>still no DLC info
Fuck, I want an excuse to replay the game
Botw thread I guess, post hopes and expectations for DLC and whatever
>still no DLC info
Fuck, I want an excuse to replay the game
Botw thread I guess, post hopes and expectations for DLC and whatever
We got it at E3...we know what it is and it's coming in January.
Keep hearing people say the DLC will be a sequel.
Where did you fags get that from?
The trailer shows the story takes place after the defeat of Ganon. That's all.
Not sure as is takes place before shit went down. Should be fun with actually lively towns etc
No it didn't
>tfw master trials on 3 hearts
>tfw I still haven't completed BoTW
>tfw I doubt I'll return to it
It's like playing an empty Skyrim with more mobility.
Not everyone dick sucks BoTW user.
There's a video about the DLC and it shows Riju on the throne
Yeah, it did. We saw Zelda and the ending hints towards one of the guardians being broken. The DLC is going to be Link + Zelda going around fixing shit.
they really need to add more characters or like a big city or something. the game is amazing but feels slightly empty the more you explore. the world is so freaking big, but the amount of NPC's, while a good amount by themselves, feels too little in comparison to just how big the world is.
it kind of feels like you're going on a camping trip and just occasionally see a random hiker pass by. this might be the feel they wanted to go for, but this game feels like it has potential for even more.
True, some people just like to farm (You)s
Are you really that triggered by my dislike for it? I gave it a chance, bought it day fucking one and It's just completely tedious.
So you have shit taste. Who cares.
Reminder that you are a pleb if you don't:
>Always have the Champion's Tunic, Tunic of The Wild or any of the Amiibo tunics equipped
>Always have the Master Sword and Hylian Shield equipped
>Have one of the lower level bows that resemble the ones used in older Zelda games equipped
Thank you for your time.
Nah, I'm just giving you what you want. Attention and replies
Who gives a shit about DLC when GOTY is almost out in just over a month
This is pretty autistic Senpai
Great reply
So Zelda threads are a hug box now? I can't possibly discuss why It might not be all that good? Jesus fucking Christ Sup Forums really is reddit now.
Pleb detected. The real Link wouldn't wear anything but those options, weapons etc.
If you hate it then fuck off.
The game had just the right amount of NPCs imo
Why post if you don't want (You)s lmao. Don't even try to deny that
Last one you get, enjoy it
Again with the hug box, BoTW is far from perfect and it's ridiculous that I'm getting shit for thinking of it as anything but. There are so many things BoTW could have done better but instead I have to embrace the hug box and pretend like it's GOTYAY? fuck that.
At this point Sup Forums should just be nuked.
>We saw Zelda
You do realize that 99% of Zelda's appearances exist in flashbacks, right?
Riju didn't exist 100 years ago
It's perfect so what are you doing here? Nobody cares if you have shit taste.
It can still be a prequel and the ending is a cliffhanger. Or it can be both
>at this point
Oh it should have been nuked from 2012 onwards
It might not be Riju, the headdress is wrong
Hey user, I agree with you. Nintendo fans tend to be quite "sensitive" and seem to attach their self esteem to what Nintendo does.
BOTW is honesty a 7/10 game. It was Nintendo playing catch up with the current market and had many flaws.
7/10 is like a 9/10 on the modern review scale, and very few games are above average these days
>It's perfect
You just have low standards and I suspect you're just a fanboy that would eat up anything with the Zelda name attached. While it does some things very well like the freedom of movement it does far too many things wrong to be treated like a perfect game. It's a prelude to a great zelda, a beta version, a demo. It's laid the foundation for a great game and that's all the praise it deserves.
I honestly can't argue against that.
Thank fuck that some of you aren't blind ass fanboys. It's definitely a step in the right direction but it needs a lot of work.
>I want an excuse to replay this game
The sword trials in the first DLC pack should give you a good ~5 hours. They should make it unlimited like the chalice dungeons after you complete all of them imo
I just want them to release it. I don't want any spoilers, even gameplay footage would ruin the novelty. I learned my lesson from all that fucking Treehouse footage, when the actual game came out I already knew most of the mechanics inside and out and the game didn't really change much up after the Plateau so there wasn't anything new to learn.
I can't see it being anyone else. Look how short she is.
Fuck off. You derail every Nintendo thread and claim every game is shit.
