Hey Sup Forums, generation 98 here. What was playing video games like in the 90s?

Hey Sup Forums, generation 98 here. What was playing video games like in the 90s?

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what the actual fuck.


oh come on

'91 here, played so much tomb raider that in first grade I drew a pic of Lara with her giant tits shooting a bear with desert eagles in class. Teacher called my parents in the next day.

Does brain tissue even have sensory nerves that lead to feeling pleasure?

not actually fingering the brain if you retards didn't notice

>not fingering the brain

its me

if something did have physical access to your brain you could be forced to feel nearly anything with the correct stimulation in the correct location

your duke


I wonder if future euthanization or executions can stick probes into our brains and give us literally the orgasm so good we fucking die

>attacks left side of brain
>left eye starts spazzin out

>Manipulates right side of brain
>Right eye moves

Fucking autist

>Artist's stuff is godly
>Most of it is untranslated

not in the way that you're thinking of, but poking at living brain matter forces the neurons to fire, triggering a response

really gets the neurons firing huh

Wait. Which is it o.O

make up your mind!

nah, only the hellish nightmare you're living

1996 - 1998 were basically peak video game years.
It's been downhill since.

Your dad better have been proud of you.

>posting on a Ugandan toon plank



god that series is so fucking pretentious

Source please, op.

deep brain stimulation


it might be gesundheit


it is

Why would they need brains in Zalem?

what's up with the crying panda?

It's probably being pushed around by her hand


I'm not making an account.

>tfw I can tell the artist just by looking at the eye
I need help

It's her Right side

>what's up with the crying panda?

>tfw to smart for hentai

whadyu senpai

What is this bootleg DIO bullshit

Oh god, it keeps getting worse

Can someone tell me what she was trying to accomplish? I never watched this series.

trying to remember something

>the year of our lord two thousand and seventeen
>people still see the panda

>tfw exhentai extension is incompatible with palemoon
>have to use firefox instead to use it

>crippling yourself for a placebo
it's your fault

>using the extension
for what purpose
are your literally too lazy to login before visiting the site?

>using the extension
>not just making an account

I swear to fucking god.


I'm literally using pale moon right now. I don't remember anymore but I think all you have to do is register on ehentai and the account transfers.

Here you go

excuse me sir, i'll have to ask where you got that incriminating picture of my wife.

it's the right side, idiot
and yeah, you're right about the eye

thanks, bud

Gesundheit, huh. I like your tastes.

GIB please, at least tag name.

Are you... are you retarded? The post literally above yours gives you the artist's fucking name.


I'm not sure what the fuck I just read, but thank you.


Found the post.

>not having both for auto-login

It was fun, we had the golden age of couch co-op. It was the best time in history to have siblings around your age.

>tfw you accuse your bud of screen looking

>tfw had no siblings
>tfw no dad
>tfw the only time i was able to play with anybody else was when 2 guest students came from kazakhstan
we played mortal kombat 2 it was ok, i guess

>tfw you screenlook like crazy but never get called out on it

the extensions doesn't work anymore, by the way (on the newest versions of firefuck)
just do it the normal way, it's actually not that hard. Just delete all exhentai cookies, make account, then wait a week.
If you can't go a week without dem doujins, just use nhentai for that week or something,

whats the plot?

How am I supposed to get off if I cant understand the plot


Different user, I made an account ages ago, but I could never get the cookie thing to work. I should probably try again, since the direct login extension doesn't work any more.

I forgot about this guy, guess I know what I'm doing now.

Also am I the only person here who just use nhentai for shit? It's never failed me in terms of finding shit, I don't see any reason to go to exhentai when nhentai is way more convenient.

Muh sekrit club


>brain pussy

In the Finland? Back in NES/SNES generation it was infuriating.
Your option was either zillion shareware games on PC, and you'd never see full versions of those games because how the fuck would you get them?
For consoles, nobody owned Sega systems other than some weirdos, and with Nintendo even official magazine was like "Oh hey, this game looks cool, but I wonder if anybody will ever bring it over here!" Mind you, this was before online sales, so if the game wasn't on store shelves, you had no idea of buying it.
Then again, that meant that when you got an actually good game it was fucking amazing, and you played the shit out of it. You had way less options back in the day.
With PS1 things started to change, Sony wanted the European market hard, and dubbed/translated practically every game, and compared to Nintendo there was way better variety of games too.

Things are better now.

Higher resolution

EX has better tagging system, but NHentai doesn't comply with C&Ds, so they haver lots of stuff that's not available on EX.
Then again, there's so much shit being released in a day, that lack of WaniWani doesn't really hurt at all.

for the majority of exhentai links, you can change the x to a hyphen and see it without an account

I keep seeing this can I get a source please?

delte this

gameplay > everything else
and because games only had gameplay as a merit it was easier to judge them objectively

>using firefox after the new update
>using google chrome