now that nintendo has third party support, what's your reason for hating them?
Now that nintendo has third party support, what's your reason for hating them?
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Because I'm an sexual pervert autist who obsesses over minor changes on costumes.
Their console is a shitty pile of compromises based on a gimmick
for the third time in a row
No virtual console.
ahh okay you know what you're talking about
>gets 2 ports
Reminds me of the Wiiwuu
VC is decade-old marketing speak that doesn't mean anything anymore, and really never did.
Breath of the Wild, ARMS, and Splatoon 2 all have fuckall content. I would sell the whole caboodle if used games were worth anything.
>Project Cars v.2
>REALLY old game
>year old game
Still not seeing it.
1. Their way of viewing the world, especially when it comes to digital media, is so bass ackwards that it's a wonder they know how to work a google function.
2. Still silence criticism. Anyone who looks at their product and says something bad about it is given a takedown and blacklisted from their programs.
3. Mind-bogglingly bad design choices. A wire, for your phone, to hook into the system, to hook into the internet, to be able to chat is just downright asinine. And they are standing behind this stupid, retarded choice.
4. It's just an overglorified tablet stripped of a lot of features.
5. Shit memory at the start. We scoffed at the 500 gigs of the others, yet this had, what, 32 gigs? 32... THIRTY FUCKING TWO. And remember, we were already struggling to maintain 500 with current games, which it is now getting years later.
4. Price tag. Yeah, no. If I wanted an Apple Tablet, I would sooner hang, and this has less features.
5. Battery life. Again, a tablet with such minimum specs, and the battery life is absolute shit.
6. Wii U before it shows they have no idea what the fuck they are doing.
7. Only two ports so far... wow...
There's still plenty to hate them, and this adds nothing really to the argument. Wii U had /some/ third parties, too; would you argue that a success? No.
Like you would do anything in the first place
Maybe because is just shitty ports
The reason they made voice chat locked behind a phone app is because they don't want children using it.
It's a real shame. I would kill for botw with horizon level graphics and performance. But hey, a decade from now Nintendo might finally catch up with current gen again.
I wish I had this level of autism.
i need proof about the second one but other then that you have actual valid reasons
wii u also had some ports like mass effect
Delete your post.
Because I fucking hate using the Joycons and their lack of a real dpad
They were all at release. Apparently EA even sent back their dev kit before the system even released, because they were already 100% done with it.
At this point anybody who is interested in third party games has a different console or a gaming PC. That ship sailed with the WiiU.
>Not having phones
You know how many pre-k students have the newest models? Shit, some of them make mine look prehistoric (and before anyone implies, take my daughter to school and see the little shit-for-brains screaming at their parents as they take them away since they tried to sneak them in)
He asked for reasons. I gave reasons. Thank you for proving point 2, and I was being nice and left out 8, which was the absolutely vehement fanbase. But don't worry, user, you probably do, thus why you are projecting so hard.
How have you not realized Nintendo has given up on the console market? Their new "console" is literally a handheld that comes with a dock so you can play on the TV. Their consoles sales have been declining ever since the NES, with the Wii being an exception. So they decided to combine their console and handheld into one.
>Only two ports so far... wow...
Oh fuck off.
>gets 2 games
>It's a "Eurotards are salty about the Switch's success" episode
>gets 2 games*
*that we know of so far
>Projecting so hard
What? Do you even know what means?
Because the "third party support" are games we've already played but downgraded. No reason to get it unless you have a switch and haven't played the game.
I honestly thought the Wii was an interesting gimmick that really stood out even if it was a big clunky.
The fact they just added onto it for the U was a mistake, however.
And the fact this mess is just dialing up the bullshit to a factor of 11 is just silly.
>vibration technology
>2 separate mini controllers
>A portable "home console" that is too big for a portable console and too weak for a competitive modern console
So when is the switch being added to that graph? The Switch has been selling pretty well, and its a hybrid. Not to mention that it isn't being sold at a loss. I don't care what other anons say, they say whatever will fit their agenda better.
It's both a home console and a handheld console, like it's been advertised.
It still is weak as shit, though.
You've played the new Wolfenstein? How was it?
>You know how many pre-k students have the newest models? Shit, some of them make mine look prehistoric
The point is that
1.Most young children are too stupid to set up an app to get voice chat working
2.Even if they do, the voices will be coming out of their phone so parents will blame the phone rather than Nintendo.
its 7-8 in the morning on a saturday in europe. I don't think they are awake yet.
