genres.

>JRPGs dont' have a set playstyle
You're an idiot. They were given that classification BECAUSE they have a recognizable playstyle

Not really. Legend of Grimrock and other games and other games across regions have used similar gameplay. It's easy to call them JRPGs because of weebshit, but they don't fit the classification well

I think Megaten is pretty awesome enough not to group it with the rest of the drivel that comes out of Japan anyway

So your argument is hat since they are always going to be used, you should help propagate their use? Why not just say "action RPG" instead of "action JRPG?"

>JRPGs themselves originated from WRPGs(Wizardry/Ultima) so of course there will be some influence

Fuck off u WRPG fagle, JRPGS and WRPGS have devoped into much different things since the early 80s. JRPGs have hardly anything in common with Wizardry or Ultimate besides what? Turn based game play?

>It's easy to call them JRPGs because of weebshit
Oh, so you're a retard. It's a shame to have to disregard your opinion because I share your view that SMT is a great series.

>It's because the W and J denote different design philosophies for RPGs that are so distinct from the other people began categorizing them as such
And there is no one "jrpg design philosophy". Kingdom Hearts doesn't play like Disgaea, which doesn't play like Dragon Quest.
>A name that tells you nothing more than where it was made is worthless.
Yes they are worthless classifications because they only tell you the region its made in. Not the way it plays, that's the point.

>Why not just say "action RPG" instead of "action JRPG?"
Because even then there are differences. Action JRPGs tend to be more hectic then their WRPG counterparts IMO.

>They were given that classification BECAUSE they have a recognizable playstyle
You keep ignoring EVERY single example of different JRPGs that play nothing like each other.

Because many of those examples aren't JRPGs. They are fucking RPGs of entirely different subgenres made in Japan

>JRPGs have hardly anything in common with Wizardry or Ultimate besides what? Turn based game play?
Doesn't change thats where they came from

So what you are saying is that these labels denote stylistic differences and thus do not merely denote the region where they are made?

Disgaea or FE play significantly differently from Western SRPGs like XCOM or Shadowrun. The classification is relevant because there is a measurable difference between Japanese and Western games otherwise of the same type.

Disgaea is a JRPG
Tales Of is JRPG
Kingdom Hearts is JRPG
Dark Souls is JRPG
Nier is a JRPG
Xenoblade is a JRPG
Valkyria Chronicles is a JRPG

You have no idea what you're talking aout

Disgaea is an SRPG, just weebshit
Nier is an action RPG
Dark Souls is a dungeon crawler
Valkyria Chronicles is an SPRG, just a pretty unique one


No that's not what im saying at all.
This is the point im trying to make. Thats when in the proper context its important to say Strategy JRPG or Strategy WRPG.

JRPGs were given the classification because they're from fucking Japan, not because they have some underlying play style. Strategy RPG is just a kool kids way of saying tactical RPG which has plenty of merit as a separate classification

JRPG doesn't mean turn-based if thats what you're trying to get at.

>"No that's not what im saying at all."

>"Because even then there are differences. Action JRPGs tend to be more hectic then their WRPG counterparts IMO"

So what are you trying to say, because you seem to be contradicting yourself. Is there differences or not?

>"Japanese RPG doesn't mean it was made in Japan"

Back in my day nobody called an RPG from its country/region of origin. They were all just RPGs.

People wanted to separate subgenres of RPGs based on the style so they pointed out if the game followed the popular turnbased Japanese style or the more openended western style. If it followed neither one of those there's no need to call it a goddamn "JRPG" or "WRPG" The fucking end.

Like seriously what kind of asperg calls Dark Souls a JRPG? Literally why? It fucking tells me NOTHING about the game because when you use JRPG you mean those shitty fucking turnbased weeb games the denotation was originally used for

Because even then that's not definitive. There are plenty of Action JRPGs that aren't hectic.

A game being turn based doesn't make it a JRPG

>Back in my day nobody called an RPG from its country/region of origin. They were all just RPGs.
Just because YOU and your click didn't use it doesn't mean it wasn't used. JRPG is an old as fuck term.

An RPG being made in Japan doesn't automatically make it a JRPG.

So what are you are saying is that you should just call them Action RPGs, because your previous comment about action JRPGs being hectic is not all inclusive, and thus not definitive as you say now. So why use "action JRPG" instead of just "action RPG?"

