Samus Returns Nitpicks

This isnt a bad game at all but all few things I noted while playing

>Enemies are bullet sponges and do way too much damage early on
>Even with the teleporters, the world seems very large and makes backtracking a chore
>Enemies design seems cartoonish, although this is probably poor transitioning from 2D enemy designs
>If you die you dont go back to your last save station, sometimes the game restarts you in the room you died in
>Game is obviously designed around the counter and Aeion abilities

Anything else anons would like to vent about?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Game designed around its mechanics
What did he mean by this

Landing on frozen enemies is a pain with the circle pad

I dont know, I guess I meant it relies too much on them

Not OP, but I think he means that the new mechanics added to the remake leaving too much of an emphasis on them in something that is first and foremost, a remake.

>Game was designed around boring mechanics
is what he meant by it.

I'm not a fan of moving and aiming with the circle pad and I feel like it could have used a few more bosses outside of the metroids.
Still, I overall I like the game

I hate the art style tbqh.
Also not a big fan of the music. They should've just let Yamamoto take complete control.

Artstyle is pretty good, just the damn 3DS fucks it up

Some of the concept art looks really nice but they aren't an accurate representation of what we get in game. I just don't find the overblown colours and plasticky 'phone game'-like aesthetics appealing, personally.

I fucking hate the 'freeze enemies to jump on them!' gimmick that 2d metroid refuses to let go of.

I really wish the game just made all the recharge stations and save stations one thing instead of spreading them out.

Also, I hate the checkpoint system. It pretty means you don't have to give a shit when you try. It's a shame, considering the bosses are pretty fun.

Reposting from a deader SR thread.

I think Samus Returns suffers from a similar problem to Fire Emblem Shadows of Valentia. They're both remaking and modernizing games which aren't that great or at the very least very hit or miss. Go figure, they're both remaking the second games in the series.

I don't really like the atmosphere in this game, it's very empty feeling. These massive spacious caverns with no music or quiet music. It's a far cry from every other 2D Metroid except Metroid 2, which is what they were going for, I suppose. In every other Metroid most areas have loud and booming music making it pretty lively. But of course, Metroid 2 has like 6 or so songs, 3 of which are for exploration, so I guess they had to work with what they were given and as a whole I think it's pretty good. Samus looks and feels nice to control, very agile.

>Ger the SE for Samus Returns
>Got a Samus keychain for preordering the game
>Check the playlist on the disc
>Have songs from the first Metroid to SR
>Found out not a single track from Zero Mission

What the fuck? Did Nintendo forget that ZM existed? That game had a kickass soundtrack.

its honestly one of the uglier looking games I've seen. which is surprising since Nintendo usually puts out impressive looking games despite the hardware (Mario Galaxy looked better than a lot of PS3/360 games)
but this game the low poly and crap textures really stand out. and the bloom filter is really fucking ugly, makes it look like someone wiped their greasy asshole and smeared it on the screen

sucks because the game is great. but man is it ugly to look at

>If you die you dont go back to your last save station, sometimes the game restarts you in the room you died in

how's this a bad thing.

AM2R didn't have it

>Anything else anons would like to vent about?
Amiibo-locking content is garbage and just knowing it's in the game makes me wish I pirated it instead.

>I really wish the game just made all the recharge stations and save stations one thing instead of spreading them out.

I mean, that's how it's always been in 2D Metroid. The only one that combines save points and recharge stations is AM2R, which is just a fan game.

Is there any way to have Samus aim diagonally like in past games without running or standing stock still with the laser aim?

Casualization. There's no penalty when dying.

True because in AM2R you get the Space Jump way before you get Ice Beam so no point of freezing enemies to use as platforms. Instead enemies just freeze and then shatter few seconds later.


>you have to hold L to use spiderball

The worst offender

It's ok, you're allowed to like both user. You don't have to act like that.

It's not bad for casual babbies like you

If people like AM2R then they won't like Samus Returns as much and Metroid will die for good.
AM2R is the enemy of every metroid fan. No matter what flaws are in Samus returns, it needs to be viraled as hard as possible. If Am2R needs to get shit on to do that then so be it.

At least the filthy Spaniyards didn't rape the lore as hard as Federation Force. I even liked the Fusion foreshadowing even though everyone and their grandma saw it coming. They even tastefully welded it the events of Prime 3.

Why do you do this, the Metroid fanbase is already so fractured. Can't you shitpost about a different series?

Does anybody else think the entire presentation of the game is crap?
Interface, sound effects, and some of the models seem unfinished or just too plain.

The penalty is dying and realizing you suck at the game.