>my opinions are facts
Goddamn you people are as annoying as those fanboys
>implying it isn't just urbosa chilling in her throne
She doesn't seem like that kind to sit straight
Get some self control. I want to know what I'm paying for before actually buying it
I'd even go beyond to call it a 6.5/10 on my scale.
I hate fanboys. The game is simply not GOTY material. Maybe in terms of Nintendo's own game, but not to games like Persona 5 or Nier Automata.
It's also not a "good" Zelda game and seems ashamed of its heritage.
Isn't it more or less confirmed to be a prequel? I mean hell its called the champion's ballad
I like the template that BotW is but it has critical flaws that prevents me from ever playing it again. Enemy variety is a huge one since most of the game you will be fighting bokoblins and bokoblins recolors it gets tiring, lizalfos and Lynels kind of help to break the monotony but the game sorely needed a much bigger pool of enemies and interesting and unique locations for them. How the world was designed is great for the most part, but it also has the glaring flaw of not having an incentive to explore other than shrines and it sucks because optional temples and dungeons would have been a great reward for exploration. Villages felt barebones and sidequests often feel like bad MMO-esque fetch quests with no real reward to them.
Durability system and equipement hurts the game more than helping it. By making the weapons temporary items, the devs had to take the route of differentiating the weapons by just changing their stats, and sadly, the same design was applied to armors. Finding an elite guard sword is not rewarding since you know it will break and lost until a new blood moon happens after some minutes of use. This heavily discourages the combat, turning the game into a huge walking sim with the added ability of climbing until you find a shrine.
Coocking system is a great idea, but it also completely shatters any semblance of challenge since there is no risk or penalty for eating something in the middle of a fight, you simply pause the game, and heal/buff Link.
I liked BotW but Nintendo needs to change a lot of things if they want to make a truly great game.
Too bad most people don't agree with you. Well, they're all plebs right? Only you are correct, after all
Persona 5 is honestly pretty shit. Nier deserves GOTY though
Funny how divisive durability is. They will probably remove it the next game or re tweak it
>You derail every Nintendo thread and claim every game is shit
I don't know who you think I am but I'm not whoever you're referring to. If I believed every Nintendo game is shit would I have bought BoTW day one? Hell I've had Odyssey pre-ordered since Amazon put up the placeholder for it months ago. I'm just not blind to a games flaws just because I enjoy it.
They're a hell of a lot more factual than "the game is perfect and any negatives said against it are factually wrong get out of my hug box"
>The game is simply not GOTY material. Maybe in terms of Nintendo's own game, but not to games like Persona 5 or Nier Automata
Couldn't agree more.
Exactly user, fucking exactly how I felt when playing the game. It's so god damned close to being almost perfect but it's those flaws you listed, those oversights, that hurt it too much. Hopefully now that the foundation has been laid down they can build on top of it and add in all those much needed additions like dungeons and enemies for the next game.
Many people tend to overhype games and this in turn make them ignore critical flaws within said games. BotW is an example of this, but so is GTAIV, Infinite, Uncharted 3, Gears of War, etc.
Why do you need an incentive to explore though. Doesn't that defeat the entire point of exploration?
>but I'm not whoever you're referring to
You write exactly like him. You always do the same shit.
That's fine if you don't like P5. I accept your opinion. Love Nier Automata.
It's anti-fun, plain and simple. Nintendo has this thing of including features that ruin the fun of games.
The only reason it was praised that much was because its Nintendo. Skyward Sword was heavily praised and that's the worst 3D Zelda.
I can say the same for Persona 5 and Nier tomato. If you like the game very much you tend to ignore its flaws when discussing it
I just wish the new dungeon would be similar to hyrule castle but bigger.
Oh wait I forgot all the fun I had breaking weapons into bokoblin's faces. It's really fucking satisfying to me. I just ended up not caring about how strong my weapons are a quarter through
That's fucking bullshit. SS got shat on so much that liking it is a contrarian opinion.
>wanting a dungeon with no puzzles
Personally speaking I don't want to climb a mountain or run forever to find there's nothing at the end of it. One of the best remembered and liked parts of BoTW is incentive based, (the island that you fly to that results in a quest with no items) and having something worthwhile to explore only motivates. I lost interest in exploring deeply when I found out my reward 90% of the time was either a seed or a trial.
Then I present proof.
