Switch Doom

>900 Docked
>720 handheld
>60 FPS
>Gyro Aiming
>HD rumble for interactions like Glory kill, skull doors or to know where are you taking damage from
would you buy it??

thank you to whoever Monkey Paw'd NintenDOOM

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Every Switch shooter should have gyro aiming.

Sure, that sounds good. I know they'll actually sell it for $60 though, and I'm thinking they won't do gyro aiming based on the movement in the trailer.

ahahaha c'mon we all know it will be at least 50.

Anyway answering the question, if it does have gyro controls I will 100% buy it

>gyro aiming
If it has that it could be 480p and I'd play it desu
Joycon in each hand with gyro aiming is god tier.

I would buy it for 30, but they will shit it out for 60, so I won't

none of those things are true though


prepare for 25 fps. the switch can't run a sports game at 60

It's going to be $50+Nintendo Tax+Necessary Micro SD card because it'll probably have at least 30GB worth of additional content to download considering the original is 70GB

>60 fps

nigger GTX 860M cant run game at 60 fps. Either its going to be 800x600 or not 60 fps at all.

they already said main game is cartridge, Multiplayer download

graphix tone down user

>900p (dymanic resolution, so mostly 720p) docked
>600p handheld
>30fps with drops
Would you OP?

I'd buy it if it came with Doom 1, 2 and 64.

>His graphix and view distance.

>Get half of the game on cart
>Have to download the remaining part to expensive SD card
>Buy it
>And then even pay for multiplayer

It can't run even at lowest settings.Doom is pretty heavy game even some nigs going to say muh idtech is scalable , yeah not with that 4gb ram and media limitations.

I know they are probably going to change render settings,lighting system etc for Switch downport but still

I just want a Varia Suit reskin if you swipe a Samus amiibo.

So how exactly would gyro controls work? Unlike a third person shoot such as Splatoon, there isn't the point of reference of where your character is facing to reset the camera to. Will you be able to move the reticle freely around your field of view and need to move it towards the screen edges to turn like some Wii games did?

more like
>720p docked with dynamic resolution 540p even at heavy places
>total dynamic resolution on undocked 540p mostly even 480p most places
>30 fps with dips


>yfw they put in the Champion's Tunic, Hylian Shield, and Master Sword

Guys are you ready for a heasily downgraded game? Then buy doom in stores now! Don't forget amiibos for specific guns and that silky smooth 20 fps at 500 n docked on even worse than lowest settings and same for skyline hahahahaha SWITCH FTFW BRAHS

Split joycons, point with right joycon and walk/etc with sticks and buttons on left joycon (or vice versa)

And how will you turn?

Guys are you ready for a Doom game that you can't take with you? One that lacks HD-rumble and split joy-con gyro aiming? hahahahahaha PS4 FTFW BRAHS

>for a Doom game that you can't take with you?
Why you even need doom on the go?

> $30

Is that a dollar per framerate or a dollar per extra gig of download storage for the game?

Like in the motion controlled Wii games such as Metroid Prime 1-3 (pointer to edge of screen or complete with quick turn buttons)

user, I know this hard for you to believe, but people leave their houses

>500p at 12 fps with n64 graphics hahahahaha

And why you want to play outside, are you udneraged?

>It can't run even at lowest settings
they made this port, this just didnt slapped whatever was on PS4/PC and hoped the machine would read the code and called it a day

it's a dollar per hourly triggered shitposter thread


Buy doome now in stores in stunning HD 3D 580P in docked or 235p n64 graphics mode with silky cinematic 20 fps , don't forget the big amiibo and hd waggle mode to clear the demons like a true ninja nintenbro , only 59.99 ! Buy now and get limited addition Mario taunts (8.99 separate buy)

i refuse to believe left are PS4 shots. or right are Switch.

>8 pics
Wow, i can see every little detail.