You shouldn't have to redo 20 minutes of shit every time you die. And besides, most Metroid games have save stations before boss fights anyway. The Prime games did at least.

Well those are the same options as always.

It's pretty shit. It's hard to accept as a Metroid fan, but eventually I had to come to terms with reality: this is a mediocre metroivania, and a shit Metroid game.

>empty and boring level design
>aeion abilities kill exploration and make an already easy game piss easy even on hard
>boring enemies that take way too long to kill
>out of place counter mechanic
>charge beam is basically useless
>clunky aiming mode has you stopping dead on your tracks whenever you want to take an aimed shot instead of the quicker and smoother classic diagonal-aiming button
>can't use the d-pad, gotta rely on the shitty analog
>fucking checkpoints? seriously?

>Metroid will die for good
As if that's a bad thing. Current Nintendo doesn't deserve the IP.

What? If you held down L in previous entries you could aim diagonally while you're doing anything. In SR, it just puts me into stock still laser mode. It limits what I can do on the move.

Can anyone tell me how difficulties work? I beat the game and I don't want to start Hard mode, I want to spoof the metroid amiibo and unlock Fusion mode. I just don't know how to make a file on another difficulty. I can't seem to work out how to make Hard mode start, so I have no idea how I'll do it for Fusion. Sorry if I'm retarded, it's late.

>liking this good game is bad
>vouch for this inferior game instead so a japanese corporation can make more money

You can still do it. You run with the diagonal aim and can aim diagonally while on ledges

I don't understand why they put the counter mechanic in the game. I don't see what it adds to the gameplay.

Can you stop green texting and make coherent sentences? Lord I hate this site.

Reddit is always there for you, sweetie.

Yes you fucking should. Otherwise you might as well be watching a movie.

At least on Reddit you can talk about Metroid without shitposting

How about you lurk for more than three days before you start posting?

GB2R then, dummy.

>greentext is shitposting

Go eat an entire back of dicks. All of those points are completely valid, but since you have zero counter-arguments you resort to picking on something entirely unrelated to the discussion so you can backpedal your way out of this, like a fucking child.

A lot of these problems were problems with the original game, to be fair.

The original Metroid 2 was basically a large funnel, with some side-paths you would have to go through but effectively it was a line that you killed the metroids and went through. There were no teleporters, and you weren't meant to go back - The game wasn't designed for it.

It was also extremely deadly, with very few recharge stations or ways to recover health and lots of ways to quickly die without warning.

It was a nintendo-hard game that got it's longevity from difficulty and from forcing you to map out and memorize micro-stages before moving onto the next one, basically, in comparison to the original Metroid which would always start you off in a central area and then you could explore in different directions from there. It also would just fucking murder you instantly, it rarely gave you time to feel like a badass because it was meant to feel like you're walking into the belly of the beast and that you'd always be in hella danger.

No bitch, it amuses me to see the Metroid fan base tear itself apart on v, whereas actual discussion takes place on better websites like Reddit and neogaf. You will never be able to discuss games here. I hope you realize that.

Sr isn't shit. It's good, but we've had better Metroid games in the past.

>The level design isn't empty, there's plenty to do while exploring and the backgrounds are littered with back story.
>I believe aeion abilities are to give an option to casuals. Makes me miss the xray vision
>I agree on the health sponges
>I agree on counter mechanics but I also welcome the implementation of new ideas. It was badly executed and over used.
> agree on charge beam. Charges too slow and does too little. It would have been an excellent alternative to counter.
> aim mechanic is great. You get diagonal aiming and free aiming. Best of both worlds
> agree on dpad.
> agree on check points but they could be implemented more sparingly

>A lot of these problems were problems with the original game, to be fair.

The original game didn't have bullet-sponge enemies aside from the bosses; it didn't have backtracking at all, it's like the most linear 2D Metroid ever; there was no checkpoint system at all and there weren't aeion abilities.

How do ANY, let alone "a lot", of the problems OP listed in any way apply to the original game?

You're the biggest shitposter here right now, maybe it's time to go back to your hugbox though.

>neofag "discussions"
Irredeemable. You lost.

How is the charge beam useless? It's probably the most useful it's ever been in a 2D Metroid game considering it's the only way to freeze the cores of Metroids.

I think it's a great addition, but way too many critters user the fucking charge attack. It's amazing on boss fights because it's a well implemented qte

What other use does it have outside of icebeam? It's faster to spam than charge 2-3 shots per enemy

turbo autist strikes again

>The level design isn't empty, there's plenty to do while exploring and the backgrounds are littered with back story.

Like what? Would you care to name some things to do while exploring aside from shooting at bullet-sponge enemies?