Thats only if you follow the stupid viewpoint of "JRPG = Turn based"

Is no one going to point out how stupid this makes you sound?

Yes it does.

There definitely are cultural differences even between RPG sub genres, compare the more Legend of Zelda inspired Action RPGs of Japan to whatever you want to call stuff like Diablo which the west call Action RPG.

By your logic Skyrim and Kingdom Hearts should just be called Action RPG.

Yes it does, that's the whole point of this.

What the fuck do you even count as a JRPG? Turn-based? The thing that didn't even originate in Japan?

I never counted Zelda as an RPG.

So are you saying that there IS A STYLISTIC DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO, and thus "jrpg" refers to more than where they are made?

>Nier is an action RPG
Nier is closer to an action game. ARPGs are games like Diablo and PoE.

No because even among Action JRPGs most of them don't play alike. Kingdom Hearts doesn't play like Tales, which doesn't play like Dark Souls, which doesn't play like Nier. Yet all of these are still JRPGs.

Ebic dark souls pamphlet preach senpai

Nier is still an RPG

>ARPGs are games like Diablo and PoE.
Only in the WRPG sense

Star Ocean and Tales are ARPGs and they play nothing like Diablo/Poe

So, to reiterate, "JRPG" is meaningless parlance that does not denote a stylistic difference? So why use "action JRPG" over "action RPG?" when "jrpg" does not indicate any difference in the game? The fact that these titles come from japan is meaningless right? As such, saying it is a "jrpg" is just additional baggage that doesn't mean anything.

>"JRPG" is meaningless parlance that does not denote a stylistic difference?
It means NOTHING more then an RPG made in Japan
>So why use "action JRPG" over "action RPG?
Because it helps to separate JRPG sub-genres.
>The fact that these titles come from japan is meaningless right?
Wrong. There are plenty of people who only care about RPGs made in Japan.
>saying it is a "jrpg" is just additional baggage that doesn't mean anything
Repeating myself again just so you can finally get it. JRPG only denotes the region the game was made in.

There is a difference between an action rpg and an action game with numbers displayed. Star and Tales are action games not action rpgs

>Star and Tales are action games not action rpgs

Anyone who plays JRPGs would say Star Ocean and Tales are action RPGs. I mean fuck they even describe themselves as such.

You're looking at one of the most important games ever made. It came out in 1984 and it's almost impossible to overstate how much things changed just because of that one game. Franchises as disparate as Zelda, Elder Scrolls, the Mana Series, King's Field and the Souls series owe most of the basic ideas in their designs to this one game. Its sequel, the somewhat lesser known Dragon Slayer II: Xanadu, invented the Metroidvania genre a year before Metroid.

>It means NOTHING more then an RPG made in Japan
Okay, thats fine, but it is inconsistent with what YOU are saying.
>Because it helps to separate JRPG sub-genres.
Why would you need to separate specifically JRPGs into subgenres, instead of just separating RPGs into genres? By your own admission, JRPG only denotes that it came from japan, so once again, why use "J" at all? As you have stated many times, "J" is meaningless to imply any kind of stylistic choice in the game, so why use it at all?
>Wrong. There are plenty of people who only care about RPGs made in Japan.
Why would they care specifically about JRPGs instead of all RPGs, when by your admission, they are the same? Unless perhaps, these people prefer games that have some kind of stylistic difference that would make them care about specifically JRPGs?
>Repeating myself again just so you can finally get it. JRPG only denotes the region the game was made in.
That is fine, but once again, it is inconsistent with your own logic. You have stated that "J" only indicates that it comes from japan, while at the same time stating that skyrim and KH should not be both called only "RPG." As such, you must believe there is kind of stylistic difference between the two, despite them both being "action RPGs." You can't have it both ways, it either denotes that they are different, and as such more than just location based, or have no difference between the two, and as such it is a meaningless attachment that should not be used.

>the somewhat lesser known Dragon Slayer II: Xanadu
I know about Xanadu and didn't know about Dragon Slayer

>A video game doesn't have to have gameplay to be a game.

Fucking guzzle some drain cleaner.

You got that reversed, bud.

We're arguing in circles at this point

>decent writing
u w0t m8?

stop being angry

>Why are there no JFPSs or WRTSs?
Because Japanese FPS and RTS games practically do not fucking exist? You chose the worst possible equivalency you could think of. Congratufuckinglations.