Do games really sell better when you put the female characters in skimpy clothing?

Do games really sell better when you put the female characters in skimpy clothing?

A game needs more than just skimpy outfits but it certainly doesn't hurt


Hatsune Miku is a whore

No one would buy Nepgear, Senran Kagura, or DoA games if they didn't have cute girls in them. They all have shit gameplay. DoA garbage still looks like PS2 graphics and dumbasses still buy it.

look at Skyrim

>DoA garbage still looks like PS2 graphics
Show me a PS2 game that looks like this

That's Sexy Beach.

It's Dead or Alive autismo and is runs on the same engine

You're right. I didn't think this was allowed on PSVR.

I guess, but I don't see how. On the rare occasion I'm tempted, I just masturbate and then I'm okay again.

the future looks promisinggguuhhhhgggnnfff

looks like fucking rapelay garbage

It's borderline as all hell, but no explicit nudity = not porn, and it isn't sold in the west so no controversy.

>triggered over a cute girl

DoA is a genuinely good fighter though, it just has a slutty coat of paint on it


It does, or at least it helps if the game has cute or just good looking characters in general.

Games with all ugly characters need something else to get people attention and unless it's a heavily marketed AAA title, it'd be a bit hard to gain people's attention. Heck, look at Cliffy B's latest "million dollar IP" with its ugly characters.


Player is a floating camera thingy in some VR modes

Only have this last one, may as well post it. I consider this thread successfully derailed of all possible conversation.


how is this legal
these women are incredibly attractive and make 3D women look like garbage in comparison

I like it when DoAshills pop out when their "games" are insulted. I mean, they're too dumb to go out and get free porn so it's no wonder people like you exist.

Realized after posting that this was in fact Nyo, not Marie. Ah well.

>make 3D women look like garbage in comparison
They do it to themselves most of the time

I've never bought a single DoA game in my life, I just like cute girls.

>how is this legal
DOAX3 is banned in the west

5 star post

Not banned, just not released. There's English version in Asia though.

Why havent "Adult" or more directly porn games, become a common thing yet? And i mean in a mainstream even on console kind of thing?
I mean shit, most modern gamers are pretty old last time i checked.

>DoA games if they didn't have cute girls in them
I would. I actually really like DoA as a fighting game and never play as any of the girls.

You know why. Sex is taboo in a lot of cultures.

No it's not, it's a natural thing.
My girlfriend had sex with seventeen men before we got together and we're still happily living together with her son.

Nobody pay for porn games. Except japs, but they are strange.


Well first of all none of the console makers allow AO rated games on their platforms. Also no major retailer would ever carry AO games and in some instances might not even legally be allowed to because different cities have different laws and ordinances about who can sell adult goods and where they can set up shop and stuff.

Not really, but the figures they make of them do

>17 men
you're with a used-up slut, user.

Also, does anyone have all the cum edits?

This would make me buy the game. No joke.