Admit it, Sup Forums. You like her

Admit it, Sup Forums. You like her.

who the fuck is this

>am i unique yet: the character design

Behind all those piercings, tattoos and trashy haircuts is a genuinely hot woman.

literally who

I can't recall much about WD but wasn't she a fucking idiot? I remember feeling absolutely nothing when she died and just thought that it was easily avoidable if anyone in the plot had any fucking sense.

I like her. :)

i liked her sfm porn

Needed more SFM


Harlow Harrison is one of my favorite pornstars right now, yeah.

She's a character in WD1. She acts as a partner who handles technical shit for Aiden when he's doing that IRA operating.

I actually liked watch dogs 2, especially the fact that you could approach the entire game non-lethally or have cops/gangs kill everyone for you. The guy with the emoji mask who looked like he'd be unlikable wasnt even that bad, either.

I don't know who that is
She's cute as hell though

damn ubisoft is THIS desperate?

She was a smart person. She died because she visited the grave of Aiden's niece and Aiden's old partner had some assassins watching the place.


Yeah, same here. WD2 is pretty good, I just wish its mechanics were a bit more refined. Also, some areas of the city were really well made while others were bland and almost entirely devoid of life or attention to detail. All in all, it's okay but a huge improvement over the first.

Your game tanked.

If this isn't a paid shill post, then there is literally no viral marketing and never has been on Sup Forums ever. Seriously, how do you look at the mirror and resist the urge to spit yourself on the face?

She wasn't really a fucking idiot. She just some dumb hacker kid, or maybe script kiddy because she doesn't actually seem to be all that useful as a hacker, that feels guilty some freelance work she took on got someone killed.

The problem is she just doesn't come across as sympathetic in the game and yet apparently we are supposed to actually care about her. Really, none of the characters in WD barring the Ministry fan and the asian guy are all that likable. I wonder if that was intentional by Ubisoft or they really just didn't get they had populated their game with people nobody was going to like. It's probably the latter but maybe they were actually going for a Kane & Lynch type of thing.

I bought it on a Black Friday sale and never bothered with any DLC because the base game had enough content.

Its literally what the first game should have been: dumb fun. Taking hacktivism seriously is retarded.


>0,002 cent has been deposited on your Uplay account.

>The "daddy didn't love me so I got tons of piercings and tats for attention" design I see

Why would a shill not only have to buy the game themselves, but not bother with the DLC at all? You're not even thinking your shitposting through at all.

Wow it is so unique, the generic tattoos and piercings and buzz sidecut make it look like a real different tool, so not like other tools.

>He doesn't want to fuck her up the ass, tug on her nipple piercings, then cum on the shaved parts of her head while she calls you daddy, then try your hardest to be a callous dick despite deep down you want to be tender to her because you're desperate for romantic validation but are afraid that if you don't feed into the implied expectations of treating her like trash she'll reject you. Then you'll both be unloved AND won't get to fuck a suicide girl