Other urls found in this thread:
>visible navel
>thong design
>fairly natural looking and well-proportioned breasts
>pony tail
>muscular legs
Too bad about that face tho
She's got strong looking legs.
Her head is too small for that glorious body.
I'll always hate zero suit on principle. putting fap fuel in video games is degenerate.
I'm sick of the blue jumpsuit
It's a drawing dude.
Yes this thread again for the fiftieth time today! We almost went 10 minutes without it. Report and hide.
It's the opposite. It's actually a way for them to lessen the fanservice. Think about what happened at the end of the early Metroids. Samus stripped down to her freakin' underwear. Now when she takes off her suit she reveals...her other suit. It completely removes a major aspect of her character, that taking off her armor is a release from her responsibilities. Now she just looks like a soldier all the time.
Shes a big girl
The head is drawn smaller to make her look taller.
The Zero suit is no different from her other underwear that she's worn. I take offense with all of it. I don't think fanservice belongs in Metroid. It's the cheapest copout you can use to get people interested in your game.
This is why I herald Prime as one of the best Metroid games. She was always a soldier, even in the best endings. She didn't need to strip like some whore.
She should have a full nude ending. It would actually improve the series and have a much tighter narrative. I mean that with absolute seriousness.
>in need of a narrative period
Go back to Uncharted.
>Sagging breasts
>High heels to try and hide her fat flabby ass
>Early 2000's Office Lady hairstyle
>"Beauty Mark" that's just an ugly mole
Is it time for Samus to retire?
I liker her face.
Metroid is fucking SAVED
Samus has always been lewd ACfag
Please, elaborate. Exactly how would having her go nude improve the narrative?
>he literally has never seen a real woman before
maybe you should leave your basement from time to time
How /fit/ is Samus?
Does she have abs?
>doesn't like slightly saggy tits
get a load of this faggot
>sexualising their female characters again
Like clockwork.
see this particular statement:
>This is why I herald Prime as one of the best Metroid games. She was always a soldier, even in the best endings.
her being "lewd" was always a problem, much like how games used to be shackled with Securom and Games for Windows live. These are flaws that need to be fixed, not perks that need emulation.
>visible navel
Heterosexuality is degenerate? What?
It quite literally is, even without being blatant fanservice.
It's garbage that shouldn't be in a video game, unless it's a dating sim. We don't need to constantly be ogling half-nude characters. And every time they're a crutch to hide bad gameplay.
I'm glad they're not pandering to you reddit crossover fags.
>you will never be midlife crisis Samus's boytoy in her desperate attempt to feel young
>Prime as one of the best Metroid games
Prime is dogshit. Started the casualization of Metroid with blatant handholding, piss easy difficulty, linear as fuck, billions of cutscenes, and no sexy samus. Fuck off faker; 2D or else
>It's garbage that shouldn't be in a video game, unless it's a dating sim.
>We don't need to constantly be ogling half-nude characters.
>And every time they're a crutch to hide bad gameplay.
Literally every time?
You sound mentally ill, to be honest.
this has a chance for being used in the new Smash right
I legitimately can't tell if this is bait or not. That's how far we've come with Metroid shitposting.
If we're lucky ZSS won't appear at all and we'll get Sylux or Rundus or Dark Samus.
You think it's bait because you have no argument.
Every single one of those things started with Metroid Fusion, and cutscenes? Prime has no bloody cutscenes. It barely has dialogue.
>no sexy samus
This is a good thing child. Samus shouldn't just be fap fuel.
It's a crutch that people hide behind when they can't stand criticism of their game. it's always been a crutch. Like when people say that Skullgirls is a shallow fighter with not alot of replayability, the first response is "b-but muh tits." It shouldn't be tolerated.
>you sound mentally ill
Says the guy advocating that porn is more important than gameplay.
lol Prime is harder than any Metroid that came before it. They were piss easy until then
If her shoulders were any wider, this would've been a man with a tiny head.
