ITT: shitty PS3 games you got tricked into buying
ITT: shitty PS3 games you got tricked into buying
>Alan Wake
Not sure if bait or just really stupid.
The original Neptunia.
30bucks down the toilet.
Prey 2017
Goddamn it was fucking shit.
I'm glad I never played it, it's trash.
That's a PS4 game, dude.
>any sony game
When will they learn?
>pcfag still upset about bloodborne being GoTY the best game of the decade
It's a PS3 game. It certainly looks like one
That's true. The PS4 is basically a shitty PS3 with a new chip for all intensive purposes.
>OP posts a game so forgettable that people can't remember that it was PC and Xbox only
Protip: If you've never played this game, DO NOT PICK UP THE PAGES. You will know what I am talking about. If you are a completionist faggot, dismiss the pages right away.
Obviously the image is a joke but I'm not sure what's actually funny about it. Nobody would laugh if you wrote "the sky is not blue" so I don't know why anyone would laugh at an Xbox 360 and PC game being called a PS3 game. What a stupid thread.
Sony hasn't actually made a good game since Uncharted 2.
That's not a Sony game, it's a From game. Knack is a Sony game.
>Protip: If you've never played this game, DO NOT PICK UP THE PAGES. You will know what I am talking about. If you are a completionist faggot, dismiss the pages right away.
I actually don't know why you would say this. Please explain your views instead of just stating them.
I can't remember but aren't some of the pages NG+ only or available to certain difficulties only?
>early access stock assets indie trash petition race is jealous of proper production values
every time
Some pages are only available in Nightmare difficulty, which is normally locked until you beat the game. But how is that a reason to avoid all of them?
If you want all of the pages to be available in the first playthrough, then you can simply unlock Nightmare mode with the developer menu.
The pages give away the next 5 minutes of the game, constantly. So much that it breaks the impact of the story.
>If you want all of the pages to be available in the first playthrough, then you can simply unlock Nightmare mode with the developer menu.
How do i left click on ps3??
This awful piece of shit, why is making a decent silent hill game so damn hard?
"Constantly" is an exaggeration. It happens a few times, and it happens for a reason.
The fact that things written on the pages happen after they were written is an important part of the story. None of the pages actually spoil anything of consequence, except for the deaths of a couple of characters whose deaths served only one purpose: to display the fact that the pages describe events which have yet to occur.
It's not like the developers scattered the pages randomly and accidentally put some of them too early. Reading the pages as you find them is precisely how the story was meant to be experienced. If you think it's a bad story, that's a perfectly legitimate opinion, but don't act like the relationship between pages and future events isn't part of that story.
The uncharted remastered collection.
Most boring games in history, I don't know what people see in these games other than the cutscenes.
They made it bad on purpose to sabotage the PS3, look it up.
Reading those pages are the impact itself and then knowing what is going to happen to the characters and being unable to do anything about it makes it all the worse.
how cares, thread is more fun if you remove the ps3 restriction
it also breaks the natural flow of gameplay when you have to read/listen to a page every 5-10 mins
you actually get the fact that the pages describe the future after reading approx 3 of them, why bother with the rest
I put 37 hours into Alan Wake. Fun story if you like King stuff. Good game. Fuck the haters, who must have had terribly high expectations to be so hateful of a solid 7/10 game.
>it also breaks the natural flow of gameplay when you have to read/listen to a page every 5-10 mins
Now that's a legitimate reason for skipping them. But if you don't care about the story, why play a game like Alan Wake?
>you actually get the fact that the pages describe the future after reading approx 3 of them, why bother with the rest
Maybe they thought normies wouldn't understand it until the 10th time it happens.
He means find his post on the Sup Forums archive of this very thread.
The real trick was getting people to buy the Ps3.
Konami purposefully hindered the production of Silent Hill Downpour to spite Sony who at the time was doing a silent buyout that was cancelled after the hack.
This is a complete fantasy.
so, so true.
most people I know that bought one only bought it because it was cheaper than a Blu-Ray player at the time.
Alan wake's gameplay got boring and repetitive quick, it had a cool gimmick but the novelty wears off fast.
Story started really strong but went to shit quickly, even with the DLCs. Honestly there's not enough variety or deep enough mystery to support a whole game, same goes for gameplay, but that seems to be a trend with Remedy.
t. sony shill
Always remember...
We never forgive
We never forget
Expect us
Yes you are.
The story kept me entertained, and I thought the gameplay was good enough. But I can definitely see why some people don't like the game.
Remedy is one of the most over rated devs ever
What the fuck have they made lately? Oh right you don't even know. Fuck off.
Prove it's not something you imagined out of sheer autism.
The prove is in the pudding. I'm not going to do your homework for you, for one thing your not woke enough to understand the subtle intricasies of the conspiracy involved between SONY and Konami for another you don't deserve my help. The burden of prove is on you btw
Go take your medicine, enough attention whoring for the day.
They made quantum break most recently. But all of their games are overrated, specifically the older ones though
Nice projection there. Go take your medicine and stop attention whoring.
>quantum break
I meant vidya :p
>makes a ridiculous claim
>The burden of prove is on you btw
Now this is podracing
The burden is on him to prove there wasn't a conspiracy?
>can't refute anything I say, just make non-arguments
>doesn't understand the burden of prove
>muh non-sequitur Star Wars meme
Now you are dismissed, sweetie.
I don't get it, do you agree or disagree that they are overrated?
>The burden is on him to prove there wasn't a conspiracy.
I'm not even the guy you were replying to I just stopped by to laugh at you
>I-I-I'm n-not h-h-h-h-him I-I s-swear!
Whatever you say, honey. It doesn't make you right. Not one person has disproved me thusfar.
The Ninja Turtles were behind 9/11 prove me wrong
Did they do that with homecoming as well? As that game was pretty awful as well. I think the more likely reason is tom huelett doesn't know what he's doing and konami forced references to the shitty movie into origins and homecoming thinking it would sell to the movie tards. Although konami just seems to have stopped giving a fuck about the series and just passed it off to whoever would make the new games the cheapest
CLAIM: The Ninja Turtles were behind 9/11
VERACITY: FALSE, the United States government in collusion with Israel and the building owner (Silverstein) staged the false flag attack in order to draw public support for the invasion of the Middle East.
What did you fix...
literally jet fuel can't melt steel beams lmao jesus christ this guy
Lol you still believe that? It was the Ninja turtles dude, if you don't believe me you're just not woke enough to understand the subtle intricasies of the conspiracy involved between Dick Cheney and the Ninja Turtles
Thermite charges planted by Israeli """art students""" sure did.
Hanlon's razor, user. On both the part of the developers and the publishers.
Companies do not deliberately sabotage projects they invest tens of millions of dollars into and only an absolute retard would think they do. Especially game publishes who can't withstand many failures before their company is bankrupt. This is how we know the Bethesda conspiracy stories are utter bullshit too.
was trolling that Sup Forums thread not enough?
Ah yes but Occam's Razor and Durkhan's Knot states that the simplest and easiest solution is that Konami intentionally sabotaged the development of Silent Hill Downpour to spite Sony. You sound obtuse to say that least and it's sad that you have to resort to comparing a real debacle like the Konami-Sony-Silent Hill imbroglio to a joke like Bethseda ruining their own games when that doesn't make sense in the least. Bethseda put a lot of money into their games, retard.
And games are free for Konami to produce
Killzone 2, I loved the first one but Killzone 2 was a let down