WiiU had 3rd party support in its first year and a half too. If they keep it then we'll talk about 3rd party problems being "Fixed".
Okay, Aussies then.
The article itself says that it is fixing 3rd party. Not that it's been fixed. Doom is one thing, but Wolfenstein 2 is a very good sign for what is to come.
Not to mention LA Noir. If it sells well, we will likely see more rockstar games, and possibly a GTA V port.
But they wont sell well user, those games already have established install bases. The people who want them already have them on the platforms they want them on.
They said this with the Wii.
They said this with the Wii U.
They are saying it now.
Surely THIS time they're not lying.
Everything is selling well on the Switch, even indie shit because there aren't many games yet. If ARMS can sell over a million then DOOM can get good sales.
This is a portable so these games will sell. Third party have sold great on the Switch so far.
Didn't we have this exact same thread nearly verbatim and with nearly the same images being posted when the Wii U was released?
Well, user, the first real test is coming up next week, when xenovers 2 is released in the west. Japanese sales have been great, even with bandais lack of faith.
The longer I stay here the longer I start to think that we're in some sort of time loop where everything is the same. Like Groundhog Day or something.
>They said this with the Wii
The Wii had 3rd party tho.
Wii U had about the same amount of 3rd party support. It'll die off when they realize no one is buying it. People only buy Nintendo consoles for Nintendo 1st party
Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?
>they're getting a multi-platform game
How does this fix anything?
>tfw gonna get nazi shooting simulator: handheld edition
I'm pumped.
>People only buy Nintendo consoles for Nintendo 1st party
This has been proven wrong again and again do you really want to just be proven wrong?
I mainly stick with Nintendo for console and PC for everything else, so I don't hate Nintendo, but this one didn't really appeal to me at all. Let's be honest, most people who would take their Nintendo tablet out to play it aren't invited to anything because they are the kind of person that would play their tablet at a bar. So, for the most part, you are playing it on your tv and for an hour or two in tablet form when you sit in bed. I personally liked the switch to cartridges since it kinda makes sense, but that's about it.
I would have liked to see their new console utilize more interconnectivity with the 3DS, like making it so the 3DS could act like a WiiU controller or something similar, which would allow 4 players to use 3DS controllers on a game, possibly creating more options for multiplayer games and letting devs make extra functionality in their 3DS games or Switch games with the 3ds in mind. Or they could make it so you could play your portable games through the console and on the big screen, and with how many people have a 3DS, they would already have a lot of people with an incentive to buy a switch. Instead, they just made a tablet. I'll get it eventually for exclusives since they make great exclusives, but the console itself is just fucking dumb. I don't even care if it's a power house, the WiiU's graphics were just fine imo and indy games don't need major horsepower so no problem, but it was just such a lame concept to me.
I don't hate them, I just have no interest in portability when it comes to games. Also, funnily enough, I'm more interested in their first party titles. Mario Odyssey looks great and I'm sure Metroid Prime will be great too. The Switch just seems like an underpowered console for me.
I won't pay 60 burger dollars to play a downgrade version of an old game. I want brand new games, not ports.
>Shit Memory
I'm sorry nintendo knows how to compress games unlike any of the fucking devs out there. BOTW is only five gig. Five gig!
Sup Forums are contrarians
>3 games fix the problem
Oh little nintendrony. Can't you think for yourself?
There's a small amount of niche titles where it's wrong. Monster Hunter for instance. But that's just really rare. Doom, Skyrim, Wolfenstein.. These won't be big sellers on the Switch because it's not what Nintendo owners buy.
>No crystal chronicles
>No lost kingdoms
>No custom robo
Nintendo can do whatever they want but there's no real reason for me to support them until they deliver something that interests me.
Number 1 and 3 are the real reasons I hate them
Nintendo just makes terrible choices. They make terrible choices regarding online play, the functionality of their products and until recently their third party support.
And just because switch is getting a couple bethesda ports, i wouldn't call it a full 3rd party machine. I doubt it will get full support like the other companies
I dunno shitposter-kun.
three games is alot better then the one game the PS4 has for its first year or so on the market.
I stopped playing nintendshit because i became an adult and my friends would laugh at me if they ever saw me playing games for kids
Will have 2 though.
... Can you count?
Why are you comparing multiplats to exclusives?
yeah you can tell they spent none of that memory on the graphics.
The game looks like utter garbage, all the textures are ugly. A lot of games have the same amount of content nowadays and have higher resolution textures.
