Huey honestly didn't do anything wrong, it was Snake who was the real murderer, he should've been on that boat

Huey honestly didn't do anything wrong, it was Snake who was the real murderer, he should've been on that boat.

Other urls found in this thread:

Mercy killing isn't the same as murder, Huey, you backstabbing faggot. And before you say it, D-Dog is only PART wolf.

Back in the Boat, Huey.

Huey literally did everything wrong. Sold out MSF, built Sahelanthropus, didn't tell anyone about OKB Zero till the last minute, lied about killing Strangelove, helped the kids fix and hijack Sahelanthropus, put the radiation emitter on the quarantine platform that mutated the parasites, and had it got to land through the carrion birds would have killed everyone on the planet.

Man, fuck Huey

Shut the fuck up and go drown, Huey
He also had the nerve to blame Snake.

He's right though Snake (The Real Big Boss) did fuck up big time, and no one had the balls to call him out for it. Even Kaz turns on him after dickriding for so long.

>killed Strangelove in a fit of autistic rage

He didn't suffer enough

He gets what's coming to him. Even if he a shit about it trying to take EE with him.

>Murdered Strangelove before she could implement ethical constraints for the Patriots' AI network


He was cucked to death, so there is that.


Huey's writing in MGS V is brilliant.
I didn't even think it was possible to make someone so unlikable that you're happy they got cucked by their son and killed themself.

It was pretty awful actually.

>Huey in PW is a decent dude.
>In V he turned into a cunt out of nowhere.

Damn it Kojima.

Even better was that he was a prick with just enough of a veneer of logic that you give him the benefit of the doubt for a while.

>Didn't play 2

It's like real life, faggot.
Assholes sometimes hide their true nature really well.

Huey was just as delusional as Snake

Was he really acting maliciously or was he just so delusional that he honestly didn't see how he was fucking up? Couldn't tell if it was an act or legit ignornance

>like real life

Hackojima fans really need to face up when he makes stupid decisions.

At least he wasn't as bad as Quiet.

Huey was easy on the eyes as well.

I still think that big twist with fake boss is garbage and Kojima is a hack.

As delusional as it gets, which is why it's funny.

>Thinks himself to be in the heavens above DD yet almost creates a huge virus epidemic
>Blames someone else for the whole debacle

It's really all just brought together on his comment about the fucking wolf.

>Oh you people can't even SEE that it's a WOLF I mean COME ON wolves are DUMB do you not see how I am far above any of you? Gosh.

Nice reading comprehension, retard.

What's wrong with Quitet?
>Huey was easy on the eyes as well.
nevermind you're just another redditard cuckold please go back to where you came from

Quiet fags are the worst. They ruin Quiet.

Quiet, you.

>What's wrong with Quitet?
Weak minded
Tries to kill you 3 times
Let's a crush obstruct her vengeance.

Quiet ruined herself, oh and the Soviets helped out.