Tfw ff9

>tfw ff9

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what's under vivis hat?

it would be extremely painful

Why are 9 and 12 so underrated?

>Payed 6-10 + X
>Nothing feels as magical as FF9 even though I played it at 24

9 came out at the end of the ps1 lifecycle.
and 7 is babies first ff so it overshadows it

Why did steal character from League of Legends?


I played this game when it came out, like a decade or two ago, I'm going to emulate it right now.

This song takes me back. I didn't play it during the playstation era but completed it twice with my then girlfriend in the sunmer of 2012 and later again in 2013. It's my favourite ff because of all things associated.

Enjoy man. If the combat feels too slow I would suggest trying the steam version instead, which is sped up.

I fall for it every time I see her.

play 5

Best girl.
>you will never have a 6 year old lust after your dick

You know why they call it FF9? Cause the battles are literally 9 FPS. LMAOOOOOO

>Best girl
think again

If you want to play a bland game with goodish combat sure.

>girl that won't even let you cum inside

It sucked

Leotards are indeed the optimal gear for your female only army

EAT HER ASS rageemoji

Cummy has fallen under hard times.

Now she's doing guard duty.

how is 5 bland?

You sucked.

yas queen, SLAI

>tfw 5'9


that's average height user don't feel bad

m-me too

I'm 6'4 and while it's nice it's probably not as nice as you're imagining, so don't feel too bad.

Kind of is really, If mobility is the preference over defense, Nothing to get caught on foliage, grabbed in a fight, Dragging you back when swimming, Plus taking a shit or piss is as easy as tucking it to the side.

>mfw brainlets think necron is bad because he "comes out of nowhere"

i should replay 9 huh

The remaster is pretty good

He's only foreshadowed all game.

i have the steam version i with they remastered all the backrounds

Well he's not foreshadowed directly, but as a fight he makes sense, all the characters are struggling with understanding their existences and each feel at times that their life is meaningless, except maybe Quina. He comes along to offer them the ultimate way out, nothingness, which they reject and fight against which is the analogy for them accepting that the meaning of life is surviving and protecting their friends.

yeah, me too, but it's better than nothing I guess.

fucking hell ff9 is cozy

Imagine making excuses like this. FF9 is my favourite in the series and even I can clearly see that he was added for gameplay reasons and not plot reasons.

Started on this not too long ago and stopped after defeating the second Black Waltz and arriving at that castle (forgot the name). I've been enjoying it so far but the battles are a bit too slow for how frequent they are.

Yeah that's the only bad thing about the game unfortunately. No idea why they decided to do it that way.

yea thats the biggest issue with the game, remaster helps a little but not much honestly

They get slower and slower as the game goes on, too.

Every enemy in the game was added for gameplay reasons. It doesn't mean it can't also fit into the story.

post comfy ff9 music

Garnet is perfect.

He's extremely thematically relevant. Just because he wasn't foreshadowed explicitly doesn't mean he isn't present for plot reasons.
>durr nobody said his name before he showed up, must be a quick gameplay addition
Zeromus and Exdeath's tree form were the same deal. In a game that pays homage to every game to precede it, Necron is just a continuation of that trend.

If you think he was integrated into the plot to a standard befitting a final boss, I'm not sure what to say to you.

Same as above, and Exdeath being a tree is explained in massive detail before you even get to world 3.

best character comin through

honestly it'd of been better if she kept the cloak for most of the game rather than just a wink and nod early on, and just have it dropped temporarily for the ass ahoy moment


Outfits would have been a great addition.

>Zidane:: "You don't need a reason to help people."
>Vivi:: "How do you prove that you exist...? Maybe we don't exist..."
>Garnet:: "Someday I will be queen, but I will always be myself."
>Steiner:: "Having sworn fealty, must I spend my life in servitude?"
>Quina "I do what I want! You have problem!?"
>Freya:: "To be forgotten is worse than death"
>Eiko:: "I don't wanna be alone anymore..."
>Amarant: "The only dependable thing about the future is uncertainty."

who do you relate to the most lads

>she was forgotten even by the game

>the NPCs

oh shit it's time for my yearly playthrough

good job op


Just the quotes? A mix of Zidane Quina and Amarant.

>>Freya:: "To be forgotten is worse than death"
>>she was forgotten even by the game


You're an autist about last bosses then. Kuja destroys the crystal that creates all things, which causes him to summon the being that destroys all things, so you have to defeat that to foil the final part of his plan. I don't get this thing where you need to have the monster mentioned by name so many times beforehand or else it 'isn't enough' or 'doesn't count'. It's an eternal god of nothingness that lives at the edge of time, nobody's heard of Necron, that's why it's an oh fuck moment when he appears. Necron's this fundamental force that's above and beyond all things. Necron is death and nothingness, something the game has been intimate with the whole time. Necron is representative of all of your characters and the world's conflicts. The battle is very relevant and well informed.
And Neo-ExDeath is certainly equally as 'out of nowhere' as Necron is. Nothing about FF5 said that the last boss was going to be a chaos beast from the lovecraft dimension possessing the brain-dead body of the villain. I don't know why people have a chip on their shoulder about Necron, as if it didn't make sense that an embodiment of nothingness would be the final boss of a final fantasy game, or that it's not the logical conclusion in a game about clinging to life.

I dunno, ff9 was my first and obly ff i ever played. Tried to play 8 and X but doesn't really feel right to me

>all those deep quotes
>that Quina
>"I don't give a fuck lol, deal with it. U MAD xD?"
Is xir /ourwhateveritis/?

>You're an autist about last bosses then.