>Skyward Sword was heavily praised and that's the worst 3D Zelda
I can still remember the disappointment. At least I got a golden Wii-mote out of it.
I think that they were experimenting with the durability system. Personally, I'd like if it was removed, this will impose a new challenge for the team since now they will have to make every weapon to feel actually unique and kind of like Dark Souls 1, more than enough to carry you through the entire game. I don't see this as a problem though, actually unique weapons and armors with unique properties will allow players to make their own builds, further enhancing the freedom they will have to play the game. Eating food needs it's own animation while playing so there is an actual risk for healing and buffing yourself in the middle of fight, also, that slow mo ability needs to be nerfed so you require actual skill to pull it off. Actual towns with interesting and well designed sidequests, on that note, if they don't want to have a complicated or fleshed out main story it's fine, but some of the better sidequests in videogame history, including the Zelda franchise are those that are basically small but interesting stories, sometimes better than anything in the main quest and BotW was sorely missing on those.
There are many, many ways to improve on the foundation that BotW created. Improvement that I'm sure would lead to a truly amazing game. BotW is not that game though, it's just good. I agree with some people who says that is a 7/10, 8/10 if you are way too generous
Seriously, Mario is getting the Botw treatment except with far more meaningful content. Levels with up to 69 moons that look a hell of a lot more fun to collect than Korok seeds and 120 shrines that all look the same.
>Then I present proof.
How is that supposed to be proof? Your writing style already gives you away. Whoever does this is clearly autistic just like you are. It's completely impossible to have any thread thanks to you.
I mean't that you can approach it the way you want. Ofcourse I want keys and small traditional puzzles too, but it felt like an actual castle (with calamity goo limiting the area though) which I could explore the way I liked.
Ah I see, my mentality for exploration is just doing it for the sake of it and any reward is a bonus. I really liked the world and atmosphere of the game so wandering around is already great. Me liking the shrines is just icing on the cake
When the game came out, fans and journalists loved it. It got so many 10/10s. I got the game before reviews came out and still hated it.
No joke, SS made me hate Zelda and Nintendo for a while.
So I'm not alone, thank god. Exploration autism = best type of autism
Shrines are fun as fuck though
The quest NPCs often have pretty nice side stories, and I actually like the towns. I agree with the good and dodge though, feels as if they are scared the little kiddies will be afraid of the difficulty. If the game didn't have instant healing even I would have died dozens of times
I haven't played those games though. My GOTY's have flaws too. Prey has a problem with little variation with enemies and a dissapointing story. Hollow Knight has the White Palace. The Sexy Brutale has some weird issues that can be attributed to a lack of polish. None of them have the amount of critical flaws that BotW has though, that's why I don't consider it a great game, but I can't deny that it's good either
Concerning the durability I would like to see either what you suggest with the unique properties, feel, all of that or to simply add in a system where we can repair our items or pay to repair at a blacksmith although if I had to choose the unique properties between weapons sounds far more interesting.
Someone who hates Nintendo and shitposts "every thread" like you claim wouldn't have possibly had those games pre-ordered since the 5th of July user. Try to use some logic instead of pretending any complaints against BoTW couldn't possibly be legit.
Fair enough user and I respect that you're able to do that it means you can enjoy a game in a way that I just couldn't.
Food, I mean. Seriously I liked the towns, despite the size.
Durability they could change by having a method of remaking weapons.
Once you have one, you can take it to weaponsmith, he gets design, can hand in items to remake it.
Been playing on PS4 mostly this gen but I'm ready to get a Switch. Pretty excited desu.
Is Breath of the Wild really that good? The only Zelda game I've finished in my life was Hyrule Warriors and that doesn't even count.
The main thing is whether a flaw is critical or not varies from person to person. And whether something is a flaw at all. That's what makes discussing games pretty difficult
That said, the enemies in Prey remind me of those in BOTW. Elemental variants with different gimmicks and attacks associated to them. Hope the variants carry on to the next zelda
Do you enjoy exploring and puzzles?
If so, yes, it's amazing.
It really depends from person to person. If you like exploring in games you'll probably love it. Since you don't play Zelda much the lack of dungeons shouldn't bother you as much
It's really worth a shot, it'll more likely hit than miss
Can't deny it's at least worth trying out
The incentive is to find new and exciting content. The problem with BotW is that since the only things you find after exploring are shrines and korok seeds, the excitement of finding new things is killed by the repetitiveness of the destination. How similar the world visually is, hurts the incentive for exploration too. I know it has been discussed to death, but Dark Souls rewards exploration with heavily different areas, as a good example, take the painted world. An optional area that can be only found if you explore. You explore because you are curious, but the game has to reward that curiosity with unexpected things, in this example, the player is rewarded with easily the best level in the entire franchise.
