ITT: games only you played
ITT: games only you played
>Gamestop used to sell CP
It was a different era.................................................
Yeah because everyone who played it is in jail
See you in the chair, OP
>mfw I fapped to this game constantly from the Gameinformers magazine
>mfw the page got sticky
>mfw there was a page on game informers magazine that had Tera Patrick
ITT: games only child molesters played
I went out of my way to buy this game a few years ago and it was complete shit.
One of the girls in the game was underaged.
I think this game has nudity, but I don't remember. I saw this at blockbuster though then they took it off the shelves a week later.
One of the girls was 17 and it showed her boobs. Literally worse than Hitler
>feminists cry and complain about male objectification of women
>bitches willingly post shit like this online as if saying ''hey look at me, I'm literally good for nothing but cum guzzling''
I don't get feminism.
>Four months after the game's release a lawsuit was brought against Topheavy Studios, Gathering, Sony, and Microsoft.[1] A woman known as Diane in the game (who is found in Set 5, Episode 20) explained that she was not informed that footage would be used to promote the video game.[2] At the time the footage was recorded, Diane was only seventeen years old, making her underage. A temporary restraining order was granted, prohibiting the further production of copies of the game that contained the girl's image, voice, and name.[3]
What did this Diane person think the footage was going to be used for? What the fuck? I assume she showed off her tits at some point, right? Why would she go through with it if she knew she was underage?
>also thinks Sup Forums is one person
Yes, the vids kept on removing censoring until there's none. For info, the girl was 17, knew what she was going into and lied about her age, but didn't know the footage would be released as the game, and won the lawsuit that way.
Yea because that's what feminism is... why don't you do some research before you run your mouth sweetie
Dumb sweetieposter.
Did you mean to reply to someone else?
You called me?
Probably went like this:
>girl goes in for "modeling job"
>turns out to be softcore porn
>if she reveals her age she won't get the sweet, sweet money
>just takes the money, then waits and sues them in hopes of getting a double dip of cash
"Feminism," as Sup Forums defines it, is not one ideology. There are women that want equality and to remove sexual discrimination, and there are women that hate men and hate women that like being sexy.
>would you?
This game was the closest I got to girls gone wild video when I was a teen.
Still surprised to this day blockbuster let me rent this game, leisure suit Larry and playboy as a teen.
the shooter is behind you, you idiot
Still their fault for not making sure the young girl they were taking nude photos of was over 18
Almost all of the "adult" PS2 games, only misses BMX XXX and 7 Sins, good job.
this is the only good barneyhorse
can't you see he's blind you inconsiderate asshole
My man!
how are they so bouncy?
Dope I'm buying this game on eBay asap
alerted the FBI
Downloaded this from theisozone and it was a riot.
The AI can't even walk straight forward most of the time, the model quality is somehow worse than cs1.6 and because there's so little content the levels are either super hard or are unbeatable due to stupid bullshit.
Example, in the second mission you have to catch a fugitive fleeing a scene, it puts you in the middle of a firefight and you think you're supposed to fight the bad guys and go find him. NOPE. If you take any time to fight the bad guys shooting at you then you've already lost and you won't even know until you reach the end of the level. You have to ignore everything in front of you, run through a sewer maze which you have to know exactly where to go as a wrong turn will cause you to lose time and fail, catch the guy RIGHT BEFORE he reaches his escape point. If you don't catch his before this happens then the game continues but you will have to way to finish the level. Oh, and the game never tells you any of this, only that you need to catch some random dude that doesn't even have a unique character model.
Download it if you want to see an absolute dumpster fire of an early 2000s FPS.
Well yeah, that's what most laws state. Court use laws as base, whaddyaknow ?
You're full of shit, user. The truth is you hated the bitch. You followed her and dragged her into the car and took her out to the Moors. She woke up, and you smashed her face in with a socket wrench. And then you stomped stomped her because she was a drunken whore and she treated you like shit. You stomped her for all the years you had to take it. You stomped her because you're such a Weak, Fucking, Sister, user, and you wanted to erase all memory of it. Go on, try to deny it.
>women are a hivemind
Good to know
>production stopped because someone was a few months away from an arbitrary number
10,000 Bullets
Weird game, weird VN cutscenes and constant location hopping, but almost good. But it's like, there are just so many enemies on screen at once and your controls aren't really good enough to handle it without spamming special powers non-stop. It's like playing the Matrix but shitty.
Man, I wish 7 Sins was popular enough that other people tried to copy the social aspect of it. I thought it was super cool that talking to people around different objects let you take a conversation in different directions and it naturally increased the difficulty when you were invited to eat or look at something specific that wasn't going to give you the easy options. Also really liked that say getting to know the father made it easier to strike up a relationship with their daughter because you aren't a total stranger, he talks about you from time to time.
Very cool stuff unfortunately trapped in a shitty mini-game collection with a poor sense of humor.
game still looks pretty damn good, gameplay looks boring as fuck though. Guess all the budget went on the visuals.
He's trying his best you jerk
My friend owns that game. Do you still have a copy?
I remember getting stuck at a part with rats and not realising this was supposed to be an educational game. The narrator was great.
I wasn't a man until I played this masterpiece on Dunston Must Die mode
>Dunston Must Die mode
Thank you for that.
Holy fuck. Games nobody else played and there's actually games posted I never played. What the fuck is going on in here.
>rival boss
>"Dunston May Sly" kicks in