How did Sup Forums first react to the PS4?

How did Sup Forums first react to the PS4?

More specifically the first week of its release?

>being so new you weren't around for the fucking PS4 launch



'we can finally put the 'nogaemz' joke to rest with PS3's death, thank god'

ps4 looks great

By pointing out the complete lack of exclusives. No rational person could have predicted it would sell that much, without having a single worthwhile exclusive, but the power of marketing proved us wrong. It's a good console now with Persona, Yakuza, Nier, Bloodborne, and Nioh but god damn did the PS4 suck dick year one.

If you've been here for a week or longer you can probably guess correctly to a high degree how Sup Forums reacts to anything new.

We had threads about the fucking share button for months.

This. OP should fuck off back to plebbit.

>Controller is shit
>Lol Remasters are considered exclusive now
>at least it has games and isn't a vcr

This. Nobody would shut the fuck up about it, and it turned out to be perfectly practical. Now even the switch has a screenshot button.

>No rational person could have predicted it would sell that much, without having a single worthwhile exclusive, but the power of marketing proved us wrong

Every fucking gen, one console dominates the platform as the multiplat box of choice, what do you mean "no one saw it coming" there has to be one every gen.

How cheap are they now, thinking of getting one just for Girls und Panzer Dream Tank Battle.

No games + wobble

Indifference. I bought a PS3 shortly after the PS4 launched and as it turned out 2013-2016 was a pretty good time for that console while the newcomers were still trying to sort their shit out.

Post-release? Wobble, the share button and peeling thumbsticks. The last one actually was a legitimate gripe, since Sony cheaped out on the materials for the first wave of controllers.

How silly those posts seem now

Wait, we're talking about Sup Forums and not personal preference. That's a lot more boring - just shitposting to varying degrees as Sup Forums is wont to do, though to be fair the months leading up to the launch were at least entertaining. Mostly to shit on the Orwellian nightmare that was Mattrick-presented Xbone but it was also pretty silly to see Sony just walk in with a console and win everything. Not even a particularly good console, just a dull upgrade of a box.

>If you haven't been here for years, fuck off

I hope you conservative old farts realize that if there weren't any "new" users in several years the site would be fucking dead.

Other than laughing on the low scores the exclusives got (until Bloodborne) there wasn't much negative feedback because XBO was the laughing stock of the entire gamming community.

>play Puyo Puyo with 3 of my close friends using the switch controllers
>gave one the power to take screenshots with that damn button
>he took hundreds when I would go piss or grab beer for us

Fucking share buttons are cancer

>ps4 looks great

I bought the original when the slim was out just because it looked so good

You fucked up man. The slim is super quiet.

imagine being this sad and pathetic that you have to puff up and try and be a gatekeeper on a imageboard solely used for shitposting.

I spent years on Sup Forums before I stepped into Sup Forums. Was on Sup Forums and /o/ mostly.

I felt the ps4 and xbone were shitty rushed consoles on launch, only took interest in the ps4 because of bloodborne

Sup Forums is one person.

yes i know. i'm asking how he reacted.


You have no idea how much Sony triggers Sup Forums.

This place was actually rooting for Microsoft.

>Implying Sup Forums isn't a trap.


The site's current state is worse than death.

then stop coming here

I already did. I started coming here in 2004 and I stopped coming in 2010 because I was disgusted by how the site had changed for the worse. Compared to now, 2010 was great. I eventually got over my disappointment and came back in 2014. I just don't give a shit about the terrible aspects (such as you being here) any more.

You're either in your 30s or a previously underage poster in your late 20s.
Why does any of that matter?

>at least it's not Xbone