I feel like my mind was made up before I made the post but this solidified it. I'll pick it up. Thanks, guys
>Try to use some logic
Right, fuck off then. I don't know why you shitpost if you hate it. Seriously.
Enjoy, user
Huh? The game can be pretty visually different, especially between areas. The landmarks are all pretty unique too
>discussing a games negatives and encouraging debate about said negatives and what could be done to improve upon them is shitposting
If you look back my comments sparked such discussion that was quite enjoyable and offered alternative solutions I hadn't thought of myself. If you want a hug box you're in the wrong place.
I really hope it's a sequel. I like the champion successors quite a lot
Mosf of the game is basically big plains with snowy mountains. Faroe Forest, Death Mountain and Desert do break that monotony. While I do agree that each area has at least one unique land mark, my problem is that the ecosystems presented in BotW didn't have much variety. It could also be fatigue of the setting since I played it right after pouring 120h on the witcher 3, so maybe I really wasn't in the mood to explore fantasy forests once again
This. Let me rebuild hyrule ala tarrey town
>claiming everyone else is wrong and calling them fanboys and insulting them isn't shitposting
Just be aware, the Divine Beasts are really short, if you've never played a Zelda before it's probably not a problem.
The Gerudo highland, the swampy areas and the foggy forest are also some unique looking areas off the top of my head.
Oh, another flaw I forgot to mention is how you upgrade armors. It's pure ubisoft-tier busywork since farming for items is absolutely boring and tedious in BotW
This. The events in point of interests are the real rewards for me along with the scenery itself: Satori mountain (if I remember correctly) when the mystery fog appears, leviathan bones, desert temples, hidden caves, heart pond, hot springs, unique flower sites/ruins/enemy camps, facing Naydra the first time, funny or cute npcs in surprising places and I could go on and on.
If you remember my initial comments were greeted with (you)'s instead of any kind of discussion so yes I think it was accurate to pull out the fanboy card when the only response to a negative comment is meme based and the fact that you persist with this shitposting is pretty telling of how upset you are that some people actually had bad things to say.
>Partly got my wish of wanting Guardian themed masks
The Vah Naboris and Vah Medoh masks look slick, although I would rather have settled for actual Guardian ones rather than Divine Beasts.
True, but it's not like you really need it. It's a crutch for really really shit people
Gerudo's city is included in the desert, swamps and foggy forests is part of what I include as part of the fantasy forest stuff. Re-reading my post, this is purely a personal stuff that was caused by playing the witcher 3 a tad too much.
Maybe that's because you doing this every fucking thread gets old real fast
Instead of for example making a way to challenge super versions of the bosses and giving those for rewards, they are locked under amiibos.
And still you persist with this every thread nonsense despite posting proof that whoever you're talking about isn't me. Seeing as you're beyond delusional I'm just going to end this discussion here instead of shitting up the thread further with this pointless back and forth.
I wouldn't be surprised if they appear in game somehow
Understood. Don't blame you, I played Dues Ex before hand so the fantasy forest stuff is like a breath of fresh air
And with tier 3 defense elixirs, you don't need much armor
Which are nice little things, and is fine if that's enough for you, but people are also right when they say that it's dissapointing that you never find something truly spectacular when you explore. The idea of hidden temples, dungeons and even actual cities that you may miss if you don't explore or are the result of a very complex and intricate series of interconnected sidequests is something that me and many others wished that BotW could have had.
>they are locked under amiibos.
That's the main problem for me, since my gamepad is broken.
It doesn't prove anything. See, you keep doing this. Calling me delusional and shitposting but the next thread that comes along and I'll see you there with the exact same posting style. Go fuck yourself. You ruined all discussion for this great game just because you're buttblasted.
There is technically towns and temples you can miss. There are 7 towns total but only 4 is in the main quest iirc. More would be great of course
Or what about getting rewarded with mini bosses? BotW could have improved if it had a wide gallery of minibosses
Not him but stop. The game is my GOTY but you are just really embarrassing