>it's not censorship, it's localization!
It's not censorship, it's localization!
>it's only censorship if the government does it
First they came for the big anime tiddies, and I did not speak out
>I like the censored version more!
It's true though. Your backwards culture simply can't accept things glorious nippon are fine with.
Like child pornography and guro?
>If you want tits and ass go watch porn, pervert.
>We could leave lewdness in the game but then it would be rated R and Gamestop wouldn't stock game on their shelves and we'd lose a gorrilion sales so we'll "localize" it because we don't hate money
But that's true though
>Video games are art!!
>I want to censor video games!
There's plenty of VNs where the "all ages" version is arguably superior because the H scenes were a poorly tacked on afterthought.
Or game series with H scenes in the original but dropped from the sequels when they went from indieshit to legit.
>Americans hate guro
>There's plenty of VNs where the "all ages" version is arguably superior because the H scenes were a poorly tacked on afterthought.
>game is superior for cutting content
No, it isn't. There is literally a defined term called corporate censorship.
>There is literally a defined term called corporate censorship.
Too bad people don't ever say that, they just say "censorship"
what's the problem with that?
>more content is always better
what is pacing
That is literally true though, only cucks actually pay for something as mentally damaging and useless as porn.
Especially if it's some japshit game then you know that faggots will churn out thousands of images for you niggers to get your rocks off for free anyway. There is literally nothing wrong with censoring their shit tittybait games until they learn to make good ones.
understandable, have a nice day
Because its not necessary. It's like talking about AIDS and then getting pissed because somebody didn't say "homosexual AIDS." Its the same shit.
Just download the original or fan-translation.
>the definition of censorship in the dictionary is conveniently false for the sake of my argument
t. Sup Forumsumblr
How can a company censor their own product? That's about the most ridiculous claim I've ever heard. They can do whatever they feel is best for their business. If they think scantily-clad minors hurts their bottom-line in some Western countries, why shouldn't they change it?
only cucks let their media be compromised by other peoples feely weelies. tldrkysretard
>i'm a retard and cant distinguish between 'free speech' issue and 'censorship' issue
i'm surprised there's no frog attached to your drivel
Japs aren't my media. They've been the enemy for more than 70 years and certainly won't stop now.
The censorship issue is part of the free speech one, retard.
They're mine, and I won't stand for dumb Americucks still mad about Pearl Harbor butchering games for all the world to "enjoy".
Porn in this day in age is a loose term though. Just like so many other words today, it's been watered down to meaning basically anything anyone wants. Or more correctly to mean anything women wants, aka, everything with tits and butts that don't adhere to their specific standard. Also while porn, like anything, can be damaging when "over-used", it's better that people get an outlet at home than them going out and violating other people. Especially with how mentally unstable people are today.
>There is literally nothing wrong with censoring
Yes, it is. You sound like the fucking book burning Germans.
Also. Literally, literally, literally, literally, literally, literally, literally, literally. Then did "literally" become the new verbal tic like "Seriously" or "Like"?
>x country can't handle the grown ups version of the game
>lets shit out an E for Everyone version because our game is just a product at the end of the day
as a result, more mindless games for more mindless consumers. the industries is overrun by anti-consumer bullshit because anyone who talks about bang for buck gets called an entitled gamer unironically.
and I'm not just talking about tits and ass, there have been plenty of embarrassing violence bans and censors in the past. now with diversity and sexism thrown into the mix nothing is sacred.
Many consider things that alters the original vision without the original visionary being the main source of the change as censorship. If you want to make something and you are allowed to but Germany doesn't like it, you need to CENSOR it if you want it sold there. It's an alteration without you being the main source of the alteration.
>If they think scantily-clad minors hurts their bottom-line in some Western countries
Minors in the US maybe. "Minors" isn't universal in the west. Also it doesn't hurt the bottom-line because people crying foul about it wasn't going to buy the product in the first place, and people wanting the original product are pissed off that they their will be paying the same amount for less/butchered product and therefore don't buy it at all. And even IF the people crying foul was going to buy it they still won't buy it even if they censor it because the developers "crossed the line" making them unwilling to support them.
>And even IF the people crying foul was going to buy it they still won't buy it even if they censor it because the developers "crossed the line" making them unwilling to support them.
Judging by random posts on the Internet there are people who will buy it anyway. They probably make up a very tiny portion of the audience.