>I believe aeion abilities are to give an option to casuals. Makes me miss the xray vision

It's not optional at all, though. An optional feature is something like the listen mode in The Last of Us, which you can disable before playing the game and do just fine. Aeion abilities are always there and the game is designed with them in mind. Saying "just don't use them lmao" does not make them optional.

> aim mechanic is great. You get diagonal aiming and free aiming. Best of both worlds

It slows down the pace way too much, at least in my experience. You have to stop and take one or two seconds to aim at what you're intending to shoot at, when you have just diagonal-lock'd much faster. Having to run to aim diagonally is kinda shit with bullet sponge enemies, since a lot of the time you'll want to be standing while blasting at them from a vantage point.

it's literally perfect. stop being a faggot.

It's an okay game
But a bad metroid game.
Honestly Samus Returns just makes me want to replay the GBA ones.

The DPS on the charge shot is objectively inferior to just beam spamming, much more than in any 2D game before it.


dying isnt a penalty. Walking back to the boss room without damage is.

It's a better game than Zero Mission and Fusion. Those games have just as many problems if not more than Samus returns.

Zero Mission
>remixed music from original sounds like shit on gba
>bosses are actually garbage, probably the worst bosses in the series, none of them are interesting, none of them do anything
>Chozo waypoints
>Tacked on stealth section at the end
>Game is the easiest in the series
>Introduced the Zero Suit

>Adam stops you at LITERALLY every turn
>Exploration is 90% gone
>Game is incredibly linear
>Music is largely forgettable
>Nerfed movement options

And yet people praise these games why? Maybe Metroid wasn't never good

Can anyone give a detailed explanation of how the wall-jumping and bomb-jumping work? I've seen some general complaints that they're sub-par but I'm curious as to exactly why. Those two mechanics are pretty much my favorite things about past games and I'd hate to see them done badly.

Is it at least better than Fusion's implementation?

>It's a better game than Zero Mission and Fusion.

The game uses fusions wall jumping and bomb jumping is about the same as it's always been. I don't think bomb jumping has really ever changed

Wall jumping is exactly like Fusion. You can still bomb jump though.

My absolute most minor gripe in the entire game has to be the space jump and screw attack and how they look. The Space jump does not change your jump animation AT ALL, and the screw attack is just a ring of energy around samus and not a giant energy engulfing samus with little crackles of lightning shooting off of it.

>since Nintendo usually puts out impressive looking games despite the hardware
that's because the game was handled by MercurySteam, not Nintendo. MSt are the ones responsible for castlevania lords of shadow mirror of fate, which shares the exact same art direction as Samus Returns, ie something that looks straight out of the PSP relying too much on raw polygons and too little on good texture work

Nice greentext. Do you want to refute my points? I have some more.

Zero Mission
>Not only is the game incredibly easy, it's really short. Probably the shortest game in the series.
>Way too man to shinespark puzzles. I don't get the appeal of these. They're not particularly clever

I am loving the game so far, but man it is just on the edge of fluid enough. Like if it was any slower I'd call it sluggish.

I'd love slightly tighter controls. I'd also like 60fps and higher resolution. They should've considered making this a switch game.

I almost wonder if the bloom had something to do with how they tested the software. Blown up and on a PC screen the game may look alright / better.

> Samus Returns screw attack

Nice Ryzen ad.

That picture looks pretty good for a sidesxrolling 3D game. I really dont know what you guys expect from a 240 p screen.

You can definitely remake a middling or even terrible game into an absolute classic. Pic related did exactly this, so did Zero Mission. You just have to be willing to not be so precious with the source material

Are you the person who was complaining about greentext, because you clearly don't know how to use it. Not that guy.

Zero Mission had a lot to build off of. The premise of Metroid 2 is inherently flaws with repetitive boss fights and linear design.

That's only true if you charge it mid fight. If you always have a charge beam stocked you can fire it off and finish an enemy no problem. Use it as an opener to each encounter, don't use it for the entire fight you dingus.

>remixed music from original sounds like shit on gba

Entirely subjective. GBA sound chip is shit, but the actual OST is pretty good.

>bosses are actually garbage, probably the worst bosses in the series, none of them are interesting, none of them do anything

Nice arguments. "hurr durr shit and garbage", They're fine, some are pretty good, and they're definitely better than most SR bosses.

>Chozo waypoints

What about them?

>Tacked on stealth section at the end

It wasn't really "tacked on", since they developed a bunch of new enemy AI, an entire new sprite set for samus, and an entire new map for it.

>Game is the easiest in the series

All Metroid games after 2 are easy.

