Hey Sup Forums how does this image make you faggots feel

hey Sup Forums how does this image make you faggots feel

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A bit sad.

disgusted that anybody could play call of duty

several uncomfortable emotions

describe them


wondering how sad OP's life must be if he has to post this sort of stuff to feel better about himself.


> anybody could play call of duty
> anybody can play a casual fps marketed for normies


How do i keep from becoming a fat fuck sitting around playing vidya all day? I can waste so much time and so eat so much food sitting there for hours

>goes around taking pictures of kids in public

Too many movies make me feel like that much paper and pictures on the wall means she is a serial killer.



comfy. must be nice to be so fat that you can use your own body as a cushion and sit on the floor

t. amerilard

> video games makes you fat

Yeah, that's why I will stop playing them.
I will make sport, be fitted, finding a glorious job, fucking hot girls that don't really give a shit about me, and doing things I don't really like but that look cool for everyone. Then die like a piece of shit with my superficial life.

>be so skinny that my pelvic bones begin to hurt from sitting

I bet that kid is a bong. I was just over there and I saw all these god damn weeble wobble looking fucks. you niggas dont exercise and eat too much pudding

Business as usual

>superficial life
suspiciously sounds like one big strawman and an excuse to stay inside and be fat

Who is this pole pumper?

i feel with my hands mostly

also why are europeons so OBSESSED?

I miss when stores had video games you could try. Stores used to not mind when people got on them, and even tried recommending TVs and games to people playing on them. Recently workers have been getting mad at anybody who uses them, and many stores have taken them out. Customer service isn't what it used to be.

nigga he's playing inFamous

OP doesnt realize that half of the posters on this site are about the same fat as the kid in the pic, thats why they get so butthurt about it.

Fat people are pathetic.


> europeons

They are still in bed. OP must be asian.

that's a damn good point

Hahahahahaha! look at the amerifat in his natural habitat at Walmart. He is too fat to even stand and play the game.

they also tend to lie and make shit up a lot

Meh. I've said this many, many times on this board but if you want to feel good about yourself and see true casuals at work, watch people play games at a Walmart kiosk for a bit. What you'll find just might be eye opening.

Americans are damn disgusting.


where's the ding dong diddly everyone stood up and clapped

Fuck, I didn't even think of this.

Don't have the full pic.


its not even bad m8, think of all the creepshot threads on Sup Forums

>Working Class Southern High Femme
>Working Class

What did she mean by this?

one of these days i need to watch this beginning to end

if you want real fat people delusion kino, watch my 600lb life's episodes on the assanti brothers. Its a fucking shitshow


this guy

Fat people thread?

this shit tore /fit/ apart

It's sad, really. But sights like this are most likely common at all of their literal shit-stain stores

p sure there was supposed to be a third episode but was cancelled because he refused to cooperate anymore. broke my heart, was the best thing i had watched in years

>the virgin fatty vs the chad /fit/

i did more than snicker at that post. But this isn't Sup Forums fucko


this is kinda hot


I don't even care if that's a dude. I would rail that.

the thicc meme has gone too far, i see

A kid playing Forza, maybe he likes racing and cars.

>tfw know a grill (female) who looks just like that

While we're on the subject

>not wanting some woman(landwhale) to dominate you by eating half your food and making you eat the lipstick covered remains

no shock videos will ever come close to how uncomfortable that made me.

>tfw your blubberlord doesn't give you access to the kitchen until she is done
>she is never done
im so hungry but momma does need to eat

>eating half


old but gold

Imagine being so self centered that you start to believe it's the entire rest of humanity's fault that some guy thought you were ugly in college.
Imagine being so self centered that you think someone running their hand through their hair is exclusively as a mating gesture towards you.

the part im most mad about is how she spent that entire paragraph bitching but never even fucking told us what he said

He didn't say anything. He is an asshole because he'd rather date a healthy hot chick than a fat shit like her. Being fat is no longer her fault also.

>implying she ever lets an individual food item touch her mouth more than once.
Shes plus sized, not poor

>Modern Warfare was 10 fucking years ago

The fuck is wrong with her body it looks like it's rejecting itself or something?

What is he playing?

video games

>i wonder if i should take a burger to go

Cannibals in this day and age.



That I wish that kid had better parents.
Shit that never happened.
Beached whale, lol.

What the fuck was going on

Time to ruin everything

Get a job, you hippie

yep ruined

just don't eat fucking garbage and you should be fine, its so simple. no more fast food and sodie and cookies, limit consumption of things such as potato chips and butter but not necessary cut it out, and maybe go jogging once in awhile (i recommend couch to 5k). so long as you don't think its good for you, making you feel guilty after eating it, it isn't good for you so limit that shit. as long as you eat as much calories as you expend your weight will never change

Seriously a dude?


>dude I really want to sit down
>let me just plop down haha

Lil nigger should have went to the chair department first to snatch a seat

>haha wait wait let me make one of those hentai faces haha guys will love it
>oh I look like a huge fucking retarded
>*thirsty faggots everywhere* woah who is this pole pumper XD I would rail that!!! :^)

Every time.

pretty sad, kid is fat and sitting on the floor of a walmart, he's probably poor and/or from a white trash family

>Niko and Roman go for a drink.webm

why can't north korea turn california into a nuclear wasteland and end all these insufferable retards

Thank fucking god

i dont get why women find piercings so great, my ex wanted to pierce her fucking gums or whatever and then got a tattoo after she dumped me

I've only seen this happen in GameStop

This is why I started to hate Punpun. Fucking normalshitters ruining EVERYTHING.


i imagine the autist who took the photo is even fatter and is missing the irony.