Is Super Mario 64 the first 3D game ever made? I honestly can't think of anything that did 3D before it.
Is Super Mario 64 the first 3D game ever made? I honestly can't think of anything that did 3D before it
i dunno look it up nerd
Depends on how you define "3D".
Star Fox and others you fucking retard.
well a lot of other games, like virtua (X)
Battlezone m8
Sonic Mania
No, the first 3D platformer was Alpha Waves.
>But Sprites!
Depends on how you define 3D. It was the first to have a controllable camera though.
Doom isn't 3D you retard.
3d games have existed since the 80s
There was Vortex and Starfox 2 for the snes and a slew of other games I'm not going to bother looking up.
>Then they made OoT which everyone also copied.
what did he mean by this
>Anyone who makes 3D games who says they've not borrowed something from Mario or Zelda [on the Nintendo 64] is lying
There you go. Fuck off.
They didn't borrow anything from Zelda. Perhaps you're implying being inspired by something is taking from it?
You were right about Mario's camera but OOT didn't lend anything to other devs.
Except everyone does. If you don't you made a game that can't even function properly. SM64 and OoT made 3D gaming what it is.
I, Robot in 1983 was the first drawn and shaded polygonal game.
Holy fuckin shit LMAO
>Then they made OoT which everyone also copied.
Fuck you
OoT copied Megaman Legends and Tomb Raider you history revisionist piece of shit
Are you 12 or just retarded?
2.5D, dumb nigger
are you fucking retarded?
starfox 2 was never released and how could you name starfox 2 with out naming the original first? not to mention its not the first 3d games. you guys are some big time under age faggots.
I assumed he was talking about 3D games where you're on the walk around and jump ground like in mario 64.
Donkey Kong Country
Virtua Racing on Arcades 4 years prior to Super Mario 64 coming out
Those games sucked and didn't even have the things everyone copied in OoT. I get you kids don't know any of this because you weren't there but critics praised OoT for a reason, not TR or fucking Mega-Man which was just dog-shit.
Definitely not the first 3D game whatsoever, but it's the first one to show everybody just how smooth and open the player's movements need to be in order to make it an enjoyable experience. Also showed that you needed analog controls too, which is where Sony came up with having two sticks instead of one for both movement and camera.
I wonder if the guy(s?) who made CUBE knew about this game at the time
>Nintendo showed how important freedom and smoothness in player movements is with Mario 64
>later Mario games regress in movement options and eventually brought back a fucking run button, on top of making movement eight way with fixed camera
Thank god Odyssey's doing away with that shit.
>Those games sucked
Except they didn't and they were very well recieved
>didn't even have the things everyone copied in OoT
Megaman Legends had Z-Targeting and OoT stole it
Deal with it you pathetic nint0ddler your precious favorite game isn't revolutionary at all and it's just a myth created by nint0ddler game journalists at the time
You 64fags are so stupid
64's controls haven't aged well compared to the later games at all
>Megaman Legends had Z-Targeting
Not this shit again. I can't believe people still believe this. It also doesn't change the fact Zelda did many other things which TONS of games use, including the button thing. It's impossible not copying Zelda & Mario if you make a 3D game.
>Depends on how you define "3D".
I definite it as a 3D platformer developed by Nintendo starring Mario.
That's because all of them after Sunshine shifted away from movement prioritization to level refinement, and thus a restriction on what the player is actually able to do in order to ensure they follow the path set out for them. It's funny because that's how 2D Marios worked, you had very limited options and were at the mercy of what the level laid out for you.
I'm guessing with Odyssey they decided to return Mario's expanded movelist in order to service the new open-ended worlds
It definitely did have Z-Targeting
Don't put Mario and Zelda on the same sentence. Mario 64 influenced a ton of shit but OoT didn't influence shit and it's just a myth created by nintenbabbies
Well, Dan Houser disagrees with and so does everyone else.
>That's because all of them after Sunshine shifted away from movement prioritization to level refinement, and thus a restriction on what the player is actually able to do in order to ensure they follow the path set out for them. It's funny because that's how 2D Marios worked, you had very limited options and were at the mercy of what the level laid out for you.
Which is why 3D Mario games just got better and better
Odyssey is a step back in many ways
>Dan Houser
Who the fuck cares?
>everyone else
Who is this everyone else? Nint0ddlers like you?
Because anyone who actually knows shit about video games knows that the whole "Oh OoT is so influential" stuff is a bunch of bullshit
>Who is this everyone else
Critics, gamers, history.
MML had a lock on with no strafe.
MML2 had Z-targeting.
You can always tell the underage kiddies on this board.
>N-Nintendo didn't innovate anything! It was all done before!
See, Mario 64 wasn't innovative and groundbreaking because it was a 3D platformer. It was innovative and groundbreaking because of it's game design.
Before Mario 64, devs were trying fruitlessly to turn the 2D platform template into 3D - make it to the goal, advance to the next level.
Nintendo blew that nonsense out of the water by making the game centre around a hub world - with the levels branching off from it. The levels would have to be played multiple times with different objectives.
The benefits of this design include:
- Hightened sense of immersion
- smaller number of levels allows the designers to create more intricate, interesting and memorable environments.
- the player is encouraged to explore and be rewarded with discovery
- player progression is gated on the player's own terms, by their own personal skill level rather than frustrating difficulty walls.
Most of this seems like the excepted norm now, but that only because almost every single 3D platformer since has copied Nintendo's design.
Virtua Fighter came out 3 years before.
Having played Mario 64 online recently, you're full of shit. Mario still handles great.
no but super mario 64 sort of created a blueprint how to handle controls and camera in a 3D space.
This desu. Millennials can't into GAME DESIGN.
Quake then
Magic Carpet you underage fucks
>64's controls haven't aged well
i really hope this is bait
OP is either retarded or baiting. 3D gaming has been around for decades. Mario 64 isn't reknowned because it's 3D. This guys gets it
Boy howdy is that game confusing. It came with a bunch of other games bundled with my pc and no box or guidebook. I used to just fly around looking for something to kill me.
Alpha Waves, user
You are a fucking retarded underage baby if you think OoT isn't one of the most influential games of all time.
Every single third person action or adventure game in the past 20 years owes something to OoT. Whether it be lock-on toggle targeting, 3D weapon-based combat, 3D puzzle design, or just the basics of how to build an immersive 3D world.
3D melee combat and Z-targetting is prime candidates.
Inventory is another, because its done in a rare way.
>Copying Tomb Raider
Nah. Tomb Raider is one of the more influential games, in terms of how tank climbing movement and third person camera.
But OOTS camera is nothing like Tomb Raider.
Just like Tomb Raiders camera is nothing like Mario64.
There was also Jumping Flash: one year before both SM64 and Quake
wacky racers on snes
actually that's not what it was called. it was something else. it was a racing game and it was 3D though.
i just googled '3d racing snes game' and found it
It's not even the first 3d console platformer
>Deal with it you pathetic nint0ddler your precious favorite game isn't revolutionary at all and it's just a myth created by nint0ddler game journalists at the time
I'm actually jealous I'll never have my ass raped as hard as this faggot's.
i'm surprised no-one got it yet. it was actually Descent for non-illusionary 3D and truly 3D rendered in real time
What's the point of a lockon if you can't even move during it?
You can't move during lockon but you can lockon without moving
Is Horizon Zero Dawn the first game with a strong female lead ever made? I honestly can't think of anything that did strong female lead before it.
>Randomly buckle around the lands until Great Evil unburied itself so you can kill it
Pick one. Strong protags are rare.
get out underage
The first game to use 3D graphics was this