New FFXIV Live Letter on the 29th September
What sort of class balances do you want to see in early October? Are you looking forward to Super Savage?
New FFXIV Live Letter on the 29th September
What sort of class balances do you want to see in early October? Are you looking forward to Super Savage?
How the fuck do I make money with ARM dammit
>leave bot on almost 24/7 farming shatter
>look on pvp leaderboards
>people have twice as many matches as me on the top end of the leaderboard
how the fuck do they do it?
You know damn well that it's impossible to discuss anything other than retarded thread celebrities there. Sup Forums is for discussing the actual game.
Rework SCH
SCH is fine, they just need to make the pets work a lot smoother.
Would you rather have a top tier BRD or top tier MCH in your static?
I'm really good at both but can only grab one weapon, want to join a static soon.
BRD probably.
Knowing SE's incompetence when it comes to balance, they'll probably buff the shit out of MCH in 4.1 so we go back to dual ranged comps.
>farming lakahmi for dog for days
>No luck
>randomly get the aka mhigo mount in expert route
That went better than planned
Top tier BRD
A good BRD is harder to find imo. BRD has a lot more players but shitters have flocked to it en masse since 2.0. The only MCH that are left are usually pretty decent on average.
>Mid september
>is actually on the 29th
Can't wait for that early october release date to be october 31st.
delete acn
Fuck Adlo and Succor
please god no i only have 25m i need more time
If your static is cool, just choose whatever's in your heart. Min/Maxing comps is pointless unless you are trying for world first or you are FFlogsFags.
>do a singular run of Lakshmi to get a friend his some right sides for his alt class
>dog drops and I win it
>Friend gets the thing he needed
Sucks to suck user.
Thanks for reminding me I need to unsub
Really burned myself out on this game, and completely forgot about it.
>probably cant make it in time to get a mansion for 4.1
>betting everything i have on khloe giving me 3 lines to sell ornate tank shit for like 40m on my server
>internally debating on buying gold
i dont need this fucking stress but shit isnt selling fast enough
>Clean dungeon run with no issues
>Someone makes a passive aggressive comment at the end
do it and get banned, it'll be funny.
Reminder this faggot never posts this in the 10 persona/dangrandpaoanmdawhatever waifu threads up at a time
>gold buyers
>getting banned
By leveling up all the other classes as well.
That and seeing what housing items you can make that are in low quantity on your server, housing items are almost a guaranteed sell unless you're on Mateus or something like that.
>Want to play a tank
>Yoshi ruined the only fun one in Stormblood
>tfw you wipe to o4s enrage
Always trust Khloe
why would it need defending?
>clipping every mudra again
I fucking hate california
>a dungeon run with a competent tank doing big pulls and a healer that does good dps while healing said big pulls
>two red mages
>literally not a single scatter used
Fuck these people
>tfw AST clipping
DRK 30-50 best job questline
Fray is pretty cool
inb4 SAM nerf and only get MNK tier of damage
never going to happen since SAM stole the high damage no utility gimmick from MNK
I want to buy some nice glam from the Mogstation.
Any suggestions?
It will.
Bitchies are crying too hard in forums for SAM to not get some sort of massive nerf
Nothing really THAT great on there. Get the Minfilia outfit if you'd like a modest bust increase, other than that... It's just eastern dresses that everyone else already wears. Unless of course you're into that kinda thing.
Is SB on sale anywhere? I'm in the mood for resubbing but I'm conflicted on buying having to buy the xpac and pay another subscription fee.
>SB launches with less content than Legion
>Immediately they know there's going to be a content drought so they introduce the "fucking please, PLEASE stay subscribed for 3 months, PLEASE" mount the second SB comes out
>Sub numbers so low they're trying to squeeze more blood from the stone by having hefty Mog Station sales to at least get some sort of boost to income from the whales
>Another month of the same 4 fights that were cleared day 1
How did it end up like this, bros?
i want yda back
I want all scions gone
Too scared to change anything up. It'll be the same shit content cycle as ARR and HW from now till forever. I'll even bet whatever content they are doing in the off patches will be greeted the same as Chocobo racing and Diadem.
I can't believe Diadem died twice
Not all.
Are you excited for more failed content and less dungeons? Sure hope you like running temple and kugane for 3+ more months.
The circle of knowing at the very least
>we are sharlayan and superior to everybody else no you can't have these goggles haha
>tfw had no idea he's been in the game since ARR
Ala Mhigo and Kugane are the bane of my existence. Temple is the best because it has the least amount of roadblocks inbetween each section so I can do massive pulls. Ala Mhigo syncs your ass down and Kugane has a wall every 2 groups of mobs.
The circle of knowing only act during massive treat.
While small party like Boulder team or Arenvald's team take care of the small stuff or help on the side, they are usually the most active members.
I wonder which failed MMO he's a fanboy of. Or maybe he's an assblasted wowfat who lost a friend to XIV.
XIV-fags are mentally ill
just finished the level 70 DRK quest
The new roulette should only consist of the one new dungeon.
