Is Sup Forums exited for the new Plains of Eidolon update for Warframe? How can Destiny even compete?
Is Sup Forums exited for the new Plains of Eidolon update for Warframe? How can Destiny even compete?
Destiny may be shit, but at least it has /some/ gameplay that is more complex than "shoot things until there are no things to shoot, then reload the level and do it again."
It's DE so it's gonna be shit.
I'm excited, it'll breathe some fresh air into the game again, it really needs it
> it has /some/ gameplay that is more complex than "shoot things until there are no things to shoot
Why do you lie to yourself like this?
The rest of the game might be utter trash, but at least the raids in Destiny are, indeed, something more than just shooting things until there are no more things.
Warframe has, literally, nothing other than that.
>replacing more and more of the warframe gameplay withretarded psychic child combat
what are they smoking?
Why are you posting goobergoy images?
kys shill
But warframe have raid too
>quick let's try desperately to cash in some bucks during the month before destiny2 releaase on pc
you were pathetic since the beginning, fatfuck
Do you even know what you are talking about?
>Cash in
Warframe is consistently on the top 10 most played games on Steam, and has over 30 million players. Destiny 2 has already a 50% drop.
>He hasn't ran a full stealth spy mission scanning cephalon targets to unlock riven mods
A raid. Singular.
That has no incentive to do it, is buggy and not finished. Probably won't ever be finished...
And mainly consists of standing around shooting things until there are no more things, with the enthralling mechanic of carrying a thing from point A to point B.
Destiny is shit.
But Warframe is also shit, but people like it, because... reasons, I guess.
>focus rework
>energy regeneration is fucked
Going to be terrible.
Warframe has 2 raids.
>he doesnt have 10 arcane energizes in his syandana and helmet
step it up
Warframe has overall more content, more characters and more diverse combat mechanics. Plains of Grindolon looks like it will bring the things you're saying it lacks.
>Being such a retard to base your entire build on a mechanic that was still in beta and clearly stated to be changed in the future.
Your fault.
Raids are a pain in the ass
one game is free to play and makes a fraction of what Destiny does
>Jordas Verdict
it's a barely functioning buggy clusterfuck
Cash-wise or gameplay wise? Because you are completely wrong on both.
I'm hoping for this, since I've burned right out on it now. But I'm fully expecting this
And is still a better game than Destiny 1 ever was, and with Plains + more open world updates coming, it will be a better game than Destiny 2 will ever be.
This is the problem with Warframe. They never add any real content to the game. It's always stupid half-assed gimmicky bullshit like dogs and cats and archwing and sentients and now outdoors levels. And they abandon that shit just as quickly as they make it. I wouldn't be surprised if this was the first and last update dealing with "open world" anything.
It's just an extra big four man hub. You can bet that it's tied to bullshit amounts of grind too, because that's the developer's idea of 'content'.
>You can bet that it's tied to bullshit amounts of grind too, because that's the developer's idea of 'content'.
Just like destiny
>you can only do it with your party
>massive area
>4 people
>no dynamic instancing
>random mobs everywhere
Boy am I excited for more half finished content that never gets done!
but that's exactly the same thing destiny does...
I played warframe a while back and it was pretty confusing and grindy, so lets say I want to play it again but without the grind what can I buy to make it fun?
Why are Warframe threads always about Destiny but Destiny threads never bring up Warframe?
Do you think mindless grind is fun? because if so, then it's the most fun game you'll ever play
Who said I liked Destiny any better? You aren't refuting anything by comparing one shit game to another.
Join a big clan. Get free weapons. You just have to grind for the mats.
The grind is the fun part user.
Buying stuff off the store is literally removing gameplay from the game.
>Defense (Low to mid level)
>Defense (Sortie)
>Excavation (Endurance)
Solo: Limbo | Team: Frost x2, Nova x2
Solo: Loki | Team: Trinity, Nova, Whatever
>Mobile Defense
>Survival (Endurance)
Solo: Nidus | Team: Mag, Banshee, Nekros, Nova
Destiny is pretty much the only game I play so yeah
Wait are we comparing cosmetics to literal 3 day timers.
Christ's sake, just drop stupid-ass musou levels of enemies in big ol' open-world arenas and let me slip and slide around in peace. Warframe has fucking nothing going for it at the moment besides nice movement mechanics, but there's nothing to fucking DO with these movement mechanics and everything's so barren and empty and holy FUCK why are the enemies so tiny and slow and there are barely any of them in a game that touts movement as one of its features?
Warframe is an infuriating pile of half-baked "content" because DE has no goddamn clue what they're doing and desperately hope that they can keep people buying plat instead of dropping their shit game like they rightfully should.
you too
That video didn't sell me. It looks generic and boring.
Wait, Sup Forumsirigns actually play Warframe? It's a p2w, casual, grindy and boring as fuck barbie doll dressup skinner box. Am I missing something here?
