Sup Forums, how do you get rid of the itch?

Sup Forums, how do you get rid of the itch?

Haven't played since cata but still

How do you even get an itch? I haven't played since wotlk. It sucked by the end and I still don't miss it a bit.

i quit before the first dlc even came out and i have the itch still to this day


I dunno I've only played legion

looks like ffxiv to me

By playing better MMOs.

i get rid of the itch by thinking of how it is to actually play today

>tfw got rid of the itch
played from vanilla to wotk, dropped until warlords, tried it again and fortunately realized the game is just absolute shit nowadays and quit after a month

Generally just thinking about all the fun zones and fights in comparison to the game I'm currently playing, I guess

It's hard to describe and I'm not good at explaining anyway, but it's just a sincere fondness for the game that never truly goes away. It's not simply nostalgia either, I've come back to the game numerous times since launch and it's always been fun in some way.

>get the itch
>play one of the fucking dozens of third party servers ranging from classic only to fucking WoD servers with a god damn legion server in the works

Also if it helps, remember the good times you had, all the fun you had with the people you knew.

The fun is gone.
The good times have been had.
The people you knew quit or moved servers
Blizzard is not the same.

stop having shit taste in games

>blizzard is still pretending a Legacy server wouldn't be insanely profitable

you think you do
but you don't

just fap to some warcraft lewds

vigorous non stop masturbation
cold shower
doing stuff with friends IRL

By realizing old Blizzard gone and nu-WoW is arcade trash for casuals.

I re-subbed after skipping WoD. Canceled sub after 2 months. Same happened before with MoP, when I skipped most of Cata. It's shit. There's no "World", no adventure, nothing, only level-cap and dailies/world quests/whatever Blizz name 'em.

But if you like to spend your time on 20 literally whos - sure, go ahead, resub.

to be honest, they were right. i tried elysium and only gotten to about level 30 or so before going back to ffxiv.

even everquest had its deal because it was the only MMO on the market, but now that there is competition old WoW would never stand a chance against todays MMOs.


blizzard's artists were in top form back in the TBC days

I played a bit of Legion on a Demon Hunter and had a shitload of fun. After a few days at 110 I decided to get my mage to 110 as well.

Then I realised how alt-unfriendly Legion would be and unsubbed.

This makes me mad
Shitons of the people who play wow nowadays joined during wod/legion because hearthstone and OW
They do not know a single meme or reference about old wow characters

Uh, if it makes you feel better I've only played OW, but I was interested in WoW for years, just never got around to it. Never played Warcraft either though.

>all the memories i have of the game are in the past and nothing will ever bring back the feeling of being 14 and playing the game for the first time with your friends
>the game is just a chore at this point and i'm not playing it for my enjoyment
>i'm missing out on other games or even other experiences by devoting my time to a game i don't enjoy playing
>nothing in the game has any lasting impact as it will all be replaced by content patches and expansions
>devoting more time on my character in the game than i do on myself is a bad habit and detrimental to both my physical and mental health
>the effort i put into games like wow is better spent on something productive, like a hobby or a skill
>i've been playing for 11 years and only now realized that the game is bad for my health and i don't want to keep dealing with this anymore

As I said
But I blame myself for anger you do not have to try to make me feel better user ty

it's like heroin. you get that big flash when you play it for the first times. then you play it again and again looking for that feeling again. but it never comes back...

Go play on a vanilla server then. There's nothing for you in modern wow but disappointment.

Nothing more disappointing than the entire server your character was on being deleted

Doesn't legion have a free trial? Did they stop doing those things nowadays?

Once every year or two I sub to an mmo for a month or two. It's ff14 for me these days though, haven't played wow since WOTLK.

Why would it matter, the entire WoW plotline has been shit from the start. I was a fan of warcraft before WoW launched.

You realize that it's a different game now. All the things you liked have most likely been removed and replaced with world quests and time-gated content.
All the people that you had fun playing with back then have most likely moved on and now there is no sense of community to the game; everyone just groups up, finishes the dungeon, and then disbands without saying anything.
People join guilds for the few perks that being in a guild gets you but never talk or group up.

Just spend the 15 to resub to see if you still like it, buy the expac if you do and get a boost. If you enjoy it farm gold like a mother fucker and get free subs. That's what I've done the last 2 expacs. I really think legion is good imo they fixed a lot of problems over the past few updates. Ap grind isn't an issue anymore for example. My only complaint is the legendary grind. It takes 2 weeks to farm enough blp to get one to drop.

It's better than xiv and they're the only good mmos right now.

>only lvl 30
yeah that's exactly where all the casual shits quit, good job

I played vanilla almost from day one and I can't imagine why anyone would go back.

>want to xmog Judgement gear
>It's so low res
Wut do

By subbing for a month once a year and realizing that it isn't the game you love anymore. It will never be like it was, you will never enjoy the game like you did again

Can someone explain the appeal of private servers? It would take you like a month of non stop playing to get to 60 and all that progress can be erased at a moments notice. I'm to paranoid to invest my time in something that can randomly be destroyed.

explain her legs though. how is she standing? why doesn't she fall over?

The way she's standing is fine that's a weird thing to nitpick

Who cares, most of these servers are hosted in fucking russia and you'll get sick of the game before they shut down
Most of them have been up for years

>Sup Forums, how do you get rid of the itch?

I dunno and it fucking bothers me.
I can't play REAL Wow because it's changed into something completely unrecognizable and it just isn't FUN anymore; they've changed way too much and it's just a massive fucking drag.

I played Vanilla from day one and I recently went back and tried the Elysium legacy server (made it all the way to 60 and everything) and I had a few thoughts.
I like Vanilla for it's simplicity: I don't have a million toolbars, pet tabs, mount tabs, bags, tooltips, floating heads, nothing is constantly assailing me and I'm pretty much left to my own devices with no outside interference.
I also enjoy Vanilla because it offered a little bit of that extra 'resistance' that kind of makes it fun to actually go out and do quests. Zones aren't treated entirely as theme parks, but actual connected zones and quests can potentially send you all over the fucking world- you've got to actually go to places both far and wide.

It isn't and wasn't a perfect experience though, Vanilla Wow lacked many quality life improvements, unnecessarily restrictive class-race combinations, the dungeons were kind of.. fucky both in their construction and just getting to them, and the professions at time were either necessary or completely fucking useless and I still don't know how you'd fix Alterac Valley.

what the fuck is she doing lol

>level 30



I know people with 3 60s on Elysium
Thats the most pathetic thing there is

No arguement there.

>b-but it gets good 12 solid days /played in
every time

>Sup Forums, how do you get rid of the itch?
You don't, simply because you can't anymore.

Fuck blizzard for destroying the best tcg in existence.

Me and my brother used to play the old tcg. We were too stupid to read the rules so we just threw down cool cards and guessed which one would win. We only bought packs to try and get the mount tho because we saw it sell for $800 on eBay.

everything you hate about WoW is 10X worse in ffxiv

Xiv would be so much better if you could skip the main story quests I love the freedom to choose what you want to do in wow. If I want to grind potd and then raid right after I should be able to. I couldn't grind through SB after doing the 500 mandatory fetch and filler quests. It's so lame and anti fun.