>What sort of class balances do you want to see in early October?
pic related
How much you wanna bet they'll Nerf MCH again?
I'm glad the biggest whiners finally got the middle finger
>get to level 50 paladin
>get to level 50 white mage
>get to level 50 astrologian
nothing else interests me, haven't even finished the heavensward campaign yet
wake me up when they make a magic tank class
It's called drk
can't tell if this post is ironic or you're just dumb
You figured out that the "XIV is more complex than WoW" meme is just that, a fucking meme. This is legitimately one of the most boring moment to moment MMOs on earth. Every job is braindead boring except maybe Ninja.
His story always interested me.
He was the son of a raped Ala mhigan woman (by a garlean), his mother was disgusted by him so she abandoned him.
He tried to survive by being a bandit when suddenly the Echo awakened in him, and he got a vision of the Scion and stuff and joined them.
He even made a team in the walking sand with an Elezen woman and a middle aged cat guy.
Then the Garlean attacked, and they killed the Sylph and both of his team mate, he was always sad that he was unable to do anything to save them.
Then during the conflict with Uldah in the transition between ARR and HW he was one of the first scion to come back and help out.
Then he came back in the "spotlight" in the transition between HW and SB and you can see him very often in SB helping out left and right with his new teammates.
>I'll prove to them that it wasn't a mistake...
>...That I wasn't a mistake
>A'aba, Aulie... I wish you were here to see it...
Remember to report all stormshit threads. These belong in /vg/ and generals are not allowed here.
Also their game is dying there's absolutely nothing to do right now but grind more classes to 70.
just like wow is dying, right?
>Game is going to shit
>"B-But Other game!"
He didn't even mention wow. You XIVidiots project so hard, it's fucking hilarious.
the B-team Scions are honestly some of the most interesting NPCs. I wish we could do some quests with them
all of the day bro
remember to report this autist and ignore his posts
>Super Savage
Please tell me this is not a thing. I already have autism playing MCH on Savage.
>Hoary's massive balls when he asked us for a sparing match
>The whole thing with the sisters lusting after Hoary and his brother
B team = Best team
they're adding an encounter where you fight bahamut, nael, and twintania at the same time
tfw no dog race
> dying game meme
Fucking please, we even got rewarded with a cosmetic sale for having 10 million subs. FFXIV is the biggest mmo right now and growing rapidly while fucking WoW is fucking dying.
I actually unsubbed the other day. I finally came to accept that XIV is just a bad game.
God, I really fucking can't wait for Engered tears
I really hope its so hard they break up on it
>get 5 subs
>4 people quit
>count 5 subs still
fuck off nigger, also dont count chinese gil spammers
oh wait
you are counting them
>10 million
10 million players, the only MMO to ever have 10 million subs at once was WoW. Stormblood was only around 460K subs at launch.
They're having a Mog Station sale to make some money from the few retards left playing until the next real update.
>tfw 70 WHM/SCH/AST
>Get enough for the i330 weapon
Now I have to choose a favourite
dont be a stupid nigger, they are revamping old raids to current content levels and will slap on a new neverbeforeheardfrom NPC to it as we kill them too and what they were trying to do.
fucknuggets are probably trying to use Omega to clone another Bahamut
>thinking it matters
they said early october the patch will hit and probably hand out 340 weapons like candy. so maybe, maybe you have 3-4 weeks to use said weapon AND only for a few hours a week since roulettes sync you and not much reason to do omega/primals now, or at all.
Are you stupid?
It has nothing to do with Omega, its something completely different and without story, its purely a challenge.
Heck, the reward are basically one weapon 345 for EVERYONE because its so goddamn hard that they won't force players to farm it.
> grasping on straws
Face it user, your shitty blizzard mmo is now a thing of the past. Time to accept ffxiv as the new best mmo in the market and it will stay at the top for many years to come.
Why haven't you beaten O3S yet?
funny you should mention wow, bcause they too counted chinese spammer accounts when listing subs too.
I have
You realize XIV at it's peak didn't even come close to WoW at it's lowest, right?
>i cant read please rape my face
just stop, you are taking a hard translation too seriously for it to matter. enjoy your rehashed content for some of the worst raids in the games history
>Try A8S thinking it will be easy now
Don't forget that XIV's visible player population on all but the most congested servers (balmung/gilgamesh) tells a vastly different tale to what SE does.
>tells a vastly different tale to what SE does.
Do you really want a return of the TP sucker AKA 3.4 MNK?
they realy had me for a moment when the old Elezen dude was suddenly no longer in the Rising Stones and one of the Domans told you he's "in a better place now"
Fuck off, Monk has 2 TP refresh abilities and skills cost less TP now. Everyone else also has Goad.
Increase the skill gap. Allow Monk to be what they are supposed to be: Fast
>SCH just needs to have some MP costs lowered a bit, while making Adlo and succor actually worth using
>something as simple as 'Adloquium shields for 2x what it heals' would make it worth using
>they refuse to do this because they're so worried about Deployment Tactics being broken