>Leibowitz image reaction
You sound like someone who would name Gone Home as their GOTY.
Roastie, attractive sexily dressed women with big tits are present in practically every fighting game.
Virtually everyone else disagrees with your opinion on Prime, but hey. We're obviously all lost our minds and your opinion is the only one that's valid.
What if I don't care about either of the bullshit you guys spout? What if I'm cool with games that don't sexualize their characters? What if I'm also cool with games that do?
What if....and this is just a theory...what if the majority of folks couldn't give a shit about dumb arguments between nerds on the internet and just want to enjoy a fun game?
Stop watching so much anime.
A game theory?
yeah yeah whatever shut the fuck up you enormous cock gobbler
>Prime has no bloody cutscenes
>It barely has dialogue
You mean the lines and lines of text you get for scanning? It's a fucking video game not a visual novel. Metroid use to do environment story telling not being a fucking VN. And sexy samus is a reward for good players.
is it true ACfag always invades every Metroid thread
I feel that way but this person is only bitching about it even though it does nothing to the game either way.
Alright mofo enough frigging around stop what you're doing and post the hottest image of samus you've got
As opposite of ZSS ruining it?
you'd probably find someone like her by going to the gym
Yes he in this thread right now replying to my blatant shitposts.
>attractive sexily dressed women with big tits are present in practically every fighting game.
And surprise surprise, the entire genre is circling the drain in terms of creativity and anti-consumer practices. Quite a coincidence.
>what if the majority of folks couldn't give a shit about dumb arguments between nerds on the internet and just want to enjoy a fun game?
There's a difference between you having fun with a game and you trying to argue that a game is good. And anytime you try to argue that a game is well made, you can't just say "it's good because it has tits." but that's the defense every time.
>implying i'd be able to get them
not buff enough yet those women don't care about personality or anything i don't think.
too much work
No, generic pretty girl ZSS in high heels was ruining it.
>casuals disagree
>it's good because it has tits" but your only argument is "it's bad because it's sexualized"
The middle pic looks like something legoman would draw, it just needs beefier thighs.
Man, you must be a hoot at parties.
Less than 1 hour is perfectly fine in a game of that length. It's when you surpass that things get boring and drawn out. Still, I wouldn't lie if I said I'd prefer less cutscenes.
>You mean the lines and lines of text you get for scanning?
All optional.
>Metroid use to do environment story telling not being a fucking VN.
And it does environmental story well. No dialogue for any character is a fantastic way to have a Metroid game.
>And sexy samus is a reward for good players.
Until you reach the age of 18 and realize that you don't need to masturbate to everything.
Her head is perfectly sized.
It just looks a little smaller because the neck isn't visible.
The way you state your OPINIONS sounds precisely like a video game 'journalist'. Especially that "We" shit, you seem to think awfully high of yourself. That 'anyone who likes something sexy is a child' bs is a dead giveaway as well.
Just admit you've fallen for the sexualization meme and now absolutely despise it without reason, blaming it for every perceived ill in the industry.
>And anytime you try to argue that a game is well made, you can't just say "it's good because it has tits." but that's the defense every time.
Also this is quite literally the same excuse you are using,"it's bad because it has tits".
Metroid has a narrative. It's actually a pretty deep one even in the old school days before it had much of a traditional story.