Do you prefer cinematic trailers that lie to you about how the game actually looks and plays?
It's a fun p2w, casual, grindy barbie doll dressup skinner box.
>my unvarnished skinner box is better than your unvarnished skinner box
You're making a distinction where no difference exists.
Anyone who has played Warframe long enough knows that the game is shit and DE releases half ass content. The only ones that are like excited are new players who don't know any better.
It's free and runs on shit computers.
Fucks sake there's paladins threads here.
>its play to win
What? Everything in the game can be earned by just playing. You can earn in game plat easily without spending real money.
I'm not going to play this piece of shit game until I can buy a zephyr skin with anything but irl money
>play 2 win
are you fucking stupid
Stop samefagging.
>DE forumshitter
Why do you defend a mediocre game like this? I know you are too poor to afford finished games but even you should be able to realize how shit Warframe is.
Sup Forums seems to hate Destiny, Warframe, The Division, and Borderlands. Is there a looter-shooter style game that Sup Forums enjoys, or does everyone just hate the genre as a whole? I've always enjoyed the grindy loot games, Diablo 2 being one of my all time favorites. I've spent a lot of time in PoE as well, and Sup Forums generally has a more favorable open of those games. What makes Diablo 2 such a good game and all of these looter-shooters so bad? The formula and repetition is exactly the same, the only difference is how the games are played.
>Defending this shitty game
Nova P will be the best frame for this area.
Speed frames like volt and shit won't match max range portals
Change all of the above to Atlas and you got it right.
This. Whenver I watch a friend play Warframe I wonder what the point is. There's a level, cover, elevators, enemies and stuff, but then they proceed to turbo bounce and jump through the whole level. Enemies actually manage to hurt your recharging shield? Just fly half way accross the map to safety in a single leap. It doesn't even look hard like say rocket jumping or bunny hopping, it's just jump... jump... jump...
It's like watching someone play through Mario 3 buy they constantly have a P wing cheat turned on.
I've tried to get into Warframe on two occasions, and both times I gave up because of just going into instanced ships/areas that look very similar or reused from the previous one. The player character is fun but unlocking new stuff takes ages, and the enemies aren't equipped to deal with you atleast early on
Good luck on that user. That mag deluxe skin plus tonfa combo does look pretty sexy though.
Diablo is an old game with cult following, and Sup Forumsermin like being the type of hypsters who like old cult games. Warframe just lacks the longevity for Sup Forums to like it.
>semi open world
Nah fuck that. Give me back my fast and I'd be interested, you can copy paste all the fucking hallways you wanted then.
Do we really need daily shill threads for this shitty pay2grind shooter?
Warframe is shit but would be pretty decent if it wasnt f2p with the worst grind I have ever seen, and it needs better content level and boss wise.
Destiny is decent and could be so much better but activision and their "you can only release this much content with your game" business model is holding them back, I blame bungo for junping in the bed with them.
Borderlands is just shit I dont know how people like those games, I bought the goty edition of the first one and dropped it a few hours in. Nothing good about it to me, ugly looking, boring gunplay, shit abilities.
insecure destinyfags?
There are no destiny threads
So basically being "good" at Warframe is either grind forever or pay up. Whatever happened to skill based games? It's all skinner boxes nowadays
>25 bosses in warframe and counting since future updates
>weekly updates adding new content such as weapons and new frames which get their own story quest
>worse than destiny"buy our dlc please" 2
I'd put Borderlands above Warframe, but not by much. At least BL games are complete when released, with DLC's, but still a whole game. Warframe, no matter how many times I go back and try it or what DE decides to call it, it feels like a fucking beta. Constant changes to combat and overall gameplay is fucking diarrhea. It's not even for the better. It just gets worse over time. They keep adding to it without refining any fucking thing they've added previously. It's the worst model I've ever seen. If they weren't getting all of that dosh from platinum from fucktards not competent enough to trade for things, they'd be broke.
Warframe's big problem is that it's nothing BUT a grind
Grinding can be fun if the game itself is fun and has the grind as part towards a bigger goal.
Too bad grindframe has onle the grind.
What game isn't? Seriously all games boil down to grinding.
All that "free" content doesnt mean shit when you have to go through the biggest grind to get/do it, and ive never fought a warframe boss that was fun they were just bullet sponges that glitched out half of the time. The fun I had in warframe came from sliding around the map with dual ether blades spin chopping shit as fast as I could. Everything that wasnt the core gameplay in warframe can kick rocks.
Meh maybe im bias but borderlands wasnt even fun to play for me even for a little while, warframes gameplay was at least fun for a bit. I only dropped it once I realized I would either have to pay to unlock more warframe/weapon slots, or delete the shit I grinded days for. Borderlands is a generic fps with loot.
>I only dropped it once I realized I would either have to pay to unlock more warframe/weapon slots, or delete the shit I grinded days for
Go sell some prime parts you nerd
Don't bother, the idiot thinks it's hard to grind weapons and frames. He's used to games handing everything to him.
