Blizzard BTFO. This shits on everything Diablo has to offer.
Diablo shitters on suicide watch
This is nothing like Diablo. Combat looks like a top-down musou and it's not even the main thing of the game.
Doesn't seem to have neough depth to go against Diablo and PoE
>top-down musou
No such thing exist.
Well this sure looks like one. Hordes of enemies that do nothing and die from flashy mashy attacks
combat depth? It has something called the Tripod system which completely changes how your skill works. Like, a single skill has multiple variants of itself that changes the properties, cooldown time, speed, range, element, launcher, stagger, stun, etc
Stop shilling your pathetic game
Are you retarded? That's a fucking official trailer for the game, not some hot shot with BiS gear blasting his way through the content. Of course they're going to show you the fucking flash.
That makes D3 a top-down musou also.
This looks dumb like every chinese/korean game.
That said, fuck Blizzard
How about you just leave and stop bumping the thread.
>This shits on everything Diablo has to offer.
Uh huh, except, you know, an actual playerbase.
Except D3 is the same clickfest as D2 and D1 where enemies actually hit you and don't bounce around when you do your flashy twirly attacks
>This looks dumb like every chinese/korean game.
There isn't a single korean/chinese game that looks anything like this. Fuck off with your generic autopilot comment.
>That second video.
That by definition makes Diablo 3 a musou game too. Hordes of enemies dying to a single attack. Hell, there's even bonuses for killing horde of enemies in a short time.
Blizzard killed Diablo
I never said about dying to a single attack. It's just mashing a button over and over again with no thought because nobody will ever hit you and they get stunned by everything you do
bro korean games are always absolute fucking garbage the first month will go by while they make the game decent then when they have a population secured they will pump in the most pay to win shit possible and random box progression shit i bet you have to buy inventory slots 1 by 1 in this shit its always the same
It looks exactly like tera with a different camera angle
That is definitely Diablo 3 then.
>Hordes of enemies that do nothing and die from flashy mashy attacks
Show me one(1) MMO or MMORPG that doesn't have you fighting multiple crowded/pack mobs every few meters.
Everquest 1, FF11. I miss pulling be an artform.
You are retarded as fuck. It's not even the same engine, not 3rd person, not true action combat, doesn't have any similar looking classes. This is obviously bait.
>flashy visuals
>damage sponge enemies
it's korean, isn't it?
your game sucks Hyoon Chang, get over it
>You have to hit the enemy first to get it's attention, otherwise they just ignore you
Boring as fuck.
When you hit enemies with weapons in tera it looks and feels exactly the same as that trailer looks and feels.
Being in the same engine or being 3rd person has nothing to do with having the same gamefeel."True action combat" lol do you have anything to argue with besides buzzwords?
>Blizzard BTFO. This shits on everything Diablo has to offer.
>Blizzard is BTFO because a Corean Kusoge came out after their game from 2012 which sold upwards of 30 million units
Yeah, I'm sure they're really hurt about all of this.
Never played WoW?
>You have to hit the enemy first to get it's attention, otherwise they just ignore you
Maybe you should try to leave the starting area.
nobody uses the phrase "true action combat" besides En Masse, shill.
I like to grind but not that much
is it better than path of exile tho
You are retarded for even making the comparison when gameplay wise they are in two different fucking genre.
That's like me saying FURI feels like Devil May Cry.
>That's like me saying FURI feels like Devil May Cry.
It does though
Did you even watch the first trailer? There is no grind, there's tons and tons of exploration.
So exactly what diablo 3 did? Lmao
Korean games always play like garbage with over the top flashy shit instead of substance.
Behead yourself.
devil may cry and furi are literally the same
this looks neat but im sure it will never leave korea and if it does some shit company will pick it up and it will be just like every f2p korean mmo on the market
Korean jewery will sap any fun that could be had from it. Maybe not at early levels, but eventually.
>shilling some chink pos
>There isn't a single korean/chinese game that looks anything like this.
Except you can tell it's korean just by looking at it. Solve that mystery
Leave this thread you filthy white american. Go play your WoW and cinematic experience.
>korean mmo
hard pass. learned my lesson with Black Desert Online.
I'll stick to PoE, like every other diablo fan
>he has no idea how much diablofags wait for this game, if it ever comes out
How newbabby can you be?
What happened to Black Desert, it die? I thought it was popular in the WEST.
same thing that happens to any korean MMO
milking your customers through artificial inconvenience and then selling a product that negates it.
I had an alright time getting to level 56 which is the start of endgame. But as soon as you hit 56, it's apparent how 'korean' the game is. very grindy, lots of microtransactions, you get the idea
So uh, how do you make an MMO without grind? Like, I could say go play Blade & Soul which has literally nothing to do at end game except PvP, but then you'd say you're not into PvP and would also use the fact that it has nothing to at the end game as a reason to not play it.
Maybe MMOs just aren't for you. MMOs are meant to be grindy. They have to keep you doing something while they're making new content. MMOs, those sandbox games like Minecraft, are games that you have to play like jobs. How come no one ever complains about Shooting games - about playing the same 10 maps over and over until 3 more maps release, now you have 13 maps to play over and over. Killing people in the same hallways and such.
not him but literally fuck off you cancerous shill and shove your dumb game up your ass.
it's been done. GW1 is a great MMO that requires zero grinding. also allows you to create PvP-only characters. also costs an upfront amount and doesn't charge you for pets that pick up loot for you or outfits that increase your ingame money or allow you to sell costumes for ingame money.