I can't help but feel turning will be slow and not very precise like that although if you can quick turn in any direction based on where you're holding a stick towards before pressing the quick turn button, it could be pretty quick. They'll also have to accomodate for the weapons pointing in different angles in relation to the character if they allow you to point freely within your field of view.

Mate this is a ninty site , you're gonna get banned for not Shilling a Nintendo product and saying it's the best version of a really shit multi plat... ban coming bro

my 880m ran it at 60. wtf are you talking about? Learn to look after your slow shit computer or use the graphic options you tool.

>60 FPS
>Gyro Aiming
Shit, I might now

>gyro aiming
Into trash it it goes

Does any fucking switch game run at 60fps? Doom wont.

>Switch has particles ps4 doesnt
Someone spent a bit of time on this just to lie

It's true though isn't ithe? Bet skyrim runs in morrow wind mode at 480P with one enemy at a time

make it $40. can't forget the "Nintendo Tax" :^)

Gyro aiming only worked well in Splatoon because it had an auto-recenter button and let you use both the stick and gyroscope in tandem. It sucks ass for everything else because no other dev has figured it out.

>>Gyro Aiming
well they've gone and ruined it

>>Switch has particles ps4 doesnt
>Someone spent a bit of time on this just to lie
sparks are not scripted, they are engine generated

>gyro aiming
Bing bing wahoo

Ahh, i wondered what the mongoloid would choose as the new shitposting hook, since sales, games and 3rd party are now off the table.

The alternative is aiming with analog sticks.

>I personally dont leave my house to do anything productive: The post

oh no, it's a retard

>Does any fucking switch game run at 60fps? Doom wont.

Yes, 80% of them, concluded Digital Foundry in this vid: youtube.com/watch?v=Fg9ptMnVJmI

>Someone spent a bit of time on this just to lie
Nigger, you can see those particles yourself if you watch the trailer for the Switch version (or announcement really, there was like 5 seconds of clips which is from where those screenshots were pulled)

but its a true, documented phenomenon. Games will cost more on Switch because... Nintendo knows they can milk more money out of retards who bought the switch maybe?? I guess it's a good marketing strategy.

>cartoony bing bing wahoo graphics run at 60fps

I don't see why Doom couldn't use both stick and gyroscope at once.
>right stick for general turning
>gyro for fine aim by moving reticle around screen
>recenter button moves the reticle to the center of the screen
They could also do for turning while and also have the option of turning with the right stick which wasn't possible with the Prime games for obvious reasons.

All of the buttons are already used for something, there wouldn't be any room for a recenter button.

>Games will cost more on Switch because
>all Nintendo games price is normal cause Nintendo never got rusty on the art of Optimization and Compression
Jokes on you

>80%* of them

*90% of this games, neo-geo roms.

>the game could work well!
>they'd just need to make a brand new control scheme never seen in games before!

Its got no particles and Nintendo shills have deffo fucking shopped ps4 shots to look worse (disguised switch bullshots), actually have audacity to post images from another console just so Nintendo cucks can validate another really bad port on a really bad n3ds console tier tablet

But it's a true documented delusion. You ARE a retard, and it's quite evident. The only tax is when company decide to be fuckign greedy and skimp on cart, or pass you the $$$

I feel sorry for your massive mental deficiency

>all Nintendo games price is normal
haha, holy shit. what DID he mean by this?

>would you buy it??
No, since I do not own a Switch and have already played through the game in 1900x1200 60 fps on my PC.

Generating particles and not having them altogether are different things.
>80% of the cell shaded, mono-colored, baby graphic games run at 60
Who gives a fuck? Doom and almost every third party game that doesn't look like an autistic learning channel program show wont and doesnt. Botw doesnt even stay at a stable 30 lol

that's some really sweet delusion you got there.

Why do you need to play Doom when you leave your house? Can't you put the vidja down for one minute?

No shit. These Nintendrongos have been shopping and bullshitting about every single game thats came out for their shitty plug and play bootleg tier ""Console"" since launch.