>coordinate 10 retards to do the most difficult thing imaginable
>stand on a circle
thats the extent of warfarms """"raids"""" if anyone is wondering
Yeah I tried selling shit, but the only things people want to give you dosh for are super rare drops id have to grind my ass of for.
>what are syndicate weapons
>what are ayatan sculptures
>what are rivens
there are a lot of suresell items though
You can sell prime trash during Baro kikeer events pretty easily
I dont even know what youre talking about I dropped warframe years ago. Warframes grind is shit defend it all you want.
>Seriously all games boil down to grinding
u wot m8?
Do you know what grinding means?
But Warframe takes it to the extreme
>Want new armor or weapon
>Grind blueprint
>Grind materials
>After that is said and done you now have to wait 6 - 24 hours sometimes more IN REAL TIME to get that item
>Want to go to a a new planet
>Have to fill out this grinding checklist
>My reward for my time is a weak-ass boss battle that feels like it shouldn't be there leaving me to wonder "why even bother?"
I get the devs want people to play this game for a long time and trying not to blow its load early by not letting us freely roam all planets from the get-go and wasting time building equipment, again in real time, after wasting time to grind materials for it but it does seem like a bit much especially considering that PvP is nonexistant leaving players with only PvE and nothing else to do making the beginning of this game to be a huge drag.
Never played Destiny, but I wonder how fucking shit it gotta be if you claim that it is worse than that awful pile of shit that is Warframe.
which is pretty sad, because the latter was such a promising game back in beta then DE just their thing..
You are definitely in the wrong here. You don't even know what we're talking about? These are ways to get easy plat without spending a dime. you close minded buffoon, learn to game systems and play games properly, not every game will be a linear interactive movie.
Warframe is boring, the new content is pretty shitty too.
Only people who care are brazilians and russians.
>What's the point of playing vidya gaemz?
Some deep shit right there user
>dont want to grind my ass off just to be able to use gear I already grinded my ass off to get
>"dude you fucking idiot you dont know how to play you gotta grind better"
ok have fun with that
At least you don't have to pay 60$ or more to be bored
>real time waiting
holy shit I knew Warframe was a bad game but that's on par with shit tier mobile game energy bars. Are you even trying Warfags? The people here defending the game feel like a brainwashed cult at this point. Have they never played a real shooter or something?
>Want new armor or weapon
>Grind blueprint
False for the most part. You can buy weapon/frame blueprints for the market or clan dojo with game credits
>After that is said and done you now have to wait 6 - 24 hours sometimes more IN REAL TIME to get that item
I give you this one, but I honestly don't mind since I don't play the game 24/7. I leave my shit building overnight and come back the next day after work when it's ready.
>Want to go to a a new planet
>Have to fill out this grinding checklist
More often than not you complete this checklist without even knowing
>My reward for my time is a weak-ass boss battle that feels like it shouldn't be there leaving me to wonder "why even bother?"
Those are not exactly bosses, I agree they're weak but if you're just completing the star map then it probably means you're a new player with not much weapons or frames yet, if they made it harder no one would beat them.
He wasn't wrong about the frames.
Most of them need you to grind out a boss or some other shit to acquire them. I think volt and the faggy Chinese frames are in the guild crafting areas
>dont want to grind my ass off just to be able to use gear I already grinded my ass off to get
What? You're making no sense now. You're an idiot who thought the game was just going to reward your ignorance and laziness, yes this game is just not for you. Nice facebook reaction image.
>These are ways to get easy plat without spending a dime
Sooooo, grinding?
>not every game will be a linear interactive movie
You're right! Some games actually take skill, such as CS:GO or Tetris. Not Warframe through, Warframe is a skinner box where you can pretend that grinding character stats means you're good at video games.
Yeah the blueprints for the parts are dropped by bosses, but it's not really a grind when there's only 3 parts. Do the boss a few times and you'll get them. The only real grind is getting frames like harrow or equinox parts.
>if they made it harder no one would beat them.
What kind of fuck-ass logic is this? Either make it some kind of challenge or don't bother in the first place. This terminal grind-check-list nonsense is nothing but fluff to pad the game out. Hell, it doesn't even need to go away entirely just don't call me unworthy of going beyond a planet just to slap a near breaindead grunt with higher hp numbers in my way and calling it a rite of passage, you could have it be a some shoot-the-target course or fucking anything else.
The waiting times are obnoxiously long, too. Early weapons start at 12 hours for the entire weapon. Later weapons need other weapons to be build. Frames need three parts to build, each of these take 12 hours, and then you build the frame itself which takes 3 days.
On top of that you have to grind for resources and credits before building anything. Let's not even get into building prime stuff, it just takes all this shit up to eleven.
But you can just skip the waiting time by paying real money, goy.