Korean Dev

>has tons of talented vidya dev(in terms of technical kinds of stuff)
>none of them make an actual game
>dead set on making next big hit MMO games
>all those talents died in oversaturated market

what a tragic

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Korea is more or less a hub for ideas rather than a birthplace for them. In SK capitalism is paramount and following trends is secondary. Creating new IPs doesn't even rank.

it's okay, best korea will end their suffering soon

>north korea
>doing anything besides making threats

>has tons of talented vidya dev(in terms of technical kinds of stuff)

>has tons of talented vidya dev(in terms of technical kinds of stuff)
Nigger, all their games look like quake 3 mod trash and the ones that are don't - run like trash instead, Lineage 2 is still one of the least optimized games out there despite the fact that it's almost 15 years old. They have some decent asset artists here and there but that doesn't elevate them being shit at netcoding and optimizing their games. BDO, which is one of the better looking games that runs on their own proprietary engine is almost impossible to max, unless you have top end videocard, not to mention the game has some instane streaming and lod issues. Good luck playing the game on anything lower than nearly maxed, because you would end up with assets popping in 2 meters away from your character.

>talented vidya dev

Cool post, bra

gookaboos need to be gassed

Devs need sponsors to afford a game. And sponsors don't want to take risk on venture and only want to put safe bet on generic MMO. Korean devs actually have good amount of fresh ideas coming out on meeting but never be able to make it outside of a paper. It's a sad truth.

South Koreans know how to make good looking games.

But they're shit at making a game though.