>"i won't buy xenoblade tw-"
Other urls found in this thread:
>The western version will be censored
>They'll probably replace exposed thighs and hips with a skintight bodysuit or something
>my cock will be happy either way
Typical fag controlled by his boner.
>typical fag controlled by the sjw media
How often are you ging to make the same thread
World wide release. They didnt have time to censor. No signs of it either so far. Bretty gud.
You both didn't evolve.
fuck off weeb, you buy a xeno game for the atmosfere, the story and the gameplay, not to jerk off. I hope they will Censor it, so you faggot are not going to buy the game.
her hip-waist ratio is amazing
too bad about the lack of ass, the boobs are oversized too
In an interview with monolith soft it was already statet that cencorship is now part of the developement process and everyone including japan will get the censored version.
Source on that my Lad?
>“As a developer, I do feel like it’d be ideal to be able to adjust the content so that it’s culturally acceptable, whether it’s in the US or in the EU,” said Takahashi.
Basically meaning censorship of takahashi's team happens without anyone seeing
so in other words there is no uncensored version to compare it to?
get the FUCK over yourself dude this censorship meme is annoying as fuck. They had a discussion on what was appropriate and what wasn't. That is 100% better than the disaster that was Mirage Sessions.
Also for whoever wants source on the thread:
Fuck off bootlicker.
If you redditors seriously fuck this series again because of petty shit like boob sliders then you need a mental reevaluation
>“When we have costumes or clothes that we have a little concern with, we share it with NoE and NoA and they’ll say, ‘No, no, that’s fine’ or ‘You’re right, that’s an issue.’ If it is an issue, we’ll go back and say we’ll say, ‘We adjusted it this way, what do you think?’
In other words they're just bending the knee to European and American prudes. Cool.
If it's censored then i won't buy it. I don't support needless censorship and i don't want to pay the same price and knowingly get an inferior product. It's like buying a multiplat on a console and play it at capped 30fps.
I want sexy stuff in my jprg's. Like 100% of the other weebs, too. If they don't know their target audience, it's their fault.
You both didn't evolve.
>it's not censorship as long as it's discussed first
Sure thing, mate
I can't wait for another censored video game which I will not purchase
Why the fuck does everyone act like japan doesnt have its own shitty censorship laws top?
Sure it doesnt take sex as seriously but it takes violence more seriously
>anyone who doesn't buy a censored inferior product is a redditor
Yeah, no. People who buy a game regardless of how butchered it is, thus encouraging further butchery, must have something diagnosably wrong with them
If you hate censorship so much why not just learn Japanese? I don't mean it in a bad way (censorship sucks), but given that it looks like this shit is here to stay it's the only way to bypass it.
I like breasts, butts, sex, and beautiful girls in general.
I don't like violence as much as the above
>They had a discussion on what was appropriate and what wasn't.
How... how is this relevant at all?
How would you even censor something, ever, without at least one conversation taking place about what to censor? Are you kidding?
Two wrongs don't make one right.
Shame about no JP voices
Never implies it doesnt but its apparently bad only when westerners does it apparently
>said no one ever
>game is already finished and the developers are currently bug fixing
>the shot in the OP is in the Western footage
>game releases simultaneously worldwide
>but no, it's getting censored
Why don't you people try thinking once in a while so that actual censorship disasters like Tokyo Mirage Sessions can be discussed more seriously?
"Removing stuff which is in the game already is as bad as things never being put into the game in the first place"
They literally expend effort and time removing content from the game. It's not the same .
It certainly better than just slapping black bars over shit like the localization for the WiiU games. Publishers makes changes like this all the time and it isn't exclusive to videogames. At they end of the day the publisher has to market the game/movie/tv show/book and if you have to appeal to a world market you can't always have every character looking like they came out of a chinese mobage game.
All that aside. Look at the female protagonist. her outfit is lewd and thats the the face of the game. Isn't that what's wanted by the average Sup Forums user?
western devs are better at making women
>Isn't that what's wanted by the average Sup Forums user?
It's not about the content, I don't care for fanservice, it's about sending a message.
Read the article. He was talking about X not 2.
I think there is nothing bad about liking tits and asses and I like looking at them. So I would prefer a dev who likes to make games with tits and asses to not be censored.
Since you are a fag you might not sympathize with the reason why I'd like the game to be uncensored.
What is it that everyone thinks will be censored? I don't get it. It looks normal to me?
>X is censorship
>X is not censorship because it's just anime titties
Who gives a shit about semantics - if producers want to change content to suit mormons, then I'm going to spend my money on games not changed to suit mormons until they stop making mormon games.