>Introduced the Zero Suit


>Adam stops you at LITERALLY every turn

He LITERALLY doesn't. What the fuck, ADAM isn't even able to stop Samus, you have to actually go to a dataroom to interact with it. Did you even play the game?

>Exploration is 90% gone

There's lots of secrets to find, and game is still less linear than 2 and SR.

>Music is largely forgettable

It's pretty good, you have shit taste;

>Nerfed movement options

Compare to what? You have most of the iconic power-ups and movement options of previous games.

It sounds like you're getting ultra defensive about a shit game because of buyer's remorse and have gone absolutely insane with shit taste.

Everyone says enemies are bullet sponges, but I've been one-shotting most enemies with ice beam + missiles. Anything that ice beam can't handle, burst beam can.

>Enemies are bullet sponges and do way too much damage early on
I haven't found them to do too much damage. I think they do just the right amount early on. As for their being bullet sponges, I thought that at first too, and in a few cases it might be true, but as I started using charged beams more I realized it really isn't as much the case.

>If you die you dont go back to your last save station, sometimes the game restarts you in the room you died in
Yeah that kinda bugs me, though in my case I've always restarted in the room before, though that may be because I can only remember dying during metroid/boss fights.

>Game is obviously designed around the counter and Aeion abilities
To a degree. There are obviously normal enemies who are designed with them in mind, but again, the metroids/bosses not as much. And really I consider them to be the more major things here.

While I do like the metroids more than AM2R I think it sacrificed using the environments as much. In the other cases I felt the places where you fought them were as much an obstacle as the metroids. Here I don't find that to be the case as much, and I kind of wish it were.

On another note though, I don't really hate the graphics or art style as much as many seem to. I won't say it's anything that wows me but it doesn't look nearly as bad as some say. I think people are still holding on to muh Mirror of Fate.

>so did Zero Mission.

Zero Mission was a fine game, but it's far from a classic. All the handholding and Chozodia made it not as good as it could've been.

>I just got Space Jump
>It's literally no effect
I'm more disappointed than I should be. I liked in Fusion and Zero Mission that fwishing noise it made. Was just neat.

ADAM would seal the doors to the datarooms when you first enter to force you to interact with him. How do you not remember that?

>He LITERALLY doesn't. What the fuck, ADAM isn't even able to stop Samus, you have to actually go to a dataroom to interact with it. Did you even play the game?
what. You HAVE to go into them to progress.

It's so jarring. The space jump was cool because it distorted space around Samus allowing her to jump as many times as she wanted, but in Samus Returns she can just do the same flippies in the air infinitely.

Should have been a switch game

sprites. samus takes far too much of the screen space at all times, and yes I know
>the original on the GB did that too
but the whole point of moving on to a new and more powerful system should be to improve on the old one's shortcomings. with samus' big ass model you get a lot of screen space being used since, as you said, the 3DS only has so many pixels to work with. go boot up metroid zero mission or fusion on the 3DS while holding START for a 1:1 aspect ratio, then tell me those black spaces couldn't have been used far more effectively with sprites

honestly I'm mostly mad at the view distance and how uninspired the art design looks. it's all purely subjective but damn it gets my autism going

I think this game encourages people to actually try different things. When people complain about 'bullet sponges' they mean "Why can't I just kill it with shooting a few normal blasts?" Instead, the idea is more that if you can't do that then maybe consider another way to deal with it. Go in with a charged shot, use missiles or ice beam + missiles, use the screw attack later on or use the dreaded counter. And then there's the burst beam which is required for some.

It's a shame because all the concept art and stuff is great, but in game you get some notsogreat models. I understand it would've been difficult to make all the sprites and all but it would've been better looking and matched the concept art more if it was well done.

Even Gamefaqs has better discussion for Metroid these days. Fuck even the /vg/ thread is better than this shithole.

What kind of enemy isn't a bullet spunge user?

Its a very repetitive game, you are basically fighting boss reskins and it takes forever for them to give you a new one.

Yeah once I had fought my first Zeta I thought they'd outright replace the Gammas but then I fought a shitton more of them. I finally killed my first Omega and I have 4 Metroids left. I doubt they'll all be Omegas so I can't wait to fight the same shit I've been fighting instead of the new boss introduced.

>Metroid game plays like a Metroid game
>it's too hard make it quicker and more convenient for me :(

You'll be surprised then.

Whom are you quoting?

The fastest and most fun way to fight enemies is to shatter them with missiles or melee attacks after freezing them

>can only play using the circle pad
>samus controls like she did with a d-pad

Would it have killed them to update the controls? You know, a slow walk when you move the circle pad a bit, but the regular jog when you movr it far enough

Aeon visor is basically a limited scan visor