Did you miss the part where I said BDO constantly milks it's base for money? My major gripe is that. It's a huge issue with Korean MMOs
>heavily scripted and pre-made content instead of heavy emphasis on random generation
>enemies pour in as you get past certain points
>no equipment or drops shown
>most of the attacks are combos
>every attack stuns
>every skill is needlessly flashy, will probably look like complete shit if you have other people on your screen also spamming combos
This is a beat-em-up, not a Diablolike. Diablolikes have heavy emphasis on itemization and character variety, neither of which this game seems to have. Like all Korean online games, it is going to be a charming scam that nickel and dimes you just to enjoy it.
>Tell someone to stop playing MMOs
probably gonna be p2w as fuck, like all gook games
You've never actually played a musou game, either, from your description, so you have no basis for comparison.
I doubt your a shill. You're more likely to be a highly invested Black Desert Online player. You will come to the games defense, because of the amount time and money you've sunk into it.
I get it.
I wasn't defending Black Desert, I was defending MMOs. By the way, all your complaints were mostly cosmetics, nothing about power through payment.
Diablo 3 was ahead of it's time. Proof is the new game using the same system.
Sure thing. Sounds like you have a reading comprehension problem as well.
Because when I say you can sell costumes in-game, that means you can direclty P2W.
But that's not even the worst problem. The biggest issue is the game was designed from the ground up to be irritating for "Free"2Play players that purchased the game for 8 bucks. Everything in the game is time consuming and a strong nuisance unless you grease their palms with your dough. Fucking dropped that shit.
It's still in closed beta.
bdo's endgame is worker management and trade. If you care about dungeons, stay away.
>This shits on everything Diablo has to offer.
Not good gameplay
>The biggest issue is the game was designed from the ground up to be irritating for "Free"2Play players
You must live in Brazil. Jokes aside, I can't take anyone who believes that a free2play game is suppose to be literally free to play without having any demerits serious. It's like... going to the Super Bowl game for FREE and then complaining about having to sit at the very top of the stadium aka the worst seats.
looks kinda neat but it's korean so it will just be a grindfest
>looks kinda neat
>Get into a time machine
>Make user's favorite developer create the same game
Why do western people behave like this?
>trying to shill this game as a diablokiller
>when diablo isn't relevant to the market and everyone who wanted it already bought it years ago
might wanna rethink your strat op
yeah there's not too many actually good ones out there.
Alien Swarm, Path of Exile, and Portal (for a weekend or something) are the only ones that really come to mind
>korean mmo
literal garbage, who gets excited for shit like this
Path of Exile is better than both of these
I'll be seeing you at the Lost Ark CBT1 test, user. I just know it.
This. Stop throwing your fucking lives and money to Koreans. You should already learn your mistakes from years of playing Korean MMOs.
it's Korean so there's an implication that it's grindy as fuck and Path is already grindy where I am so no, probably not.
If you've been following development of this game (since 2011 btw) then you would be cautious before getting excited.
This is vapourware.
>gook runes
oh neat it's a spookygame with like a bloodborne looking atmosphere this looks cool.
wait... it's a fantasy mmo? she's picking flowers and playing instruments with wildlife by a unicorn waterfall.
what the fuck is this korean shit? i don't have time for this nonsense game.
Stop foolin' yourself. One of your Pathbros is gonna hype that shit up and all your Pathbros are gonna go try it and you will follow suit. You'll pretend like it bad by badmouthing it all while secretly enjoying the Lost Ark experience. I just hope I get to meet you so I can blow this up in your face while smirking.
I am by no means saying Diablo III is better, but
>Korean aesthetic
>Korean gameplay
>Korean play model
>Korean anything
>Korean ever
Diablo 3 has a great engine, it's cartoony violence at it's best. This looks boring compared to that.
Didn't people say the same shit for Blade and Soul, Black Desert, and all that other Korean MMO only for it to self destruct because Koreans are incompetent in making wise business decisions?
>korean game
>youtube still has generic korean same-face girl
No thanks.
>How come no one ever complains about Shooting games - about playing the same 10 maps over and over until 3 more maps release
Because human beings are the ultimate adaptive enemy and no two fights are exactly the same as their behavior changes in relation to what you do.
That's the exact opposite of grinding. Your argument is piss-poor.
>hey guys know what would make diablo fun
>having each attack last a minimum 5 seconds itll be fun and epic i swear
>true action combat
That's not saying much to be quite honest, but I'd prefer Diablo 3 too.
>literal Korean MMO
I'd rather set my money on fire. I would prefer walking outside with a $100 bill and my lighter, taking a seat on the pavement, and then burning that $100 because I'm not going to be a whale for a fucking Korean MMO.
Why do people fund these fucks? pic related
Ok shill, but when do they release it in EU?
I bet you support Scam Citizen. Fuck off you filthy westernfags.
>There isn't a single korean/chinese game that looks anything like this
Except for all the korean grindfests
Examples? I've never in my life seen another Korean top down MMO. The only make WoW clones and this isn't a WoW clone.
>lost atk
I cant wait for the 2024 western beta release
Name a single korean MMO that isn't dogshit filled with jewish microtransaction bullshit
looks like that shitty diablo 3 design with animes, so from that image alone i can tell its garbage
My dick was rock hard until I saw Korean letters.
Golden age ragnarok online
What is it about Korean studios only making f2p, grindy, generic bullshit? Every single game made in Korea is the same shit.