Yeah, only autists expect the last boss to be something which is actually mentioned in the plot. Patricians are completely happy with the final encounter of an otherwise fantastic game being a total asspull, because they can have ridiculous debates about how they totally saw it coming and it makes perfect sense.

>The battle is very relevant and well informed.
Can't imagine being this deluded.

More hats

Ending the game with a more metaphysical boss is a time honoured FF tradition.

I recently learned that Oeilvert is another version of that song

Best character coming through
Tho Vivi and Quina are close seconds.

>Try to play FF9 every year
>Always get bored at certain point
I dont get it

You're not wrong, but I think anyone can see that the other games did this far better and didn't leave almost everyone saying "what the fuck was that?" except the people who are desperate to claim the game is flawless.

Compare it to, for example, the last encounter in FF7 with just cloud vs sephiroth. Now, imagine it was instead cloud versus some weird creature which has never been mentioned before. This change has made the game worse, no?

Vivi I can agree with, but come on Quina? The character that is so unimportant they don't even appear in any FMVs?

4 (you)

Final Fantasy kids are used to the endless retarded transformation of the well know villain, that's probably why they hate Necron so much.

I mean going back further though, you kill exdeath then neo exdeath comes out of nowhere. You kill zemus and zeromus comes out of nowhere. And they're basically just amalgamations of bad naught no good stuff. IIRC the cloud of darkness is kind of out of nowhere as well.

>tfw 5'4

>best character design
>best atmosphere
>best OST
>best story, it doesn't take too serious itself, yet important characters die and you feel bad.
>best game design, controls etc.

Easily the best Final Fantasy out there, FF9 is just a masterpiece.

>hear about how great ff9 is
>loved several ff games
>have started ff9 twice and stopped both times just after the black waltz
>tfw can't work out why I have not played ff9 to its end
I'm wondering if I don't even like video games or something

>Necron is a god of death
>shaped like an ankh, the symbol of life
I don't get it

Yeah, works of fiction should absolutely end with random shit being introduced at the very last minute. That's how all good fiction is written.

I see your point, but those are at least recognisable as being, in some form, another version of what you just defeated. Even their names are similar. Necron just shows up out of nowhere.

I might be mistaken here, but I don't think he's even referred to in the 25 minutes of ending FMV which follows him. It's... it's baffling from a fiction standpoint, and I can only explain it using gameplay reasons.

ironic isnt it

I prefer fighting the embodiment of nothingness instead of xXxOneWingedAngel_Sephiroth_420blazeitxXx.
To each one his own.

Necron is symbolic of nonexistence and the fight against him is symbolic of their desire to continue living. The whole thing is only a nonsensical disappointment if you refuse to see it for what it is.

Do you think that changing nothing else if they named him Necro-Kuja or something people would be happier with it? I kind of think they would now that I've typed it out.

It's ironic that you give Sephiroth an edgy name when Necron is pretty much the edgiest thing it's possible to write in fiction. "I'm here to turn the entire world into nothingness for no reason!!1"

They definitely would, and it would make more sense for that thing to either have posessed Kuja or to originate from him in some way, instead of just showing up as the plot's closing, being killed, then never being mentioned again and being utterly inconsequential to the ending.

I bet most Necron haters lost to him more than 10 times


>Necron is pretty much the edgiest thing it's possible to write in fiction
How is he edgy, he want to bring the world to nothingness after sensing the suffering of the people that summoned him.
He's also nice enough to let you live after seeing you fight tooth and nail trying to survive.

>"I'm here to turn the entire world into nothingness for no reason!!1"
Did you pay any attention to the game at all? Kuja destroyed the world crystal, which the single biggest "fuck you" to existence imaginable. He literally ended the world out of spite. Necron emerged because it took this act to mean life didn't want to persist any more, which is understandable considering the circumstances.


he read the plot summary on a wiki somewhere, its best to stop arguing with this dude

I never understood Sup Forums's obsession with this game that is by and large the least ambitious PS era FF but man even as a kid I liked those swimsuit soldiers. Thanks for the reminder, OP


You just got tricked by the cartoonish look.

Necromancy explains to you exactly where he came from, nothingness, eternity, the ether, whatever. You talk about an 'asspull' as if there was a problem that needed solving and the writers had to make something up, but the whole decision to bring the finale to this plane of nothingness beyond creation is a part of Necron's point. We spend the entire game caught up in these conflicts of life; and then at the very end we go beyond into a place completely without life, where we have never been before, and suddenly we are the only things in this universe that are fighting for life at all. You say 'asspull' like they had a panic and had to make some shit up, but the choice to make the final boss a hidden elder being of nothingness was a written and designed decision. Kuja invites death, tries to destroy the Crystal at the beginning of time, and the wages of that is the coming of complete nothingness, which your characters have to defeat for him, doing what Kuja could not, both internally and physically. Necron is the nothingness that Kuja has been pursuing this whole time, in his suicidal, life-hating state. You have to fight off what Kuja couldn't, and in doing so you prove the importance of life and defeat Kuja's 'demons' for him, redeeming him in the moments before he dies. It's the moment where you stand up to the thing that the villain has fallen victim to, and overcome the entire conflict of Zidane and Kuja being angels of death. It's super meaningful and entirely informs the conflict between the two main characters. Worrying about the physicality of Necron, or whether or not the blue object you fight was mentioned by name before, totally sells the battle short.

Not one posted Garnet sweet ass.
I'm pretty disappointed

The entire situation wasn't helped by the fact that "Necron" is a less explanatory name than the japanese original "Eternal Darkness".

His' introduction is pretty clear though.

Are you saying Necron would end existance because Kuja killed the crystal or whatever?
Necron kinda temperamental yeah?