>Generating particles and not having them altogether are different things.
random time generated spark particles,

Why do you need to play doom at your house ? can't you put the vidya down for one minute?

Awww, it's triggered

Why should i buy this shit to play a gimped version of a good game that i beat twice a year ago?

>would you buy it??

Nope, I don't care about generic FPSs, specially when half of the levels are a mishmash of mini arenas that block your progress.
In fact I don't understand all the shitposting about third party support, I buy a Nintendo console for their exclusives, I couldn't give any less of a shit about random multiplats.

Wow such a fucking burn man deffo buying a 480p box with android only graphics and games hahahaha with even shit 3Rd party downgraded games now... hahaha nintendocucks scurrying around for other consoles scraps on a console with worse graphics than a Lenovo tab 2 and bragging about having bad graphics hahaha

>Why do you need to play doom at your house ?
Because i have free time to rest and play video in it.

Handheld Doom is a stupid concept. Doom is a big time visceral experience game. Playing Doom on a little screen with shitty audio is like watching a disaster movie on your cell phone.

No? Here's the PS4 layout. L3 isn't being used. Just put crouch there and recenter on a face button.

Itso fucking funny now to the point where only people who play swith are literall monoliths like something out of hills have eyes or some shit, my Samsung j3 has better fucking specs than switch hahahahaha


wtf is this a resolution for super budget phones with a 5" screen?

>I'll make some bullshots up and hope nobody notices.jpeg

Hahhaahahahahaa what are you talking about? What next randomly generaged ultrange graphics at 190p up scaled with magic China dust? I can hear the Jews behind this post Jesus christ

Ask that question to anyone who bought Nintendo's handhelds, which have all been huge successes. Nintendo's biggest strength has always been portable systems.

>brand new control scheme
>Metroid Prime 3 (2007)
>Metroid Prime Trilogy (2009)
>The Conduit (2009)
>The Conduit 2 (2011)
The only addition is the right stick can also be used for turning instead of needing to point at the edge of the screen.

doom.. on nintendo. fuck off. every time doom is released on a non-pc platform, it sucks. this will suck too.

Because it's Nintendo that's he only reason and only ever will be the 1 reason to buy the swicth.tm goyim , who doesn't want n64 graphics with 12 fps at 111p with no snap map? Less content is awesome praise Nintendo!

>muh phone has better specs on paper meme

No one has yet to show a game on even a $800 tablet that looks as good as Switch games

People have yet to show there's amass producible chip companies can buy that can compete with the Tegra X1

What did Nintendos support center mean by this?

He says 860m idiot nigger who cant read, 880m is different card.

Every console shooter should have.

What's gyro aiming?

Something inferior to MKB

Fucking shills I swear , dead trigger 2 and all madf Ingersoll games have 100000x better graphics than every Nintendo games in existence and it's mobile garbage

Because children like toys they can show their friends. Ive never met someone over 14 that wanted even a ds that wasnt the most autistic or disgusting human being ive met.
>Arguing like a literal child would
The randomness has nothing to do with it appearing or not. If it was just random those particles would be there just differently. And its not completely and utterly unscripted. Those sparks will always go after in that opening.
Its the fucking model that came out not even a year after. There is no fucking way the difference between the two would be that great you dumb shit.

MadfInger games look them up a fucking phone has better graphics than the switch hahahahahahaha! Jesus Christ it's a failure. Can't wait for the shills to rampantly abuse me

whats the difference with outside the house, ?

You aim in the direction you point at with the controller. Unlike IR sensor aiming, this uses a gyroscope within the controller and thus is not limited to a range set by IR emitters. In theory, gyo aiming can make aiming a 1:1 experience between actual movement and what's displayed on the screen, but most games have the sensitivity higher than that or at least adjustable for comfort purposes.

hey, i'm talking with sony negroes, so i'm keeping my discourse to 3rd grae level.

You dont go to school or have a job do you user

No lol its because youre a switch fan