Do you consider MOBAs to be strategy games?

Do you consider MOBAs to be strategy games?

Yes, they are strategy games for the braindead.

Only Dota, which isn't a moba, so no.

Where my
Fags at

MOBAs are action games with an element of strategy

Which is why HOTS is the best one

play dota with my i'm only 3k so I'm defo braindead but maybe you can figure out the game and we can reach 10k and go pro together pls help

If Dota isn't a MOBA, then why is it competing with games that are?

I'm not braindead, I don't play shit games.

Not good ones.


>element of strategy

Strategy no. Tactics maybe.

oh damn thought I found the key to winning you're right though

>I don't play shit games.
You don't play games at all?

Do you also have brain problems?

Dota is the only one that I'd say has any real strategy focus. The others are just action and resource games with a light tactics focus, they're pretty formulaic otherwise.

Only if you play with 4 other friends

What kind of twisted logic is that?

If Dota isn't a MOBA, then it shouldn't be compared to games like League of Legends or HOTS

Why not?

People who play Dota are the only people in the world who don't compare Dota to other games though. Dota players only give a fuck about Dota and couldn't care less what happens outside the bubble.

what do you play, brainlet?

SF4 lately.

No, because they are not primarily about strategy. The mechanics are quite simple.

Because then they wouldn't be in the same genre, duh

>People who play Dota are the only people in the world who don't compare Dota to other games though

Sure they do

It's just that every game that isn't Dota is "casual trash" or whatever


Seems like you have posted Brightwing, but used the wrong name. A common mistake.

Don't do it again!

Quake doesn't get compared to Rainbow Six but they're both FPS games

>Quake doesn't get compared to Rainbow Six but they're both FPS games

And Dota and HOTS are both MOBAs

the irony..... dota is so fucking casual that it makes me laugh whenever i hear someone say this shit. dota players are the most casual shit tier noobs with a superiority complex that still can't take flaming... it's such an obscenely stupid combination. if you want a """real""" esport play broodwar, quake, or a fighting game... otherwise you might as well be playing with legos... there's nothing wrong with playing noob games, but it's just dumb to say that it's "deep" or "complex" when vastly superior games exist

No they aren't. They're related games, but the term "moba" refers to specific things that Dota doesn't fall under.

I can't tell if this is a pasta or not

not a pasta, i just hate dota players

>wahh i don't like game so that makes it casual

I've always thought of them as Cooperation games, but the official (real?) term is ARTS

1k shitter detected

i like playing the game, it's definitely casual though

its not logic, it just is.

That's it? Aren't you supposed to call whatever game I respond with shit?

Outside of fighting games, it's the hardest game to get into that actually still has a playerbase. You're honestly a complete moron and/or lying if you think it's casual

>LoL is competing with Overwatch
>This means they're the same genre

oh yeah? dota is harder to get into than broodwar and quake? are you actually braindead dude??? have you ever watched pro dota before? or even just ""competitive dota?""

>Do you consider MOBAs to be RTS games?

>have you ever watched pro dota before? or even just ""competitive dota?""
This has literally nothing at all to do with how hard the game is to learn and get into

Post dotabuff..

> have you ever watched pro dota before? or even just ""competitive dota?""
Yes. Are you by any chance consider fast button mashing and doing things in order is a more difficult gameplay that coordinating your action with anothor 4 human beings?

yeah, i do

>dotards coming out of the woodwork to defend their shit game

back with the other moba garbage you go

>game is shit because I say so
every time

ITT: people calling eachother braindead in a moba thread.
I'll join in. You're all braindead :DDDDD