People want to get preemptively angry
Yes. Ones realistic, the other is sex appeal
Because every time you try to discuss censorship of a Nintendo game you get Nintenbros saying "it's not going to get censored, ignore the countless other games Nintendo has censored in the west" if censorship isnt confirmed and "you only care about fap fuel" once it is
>ubisoft character designs
even in the west their complete shit.
Probably the fact that basically every game NoA can get involved in somehow has been censored in some way
>If you don't buy it solely for the tits and ass you're a SJW faggot
You underages are really annoying. Yes, I might fap to Pyra eventually, but it's not the reason I'm getting the game for.
Who are you quoting?
"Muh realism" is the worst meme that is perpetuated by americans.
>Spending $60 on a game you will never play just because of fap-bait
>Not just waiting for pixiv and SFM animators to make free porn for you
Hi! It seems this is your first summer here in Sup Forums so you still have much to learn! Hopefully, one of our endorsed websites can fill you in! Ni need to "lurk moar xD", am I right? Haha.
Without further a due.......
>by americans
Obsessed much?
It's true though. I fucking love America. You guys just need to stop being butthurt at the slightest hint of criticism.
Dude, if that pathetic bare minimum fan service is enough to get you to buy a trash game, wait to you see what games they have at dlsite
Just look at that sword (male).
>you guys
Please dont include us decent folk in the special snowflake groups.
Look at those Occultic;Nine bait threads.
It's gotten so bad that if you don't proclaim you love and support fanservice and don't buy every game with the smallest focus on tits/ass you're a SJW.
Great way to combat radical people by acting the same but in reverse.
But this is a case where we know what's in the OP isn't getting censored.
It's obnoxious how bad Sup Forums has gotten
neo-Sup Forums would defend gone homo if when you look down in the game you see a big pair tits like in trespasser.
>wanting realism in videogames
in what world is that realistic?
in the liberal arts department
This blade needs a breast reduction surgery.
It definitely will be censured
This is why I"m not buying a switch
>in what world is that realistic?
You mean girl fetishist?
While I don't agree with censorship, it's not going to deter me from buying it. I could fap to a picture of a cardboard box.
>culturally acceptable
I'm from Sweden and protag better be able to grow a beard and worship Alah.
I never understood the appeal of Xenoblade. The first game felt like some weird FF12 knock off. Seems like the only reason it was popular was because there was literally nothing else worth playing on the Wii.
so there will be zero censorship
NoE is pretty fucking based
>literally nothing else worth playing on the Wii
Switch is the same deal.
It was popular because it had a rich world that wasn't like FF12s fifty shades of brown. Combat system had actual depth and customization of apperanc eand stats was fun.
Oh and it had a plot. Remeber that FF12fags? Plot?
>extremely fast combat shot where you wouldn't be able to notice the breast jiggle unless you slow it down
>still make it jiggle a fuckton
the absolute mad men
>"""liberals""" support censorship now
This shit is getting ridiculous.
Literal butterface
more like butterhips
Waiting the SFM porn.
>I hate when things are called memes
>I'll show how much I hate it with memes
You have a problem.
the sad truth though is the western hacker "girl" is actually more accurate in RL
>I'm not interested in xenoblade t--
>If I'm treated like a child I'll throw a temper tantrum.
Self fulfilling prophecy.
>Nintendo Direct shows localization
>No censorship
>Guys it's going to get censored!
Every thread.
Holy shit. So obvious I'm not even sure if it's.obvious anymore. 4/10 made me reply.
What an original concept
He used an insult. The fact that you interpreted his answer as a meme shows you have a problem.
Yuropoors to America are sonybros to Nintendo.
They're unreasonably super threatened by the mere existence that they become unhealthily obsessed.
You're retarded. They've gone as far as releasing official art and screens on the English website plus the final design of the box art of the game's limited edition and she looks the same.
>Pyrah has no ass
>NoE localizing
>Irish localizers confirmed advising Takahashi
Seems like Nintendo Treehouse is less faggy these days. You'd think they would raise the camera when playing Twintelle but her ass is always in full view, and they've changed nothing. I haven't seen any Switch censorship yet.
Which is why, if Xenoblade 2 is uncensored, which I hope, then I hope Tokyo Mirage Sessions, Xenoblade X and Fatal Frame V get ported to Switch and uncensored. I'd happily be able to give up my Wii U.
Takes money to change a game, NoE has none. It's why they were tasked with localizing Xenoblade in the first place. They were dirt cheap and ninty wasnt certain if they would sell many copies.
Waiting for the pro controller to go up for pre-order, may try and grab the LE if the price ain't too bad.
So do you think it tastes like metal?
>N.n.no you!