Good Morning Sup Forums! What games are you playing today?

Good Morning Sup Forums! What games are you playing today?

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Sup Forums isn't a chat room

>look through game library
>there's nothing I want to play
Save me

Forgot your stupid facebook frog picture, fag

ojou best girl

>I have no life so I must shitpost


YEah, gonna need some sauce

Just a little bit Prey since I have my last exam for university on Monday.
Looking forward to play 14 hours of Legends of heroes in the sky every day after that.

What's up with the people who don't like this thread?

>People like otako
>Even though she is the worst person

>People hate Galko for looking like a slut
>Even though the joke is that she just copys her sisters ways and doesnt think about the implications of her style

>you will never fuck galko's sister

>10am in the UK
>probably 5am in the US

Who the fuck plays games this early?

>Good morning
Is 4:24 am here

but why

was it autism?


Galko is a slut.

Good morning Galko-chan. I'll probably play some Xenoverse 2, maybe Guilty Gear a bit later.

[citation needed]

OSRS and depression

hell yeah

She sure loves black dick

I want to play wow. My charger broke for my laptop so I'm stuck browsing the chan while I wait for the replacement to come in. There's literally no better feeling than drinking coffee and farming in wow first thing in the morning as a neet. To top it off I just got my afflic lock to max and it was the most fun I've had in an mmo since playing sub rogue in wotlk and one shotting scrubs.

not only does this prove nothing, but its also mistranslated

I like galko!

Also love her slight OCD.

what's wrong with that, most Sup Forumsirgins obsess over women of different races

>>People like otako
>>Even though she is the worst person
W-whats wrong with otako?

Sure sissy white boi

*blonde slut sucks my dick*

We run this shit now

People don't actually sleep completely naked, do they?

Why not?

I'm stuck here with my laptop.
Tried grim fandango but it's mostly clicking and waiting 20 minutes for walkin to happen.
Tried sky rogue but I've played it so much I'm kind of bored of it.

I'd love another lightweight controller based game

>5am in the US

That's around the time when most US posters go to sleep, actually.

kys nigger

I do and I wake up feeling all soft and warm
>tfw morning wood

It's almost 8 pm. Get the fuck outta here.

is facebook the alt-right website now

Im still awake, and I don't get at all why some girl in an anime is apparently a coalburner according to Sup Forums

>A deliberate mistranslation by a groupd called "coalgirls"

They almost ruined her popularity just so they could put their fetish into something. Fuck those guys.


I like em nerdy

It's just niggarell shitposting.

Even if you shower every single day, it seems a bit unsanitary.

post more screencaps of her

It's 5:45 am actually

jesus christ you're insecure lol

its not like your separating your ass cheeks before grinding your pillow and bedsheets with them bro. No matter how erotic that may sound its still quite disgusting.

A sub group called coalgirls changed a line she said. People who can't speak japanese weren't able to tell the difference.

Those because coalgirls are a bunch of meme loving faggots desu


I'm waking up with some CSGO and cereal

After that I will start with Infamous 2 or The Last Guardian, not sure yet

so what's the real line?

>so they could put their fetish into something
Calling an actor handsome would be a weird fetish? It's not a weird thought to think actors are handsome most of the time. The fact people even give so many (you)s every time someone posts that is pathetic.

Otako > Galko > Oujo

Nikuko a best though.

Hey guy, your naked under in your clothes 24/7 collecting grime and sweat and baking in it. does that seem unsanitary to you? Think about it.

Christ look how thicc she is... but a japanese girl sleeping naked? I find that hard to believe, all the media i see makes them look like button up pyjama land, i hear the women even sleep with panties on?

>damage controlling

She meant every word

It's translated right, people got so butthurt by it that they keep saying it's mistranslated.

man my dick is sitting under a glove of skin collecting cheese and fungus desu nothing has ever topped that level of uneasiness.

Das rite whiteboi

>facebook frog
It's not 2015 anymore, kiddo.

I'm worried that I'll shit myself if I sleep without underwear on.

inb4 whale lovers start sprouting their shit

delete this thread

well maybe if you cut on the gay sex it wouldn't be such a problem then user.

>he wants me to stop getting laid just so that I can sleep without underwear
Are you retarded?

Can confirm this happens to cut guys too. I never knew until I jerked off non stop for a week and was too lazy to make sure I wiped off all the cum every time. It's nasty bro.



I believe she said "that black actor was cool". Coalgirls changed "cool" to "handsome" for some reason.

well clearly you are lacking in some form of control if you fear the concept of shitting the bed desu.

Unless Galko has some kind of autism I'm not buying that shitty excuse for a second.

Gunna download Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door and do a Danger/Peril Mario run.

Idris Elba is pretty cool

Probably some tf2

I can buy a little sister looking up to her older sister.

What is with all the triggered nigs in this thread?

This desu, and sibling borrow shit off each other all of the time. Even school uniforms for slutting around in.

>user really believe this

Any of them can reasonably be best girl. This show doesn't exactly pull its punches in that regard.

aww yiss

Guys does MGS5 ever get good? I'm 10 main missions in and I haven't enjoyed it at all. In fact the vehicle missions made me trade in the game but I bought it again because I want to like it so bad. The environment makes me want to die tho does it ever change? Literally all the villages are the same and the desert mountain thing is cool for like an hour until you realize that's all there is. I'm willing to grind through the shitty parts of it gets better I have nothing else to do.

That doesn't make sense. It would've previously been Chuck's Feed and Seed. The intended joke doesn't work.

>grown men getting attached to anime sluts and getting offended when you call them sluts


The Gloria thread is like 7 pages back user.

>wake up at 5 am to take a piss
>instead of falling back asleep have to get back up to take a shit
Goddamnit I guess I'm gonna play Danganronpa 2 and settle on a character to hang out with.

gorobots pixiv
do something nice for someone

>>wake up at 5 am to take a piss
>>instead of falling back asleep have to get back up to take a shit
>tfw 30 mins later gotta take another shit because the first time round wasn't enough
I think I'm dying

>people aren't allowed to find people of other races attractive

Then why does Sup Forums always pine after black girls?

someone post that image with all the galkochan characters and their types

Answer the question jimmy

>Then why does Sup Forums always pine after short hair tomboys?

Do yourself a favor john and stop playing because it doesn't get any better.

I'm more of a latina guy myself, because I fucking love shortstacks, and blacks are just too dark for me.

You;ll pretty much be doing the same thing when you make it to africa too

Yakuza 0
And it's fucking noon
Get up earlier you fat fuck

Not him but I'm practically a screaming fangirl for tanned short hairs desu. But nothing really gets me harder then freckes though, that shit breaks me like a motherfucker. I just can't help myself when I see that. Its insane.