Ok, let's break down what Metroid is at it's core. The original game tells you jack shit, right? But we can still experience the "story." The theme is isolation. Samus is alone and in hostile territory that is not just dangerous but fucking confusing. It's labyrinthine world means that she's constantly in danger. Contrast that with Zelda and Mario where you get reprieves every so often when you enter a castle at the end of a stage or find a cave with items. Metroid stays tense even when it's pretty gorgeous to look at like in Super Metroid. There's some whimsical beauty in there but EVERYTHING wants to kill you. You follow Samus through all this and get to the end. Samus can finally relax and takes off the constricting armor that she was confined to all game. And what do you learn? She's a girl. Holy shit. Not only were you in it with her, you were so entrenched in the battle that you didn't even realize it. It didn't even matter. The only thing you cared about at the time was surviving. Seeing her in various states of undress was just the vehicle to convey her gender. "Samus is a girl" was the reward, not sexualizing her. But that's only half the purpose. The other half is to reward you with further levels of relief. You ever get home from a hard day's work and kick off your shoes and take off your tie? What does that feel like? Ever get the worst ending and she just stands there in her power suit? That's so unsatisfying even when you KNOW the big reveal. Because you aren't afforded a chance to get that relief. The whole game is a giant build up of stress and then it just...stops. The best ending with her in her underwear is the complete release of all that tension.
5 bucks says this Ben Kuchera wannabe is a leaf.
Hi, I'm Samus Aran. Thank you for playing my game, Samus Returns.
Then if it's the first time and you learn she's a girl it's just one giant justification of the entire struggle. You got your relief AND a major surprise.
So that's the first game's narrative. How do the sequels work? Metroid II and Super Metroid are basically the same deal. But now we know Samus is a woman. So what's left? The tension release is still there and that's the #1 thing. But we also lost the big surprise. It made Samus's states of undress just arbitrary. You still don't want the full armor one but what her underwear looks like doesn't matter. It's literally a rehash.
Now we skip to Zero Mission. This is where it all falls apart. Now we see her out of her armor DURING the game. There's still tension but now it's a different tension. She doesn't have her power suit and is in a dangerous environment. But her Zero suit still makes her capable. We know this because we play as her and beat the game with her wearing it. Meaning now the Zero suit has JUST AS MUCH tension associated with it as her power suit. So "undressing" to the zero suit at the end is no relief. It's just another battle suit. And the better endings just show her in different street clothes like a fashion model, which feels like a non-sequitur. Do you get home from a hard day's work and then go straight to a night on the town? Maybe, but that's a different tone than the moment of relaxation and relief. Zero Mission stole both the tension release AND the big shocker.
So now let's talk about a hypothetical new game. You battle through and finish it for the first time with the best ending time requirement. You've played a dozen Metroids and you know what to expect. Samus strips off her armor and she's completely nude. Tension relief? Check. Metroid 1 calibur surprise? DOUBLE CHECK. See what it does? Is swings us all the way back to Metroid 1. It reintroduces the primary conceits of Metroid's ending in a way that would be functional today.
Anita get out
Why didn't you post the original version
Not gonna bet against that.
>can't even spell "whoa"
god you're pathetic
>Less than 1 hour is perfectly fine in a game of that length
The games about what? 6-7 hours? Even that is too much for Metroid. The sequels are even worst. Can't even skip them I believe.
>All optional
It isn't when you need 100% completion and cutscenes in other games are optional but you still complain about them don't you faggot
>And it does environmental story well
kek. Prime has shit EST compare to Super, the greatest Metroid of all time.
>Until you reach the age of 18 and realize that you don't need to masturbate to everything
Once you have more than 20 IQ you realize that a sexy reward given to the player is the best way of increasing replayabilty.
It's bad because it foregoes important gameplay elements and software optimization just to get horny kids to masturbate to it.
>The way you state your OPINIONS sounds precisely like a video game 'journalist'.
user, you couldn't be further from the truth, since I actually talked about the importance of gameplay. You wouldn't find anyone on kotaku even thinking about gameplay. They're too busy writing lectures on white privilege and Blonald Blumph's evil tyranny.
>Just admit you've fallen for the sexualization meme and now absolutely despise it without reason,
Without reason? Answer me this: why do devs spend their time advertising sexy characters and waifus, yet they can't optimize their games to run at a stable 60 FPS (*COUGHZELDACOUGH*)?
