What games are you playing right now, Sup Forums?
What games are you playing right now, Sup Forums?
I'm masturbating, was playing Witcher 3 though.
The game of avoiding all responsibility until my inevitable suicide.
>tfw no user to play Portal Knights with
Oh well
>Foot fap material #1346
>foot is blurry as fuck and completely unfapable
Sonic mania trying to find more items
raider of a broken planet. any time i paired with consoles cucks they dont play the objective
You shall only reply to me if you wish to play Portal Knights. If not, then screw off! I haven't the time for you.
I was going to play Sonic Mania but I'm too tired. Now I'm going to masturbate to feet I guess.
Cold waters. I play it off and on. Love modern sub sims.
Nothing. Waiting for Dangan V3 to drop.
There are games where PC and console don't get separate servers?
>feet isn't focused
yare yare
I don't know, i am an old man now. You tell me
Yakuza Kiwami
Pasta thread do not respond, make sure it gets pruned
Feet are fucked up
Huh ever since I started making these threads a bunch of other people copied me and made the same thread or used a slightly different text. Interesting.
it's flattering when that happens, i've made shitty pastas that sometimes people post with slightly altered text
>Waiting for Dangan V3 to drop.
Me too but user told me glasses girl is the evil one so that will probably ruin my experience with the game, hopefully she isn't.
>a bunch
There's basically only 2 separate filenames dumbass.
i like feet
You should feel proud then
100% orange juice
Picked up Europa Universalis 4 for 10 bucks on humble a few days ago. Finally found a mod that makes the text not completely hurt my eyes, so finally played a bit today. Seems fun.
Mod in question:
Revisiting Transformers: FoC on PS3. Only multiplayer mode you can find is team deathmatch at this point, and it always ends in complete domination due to everyone running around like headless chickens.
I had the shit spoiled out of Dangan 2 and still enjoyed it. Nice try if that's what you were going for.