This is a shitty game with today's standards.
This is a shitty game with today's standards
It actually holds up well. It's not amazing or anything but the music, combat, and art are all good.
Have you considered that maybe it's today's standards that are shit?
OP still a faggot even by today's standards.
Are you retarded?
Shit b8
This game is still the gold standard for JRPGs, what the fuck are you smoking
>Chrono Trigger: 700,000 copies sold
>Fallout 4: 15 million copies sold
This is why we need another industry crash.
Its not like Chrono trigger was released over 20 years ago when the gaming market was considerably smaller. And the fact that it's a jrpg doesn't also make it for a niché market, especially by today's standard, unlike fallout 4 which was made for a broad market.
Naw, FF6 is a shitty game by todays standards.
I can play Chrono Trigger DS any day and it's got good production quality for a SNES game, and crazy good overall tone.
While I'm playing FF6 right after and you can see how loosely it's put together with everything feeling flimsey to todays standards.
Only if you already have shit taste. Spritework holds up quite well. My only complaint was the lack of a journal, if I haven't played for a few days I tend to forget just what the hell I was doing last.
>gold standard
It certainly much worse than Persona 5.
Should I play the SNES or DS version?
DS has all the cutscenes of the Playstation version, new dungeons, and an improved translation.
ok retard
more like this is a shitty bait thread by any non-faggots standards
Lol no, fuck off shill.
Thank you for confirming my argument.
Show me RPGs that require no grinding, no fetch quests, no backtracking, and a tight story with clearly defined character arcs. That's pretty rare even today.
The music alone proves you wrong.
that is a timeless masterpiece
What does Sup Forums like more?
Chrono Trigger or Final Fantasy VI
I'm honestly not trying to troll at all, but I never understood why people like Chrono Trigger so much. True, I never played it as a kid, and only first tried the game on an emulator when I was around 15 or 16, but I liked other games of similar genres at the time and was able to discover any missed games later on emulators and enjoy them despite the time gap. Chrono Trigger's story and characters are really great, and I've seen videos and watched my brother demonstrate many different areas, plot lines, minigames, encounters, and endings; however, the gameplay does not interest me and is boring. I can't make my way through the game because the gameplay just doesn't hold up.
I have the same problem with FF6 and Link to the Past... can't finish them because I just don't like the gameplay.
Comsidering how low todays standards are and how god tier itvalways will be you can suck a massive dick OP
SNES version, without a doubt.
The cutscenes are unnecessary, the new dungeons are boring, and the "improved" translation is shit.
Dragon Quest VI
Incorrecg in every way
I haven't played that one yet, but don't the fans consider it he weakest entry to the series? Or was that 7?
Is there a JRPG from the 90s whose gameplay actually held up? It feels like all of them are simplistic auto-attack shit.
people are always arguing about FF, but mostly everyone agrees that chrono trigger is a fucking masterpiece
CT no contest. I genuinely think FFVI is a bad game, or at best is handicapped by incredibly shitty gameplay that's worse than CT's in every way.
VI has severe pacing issues and has actually threatening enemies after IV and V dialed down the difficulty a lot. It's also the first DQ that shat the bed hard when it came to balance. Still a pretty good game if you look at it as an inferior DQ3, but it's not amazing.
I don't know user, let me just go and ask each one of them what their combined opinion on that game is
I've only played the first five games, and I think I definitely liked 4 and 5 because they were quite casual and easy to get into, compared to the likes of DQ2. If 6 is somewhat akin to 3, then I think I'll definitely give it a go.
Sure, get back to me on that as soon as you can.
>dq 6
this is bait but it's true
the art and music hold up but the gameplay is shit and the story is just your average shonen manga fare
FFVI shits the bed in the world of ruin. It was so good and then Kefka disappears until the final battle and it's one giant fetch quest for the rest of the game.
it was shitty back then too, overrated trash
There was so much potential. WoR is just kinda empty. When you switched worlds in 4 and 5, at least the games were really driven by the story. I think the problem with 6 is that there's too many characters, optional ones at that, so there isn't much visible drive to do something about Kefka. Not even Edgar says anything when you confront him.
It was pretty bad pre-WoR too. The game constantly drops encounter raping tools in your lap that take no effort, skill, or understanding of the game to use.
Glad we got Cross to pick up the slack.
Not at all. It's still great, and probably better than half the RPGs released this year.
>graphics still look beautiful to this day
>music is still excellent to this day
>game design is mostly streamlined and straight forward, bar a very few sidequest, before the end- game where it actually opens up
>story is really easy to understand yet still manages to be compelling
>combat is simple
You know, OP, how about being a shit spewer, you should actually explain why it doesn't hold up. If anything, Chrono Trigger got only better by today's standards implying today there are any standards
FFVI was bloated. It was the first game in the franchise that let you rotate party members and it shows. They took all the jobs from FFV and created new characters to fit them all but failed to streamline the process enough so the whole thing feels unwieldy.
CT is a bad game. Arguably worse than even FO4
BY today's standards you provincial putz
> improved translation
>no old english Frog
>that monstrosity in OP's pic
>""""good"""" art
yeah ok
>inb4 butthurt VI fag tears
>muh "charming" woolseyisms
Stick to Earthbound.
Seriously. The "improved" translation corrected three or four blatant mistakes but in exchange sucked out all the personality from everything else.
>The only character in the time period that actually talks like that.
Ye olde Frog was garbage and completely out of place with the rest of 600AD
DS version by far. Having the option to put the battle menu in the bottom screen is incredibly helpful.
The DS version fucks up by adding a bunch of annoying fetch quests to a game that was heralded specifically for having no annoying fetch quests. And the extra ending is fanfiction caliber garbage.
The colors are also slightly off.
Today's standards for JRPGs are much, much lower than they were during the SNES and PS1 era.
So no. This is a masterpiece by today's standards. By its own standards its just a good game.
Game doesn't have a retro foxy mama. Thread invalid