>a literal giant pile of shit
Really describes this game well.
A literal giant pile of shit
Really describes this thread well.
Really describes this board well.
Really describes this website well.
Really describes the internet well
Really describes the world well
Really describes the Solar System well.
Really describes this galaxy well
Really describes this universe well.
Really describes relative existence well
Dude memes
>this entire thread
Really describes the samefagging well
I agree op. It is such an overrated, shitty game.
really describes op's thread well
Really describes OP well
>12 IPs
include me in the screencap and enlarge my text
The pretend nostalgia fanfare for this 5/10 dog of a game, with humor and a main character only a 14-year-old could think were good, that only ever got attention for OP's pic, and that not many people even played, will never cease to amaze me. Bad Fur Day is garbage and always was.
Check these 5's
he never played the mini game with the teddies vs squirrels , it was some of the most fun me and my brother ever had with some couch multiplayer.
here's my 6
You are shit.
Check these trips.
Conker is the best N64 game, check this 8
haha very funny, but ive conquered the power of (yous) conker is a good game... check this 6...
Nice reddit thread