This kills the 3rd party developer
literally who is going to buy la noire
did anyone even want it when it was new with top of the line graphics?
>three million people only want first party
the talks of playing skyrim on the go will be legendary
Because this is a shitposting thread and I can?
I don't understand what you're saying?
confirmed for never having played the game
sorry shitposter-kun
you've failed again.
No games and their hardware is fucking atrocious. The issue is, no one is going to play Bethesda games on the Switch except desperate Nintendo fanboys who don't have better options. They also don't have Monster Hunter, nor any games that are exclusive and appealing; all just budget trash.
This is on top of them treating their audience like children and releasing children games constantly that only manchildren care about.
>everyone i dont like is a shitposter
Fuck off drone.
You're talking about a 6 year old game that's dwarfed by BotW. You remind me of that Nintendo PR guy who thought Minecraft on Wii U was this huge deal "because it's Minecraft!!". Seriously, are you marketer? We know they're on Sup Forums so it wouldn't surprise me
They dont hate them. they never did. its just fox and the grapes.
look at the complaints. they complain about the systems being underpowered, the complain that nintendo should just make games instead of consoles. etc
They know nintendo makes the best 1st party games they just want another underpowered PC so they can feel like their friends wont laugh at them for not having the more recent multiplat game.
as someone who owns all the consoles there is literally no reason to buy anything multiplat not on PC until the switch came around and atleast made shit mobile.
Doom and Wolf 2 are pretty well optimised game on a goat engine
Notice how they didnt port Oblivion or Fo3 or 4 ?
Not even the same guy, on top of tons of reused textures in BOTW, the game looks like shit. The PS2 had similar textures.
If you're telling me the switch will have PSO2, cool but my PC has had PSO2 for years now.
No, they are getting TWO multiplatform games. TWO!
The switch is ideologically selling without being a ps4 portable with 1-2 hours of battery.
Most aaa 3rd party are not worth buying from.
Bethesda actually beat both konami, capcom and ea in 3rd party support.
Ubisoft has made a few strides,
Seems Nintendo hit a weak spot that this industry conveniently ignoring.
>2 separate mini controllers
What a problem, right? Explain the issue.
Definitely buying doom
Sup Forums has short memory
i love how the numerous hardware problems like the dock scratching the screen and weird shit like this
If anything I would say the Switch has better 3rd party support than Xbox or Play station. Nintendo makes it extremely easy to sell games on their platform.
I find it weird that people hated on the Vita for having portable options and its literally the only reason Nintendo fanboys use for supporting awful Switch ports.
Also, no one fucking cares about the Switch outside of Sup Forums. This place literally reminds me it exists with the constant shill threads trying to promote it similar to the Wii U. Seems petty as fuck, Nintendo better pay you at least.
Odyssey. It going to be great and you won't be able to do anything to sway people's opinion. It will be BOTW all over again.
>They also don't have Monster Hunter
> all just budget trash.
This is so fucking ironic it hurts
>Nintendo makes it extremely easy to sell games on their platform.
Because their eShop is only 5 pages
VC s a recognizable brand, and it's piss-easy money for all parties involved since it's a standarized emulator Nintendo creates and you plop the ROM in alongside a PDF manual.
Why Nintendo isn't milking it on Switch already is beyond me. Easier than the shit Capcom is doing which is hiring a third-party studio to write/steal emulators for a one-off product release (sup Mega Man Legacy Collection 1 & 2).
Why are there no more videos or evidence of these common problems?
It's so odd
No I am talking about their dev portal and business requirements.
>Monster Hunter World
>4 year project not on the Switch
I get the salt though, Nintendo has no worthwhile games.
It's really just EA and Capcom being assholes about the Switch. Konami's on board. Super Bomberman R sold decently.
Most of the time, im not looking for all of the 3rd party games
Just the ones that are notable.
>It's a Sup Forums posts a crobcat video about nintendos defective consoles at launch
I hate reruns. How come you fags never post any of the other videos he has made?
I don't recall anyone posting the one about the defective PS4 Pro units or the shitty Xbox controller
I think that was the plan but they didn't have enough time for it so they saved it for 2018. Originally the plan was to have paid online in 2017.
Confirmed for never playing a game that looked good. You must play only nintendo if you think that game looks good, compare it to like just about any other game out there. A rock in that game does not look like a real rock. And this "quote unquote" artstyle looks like shit
No one cares dude. BOTW came and left as a mediocre game. I'm sure Mario will be forgotten in a month too.