What to play

Should I play Star Trek Online, Overwatch, Path of Exile, terraria, or tekken 7?

STO if you haven't played the story missions and are a Trekkie.
Overwatch if you want no-nonsense casual fun with very little downtime or thought.
Terraria if you're autistic.

So they're going to have Bruce Willis fight James McAvoy, huh?


Out of those, I would be playing Terraria.

That movie was pretty sweet desu

i WONDER what game i'll be recommending for user

It was actually pretty shit

tekken 7

T6 miranda exists with saratoga refit parts too, and soyuz class refit (uss bozeman) via Fleet t6 miranda

atlas class Dreadnought. (23c prototype dread)

t6 vestas too for SCI's

Paladins and PoE.

It was good in that it set up an Unbreakable sequel and that makes it good by default.

My guess is yes.
IIRC they're the only powered people in their world and there's no way they're teaming up, unless somehow Mr. Glass wants to pick a fight with them both.

does YOUR battle cruiser have Sharkgrin 'face' on the bow?

T6 Kurak class Battlecruiser

Big Fat Dreadnoughts, UNF, so THICC

T6 Yamato - class Dreadnought

>with venture class hull, galaxy -x neck and pylons

Fleet T6 Resolute - Class Advanced Heavy Cruiser.

>100 year old starship overhauled and upgraded within an inch of its life still the best ship

Why would you even be excited about Nu-Shyamalan making a sequel to a good movie? He'd just fuck it up and tarnish the memory of the first.

T6 Temporal Escort

Perseus - Class Escort

Because there's legitimate passion behind this, not just from Shymalamalam, instead of some bullshit he's doing to make a buck.
Even still, I can always enjoy the first, although I can understand how others may not.

Universe - class is so retarded it isn't even funny.

>the different parts of the nacelles don't even connect to each other let alone to the freaking pylons, they just float their, rigidly attached to vacuum....

>yfw 1/2 your ship is made out of ENGINE

Gee M'Beke, how come starfleet lets you have FOUR nacelles?

>not having giant weapons pods on your refit'd for pure combat ship.

KDF version of the t6 miranda.

QeHpu' - Class Advanced Light Battlecruiser

>now with cannnons

Terraria and forget about the rest.

the KDF space stretch limo caddilac version of the Universe class has STLE out the ass.

>and frigate pets.

>Who? Us? Yeah, we're totally from 2410, uh , i mean, earth. yea, starfleet and the federation. yep, totally.

>whaddaya mean my 200 year old starship shouldn't be more technologically advanced than your modern ship?

>what's a tardis?

>for when shit gets real, accept no substitute other than deathshead cobra saucer seperation

>for when you need to make your dreadnought kill shit even faster

We're the federation, we're peaceful explorers and scientists who dindu nuffin...

AoY is no fun at all, NOPE.

>ywn kirk-fu a giant monkey monster to death with your bare hands

Sweeping Strikes tactical kit ability.

welp, threads gonna die cos i'm off to make food