They had the manpower to accomplish 60 FPS easily, as well as add in the DLC for free. So why did they handle it so lazily, while advertising Zelda and the gerudo and mipha so much? It's because they knew poeple would buy it anyway no matter the fault, because they were thinking with their dicks.
I want her to snu-snu my pelvis into a million pieces
Much better.
all sjwposters are leafs
I hope you realize that full nudity would destroy the game's rating and make it unsellable, right? You can attempt to justify full nudity by citing tension relief as much as you want, but it's literally never going to happen. Because that would bar the game from being sold.
Holy fuck I will never get laid
Very nice
>Samus shouldn't just be fap fuel.
Samus can be sexualized without just being "fap fuel." It doesn't have to be a binary choice.
(sorry for the split link, the system thinks it's spam)
A sexual Metroid fanfic that without disrespecting Samus as a character.
>Metroid has a narrative.
It tells the narrative through the gameplay. That's literally it. It didn't need a story, and any "lore" could easily be optional throwaways that were easily skippable, like Prime. There's no need to "expand Samus as a character." Might as well have her tweet about her motherly feelings and the evils of the patriarchy. Just turn Metroid into a visual novel with all this "characteization". who needs gameplay, right?
>The games about what? 6-7 hours?
As long as it's not over one hour, AND it's all skippable, it's tolerable. It could be better, but Nintendo is a flawed company so it's understandable.
>It isn't when you need 100% completion
Good thing it isn't mandatory to beat the game.
>and cutscenes in other games are optional but you still complain about them don't you faggot
When other games feature 500+ hours of cutscenes, it's a little harder to ignore them. Cough Metal Gear Final Fantasy cough.
>kek. Prime has shit EST compare to Super, the greatest Metroid of all time.
How so?
>Once you have more than 20 IQ you realize that a sexy reward given to the player is the best way of increasing replayabilty.
You know what does that a billion times better? Difficulty modes, new game +, alternate endings with cool superbosses, a better endgame and postgame, etc. Sex trash can't even begin to compare.
No it doesn't, some of the best games have sexualization in them.
I'm not saying games can't be good without sexualization. F.E.A.R 1 has none even though in 3 the protag gets raped by the ghost girl.
>that pretty but maturely blemished face
>that posture halfway between a supermodel and a superhero
>that filled out gymnast build
>them leg proportions that suggest she's pretty fuckin tall
this is absolutely flawless. if you disagree post loc and I will fight you irl
>faggots arguing about stupid shit
>waifufags masturbating loudly
>some shithead just dumping his ZSS folder
Metroid threads.
>You wouldn't find anyone on kotaku even thinking about gameplay.
Negative, even Kotaku has to look like a video game publication from time to time to keep up appearances. You're probably familiar.
>Without reason? Answer me this: why do devs spend their time advertising sexy characters and waifus, yet they can't optimize their games to run at a stable 60 FPS (*COUGHZELDACOUGH*)?
Well first of all the developers do not market the game therefore the two are not related in any way whatsoever. Second sex sells. It has for millenia, a generation of kids coming along and having a hissy fit about 'rampant sexualization' or whatever the fuck are not going to change that undeniable fact of human nature. We like to fuck. Period.
I don't play Nintendo shit outside Metroid so I'm going to assume you're talking about BotW of which open world games have often been pretty notorious for poor optimization. It comes with the territory.
>They had the manpower to accomplish 60 FPS easily, as well as add in the DLC for free.
Weren't they developing simultaneously for the Wii U? i.e. old hardware? That's a pretty big crutch for being able to accomplish 60. Besides unless your dad works at Nintendo there is no way of you knowing this as fact.
> It's because they knew poeple would buy it anyway no matter the fault, because they were thinking with their dicks.
No they were thinking with their profit margins.
>Samus can be sexualized without just being "fap fuel." It doesn't have to be a binary choice.
>links to a fanfic that stars a super special original character written worse than a sonic production